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Helping to bring technology to life in Further Education

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1 Helping to bring technology to life in Further Education

2 Presentation Overview
Demonstrate why FE can be a good sector for new idea in technology Discuss the sales cycle in FE and look at what some of the challenges are Look at a new model in EdTech sales that could deliver significant time & cost savings Provide case studies to show how effective and efficient this new model could be Discuss why Tech Stories experience could be well placed to play a role in establishing this kind of model Slide Summary: I will highlight the external and internal challenges with edtech sales today and will go on to suggest a new model and process that could be of significant benefit to the FE college and their suppliers. OH By the way: Transition: Purpose of Slide: Key Primary Point: Audience Should feel:

3 “No one ever got fired for going with IBM”
About the FE Sector 407 Further Education Colleges £6.6 Billion Budget Close knit community - Allows word of mouth about new ideas & good suppliers to spread A £3k service at 200 colleges = £600k Slide Summary: FE can be a good early market for new tech start ups... After all this is where a small company called Facebook started. OH By the way: Facebook grew one college at a time Transition: This sector can be a risk adverse, conservative group. Purpose of Slide: Educate Audience about possibilities Key Primary Point: FE could be a good market for start ups Audience Should feel: What a great opportunity Other (Props etc): “No one ever got fired for going with IBM”

4 Technology in FE – Too Much Choice?
Which Area of Education? Education Specialists Main Stream High Growth Start Ups US Institutions UK Schools UK Further Ed UK Universities Disparity between exhibitors at edu events and the most used tools in the Classroom. Difference appear to be that services are either free and/or they enjoy growth through word of mouth. Slide Summary: There are so many new developments in technology that it can be difficult to know what will be successful or which company will be the market leader OH By the way: According to BIS, there are 270,000 new start ups per annum in the UK ( and 6.5 million in the US (Kauffman Index) Transition: This can lead to some heated debates about the choice & use of technology at the college, but the products that get bought are also the ones that are developed in collaboration with the sector Purpose of Slide: Demonstrate the # of tech suppliers Key Primary Point: There are a lot of tech suppliers vying for FE Colleges attention and business Audience Should feel: Agreement in the variety and complexity of choice . 1,268 edu Suppliers 42 of Top 100 edu tools 4-5 Years before SM was adopted Good products get bought... They don’t need to be sold!

5 Technology in FE – Different Perspectives
Technology in FE – Different Perspectives? Innovators & Visionaries Vs Skeptics & Laggards When discussing any emerging new technology, there are “early adopter” proponents as well as those that are more cautious about the latest technology. Moore’s Competitive Positioning Compass “What difference has all this technology made to teaching, learning or exam results?” “We’re going to use these tools anyway, we may as well get an understanding of them sooner rather than later” Slide Summary: OH By the way: Transition: Purpose of Slide: Key Primary Point: Audience Should feel: “We can end up spending as much time debating views on technology in general than on the specifics of what the new technology will do once it’s in the classroom” Tech Story

6 Typical FE Sales Cycle Identify/Recruit Edu specialist
Cost/Time: 4-6 wks Source College Contacts Cost/Time: 1 wk Identify Decision Makers Cost/Time: 4-6 wks Introduction to Key influencers Cost/Time: 12 wks Initial Meeting May include prospects who are: Making up numbers for quote Not the decision makers General interest Conservative and risk averse Initial phone pitch Cost/Time: 2-4 wks Total New Customer Acquisition Cost Time: 35 wks Cost: £30k Summary: It can be a 6-12 month cycle to get sales in this sector OH by the way: Once you have clients they are very loyal... Good opportunity for product innovation/”up selling” and intros to uni & school partners Transition: While you are trying to engage with this sector... You’re not the only one/alone Purpose of Slide: Complex Sector Key Primary Point: This sector requires a costly time investment Audience should feel: Confused and overwhelmed Other (Props etc): Attend FE/Edu Conferences Cost/Time: £10k Follow Up Meeting Cost/Time: £5k Internal College Due Diligence Cost/Time: 12 wks Initial Meeting Cost/Time: £7k

