The Constitution was written in September 1787 but wasn’t ratified until the following year in 1788.The Constitution stands for everything men before.

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2 The Constitution was written in September 1787 but wasn’t ratified until the following year in 1788.The Constitution stands for everything men before us have fought for and was set up for the well being of the economy. The Constitution wasn’t made to make everyone follow one mans orders it was made so that there would be order and obedience vs. complete chaos, anarchy and rebellion.

3 The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights addressed any and all constitutional issues our country has had. It gives we the people, rights as human beings not just as Americans. Rights to bear arms, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, so on and so fourth. These rights that were established were part of a plan, a plan that would make this country strong, prosperous, and healthy. The bill of rights was added into the constitution because some political figures considered the possibility of a dictatorship by the central government.

4 The Preamble of the Constitution is the reason why. The main point and reason why the Constitution benefits the people, that’s what it really comes down to the people because without no people there is no government. Now in the Constitutions Preamble it States that, “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Now this just basically means that in order to be wealthy and strong then we must come together as one united country.

5 Many people contributed to the creation of the Constitution but some names that stand out more then others are James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Thomas Paine. These men are nothing shy of politically powerful they all earned the right to put their in advice to run this country. The Man who actually “wrote” the Constitution was a man named Gouverneur Morris of Pennsylvania he was a calligrapher and was in charge of scripting the final draft of Constitution. James Madison Thomas JeffersonJohn Adams

6 The Louisiana purchase was a smart move by Napoleon, he was trying to cut off the expansion of young America by taking back on of the main ports in the area. So the French signed a secret treaty of Ildefonso with Spain and everything looked as thought it would go smoothly. Until the 12 year revolt succeeded and back fired on Napoleon forcing him to retreat defeated. This kept France from defending Louisiana from America. America then reclaimed one of there min sea ports.


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