7 Tech Stories Potential FE Sales Cycle
1,200 Edu Suppliers Main Stream Suppliers Other Start Ups Identify/Recruit Edu specialist Cost/Time: 4-6 wks Source College Contacts Cost/Time: 1 wk College Costs Supplier Costs Identify Decision Makers Cost/Time: 4-6 wks Sales Calls Cost/Time: 12 wks Introduction to Key influencers Cost/Time: 12 wks Initial Meeting May include prospects who are: Making up numbers for quote Not the decision makers General interest Conservative and risk averse Follow Up Enquiries Cost/Time: 2-4 wks Initial phone pitch Cost/Time: 2-4 wks Cost of sales calls to the college Time: 35 wks Cost: £30k Cost of sales calls to the college Time Saved: 35 wks Cost Savings: £30k Total New Customer Acquisition Cost Time Saved: 35 wks Cost Savings: £30k Total New Customer Acquisition Cost Time: 35 wks Cost: £30k Summary: It can be a 6-12 month cycle to get sales in this sector OH by the way: Once you have clients they are very loyal... Good opportunity for product innovation/”up selling” and intros to uni & school partners Transition: While you are trying to engage with this sector... You’re not the only one/alone Purpose of Slide: Complex Sector Key Primary Point: This sector requires a costly time investment Audience should feel: Confused and overwhelmed Other (Props etc): Attend FE/Edu Conferences Cost/Time: £10k Conference Enquiries Cost/Time: 1 wk Follow Up Meeting Supplier: £5k College: 1 wk Internal College Due Diligence Cost/Time: 4 wks Internal College Due Diligence Cost/Time: 12 wks Initial Meeting Cost/Time: 1 wk Initial Meeting Cost/Time: £7k

8 Technology Adoption Life Cycle
Supporters Product Visionaries Laggards – Whole Product Support Crossing the Chasm Specialist Generalist Slide Summary: The various viewpoints on technology in education are all valid and have value, but suppliers need to be careful in who they partner with when starting out in a new sector OH By the way: Neither group seems to like sales people... I find the examples of Netscape and Xerox Parc useful with this. Both companies have great products but suffered as result of not valuing the role that sales evangelists can have Transition: Let’s take a look at the impact that each group has had with with new technology in FE Purpose of Slide: To demonstrate the role different groups play in the development of technology Key Primary Point: There is a process to technology sales which, when understood, could benefit the sector Audience Should feel: Innovators & Visionaries Vs Skeptics & laggards Innovators – The first people to adopt new technology because the appreciate technology for its own sake Visionaries – Have the insight to match an emerging technology to a strategic opportunity, driven by a business goal... not a technology one Early Majority (Pragmatists) – Learned the hard way that the “leading edge” is often the “bleeding edge” want to see incremental, measurable and predictable progress... Not big risk taking strategies Conservatives (Late majority) – are against discontinous innovations, they beleive in tradition (often fear high tech a little bit) Laggards (Skeptics) – Of the billions invested in tech it has not really improved exam results. Primary function of tech marketing is to neutralise their influence so they don’t block the sale. If marketers don’t take responsibility of the “whole product solution”, they give the skeptic an opening to block the sale Technology Enthusiasts Pragmatist Skeptic

9 Examples of Technology Adoption in FE
Date Established: Feb Feb March 2006 At least 368 Colleges use these sites today At least 232 Colleges have links to them on the college homepage Initially most colleges blocked these sites Slide Summary: Social Media provides a good example of the technology adoption cycle in FE. It took 4-6 years to get rolled out across the sector. OH By the way: I wonder how long it will take for colleges to use new resources like Edmondo Transition: Twitter has been around since 2006 but the first UK College account that we could find was opened in 2008 (?), the latest was in And we can imagine the debates that took place as colleges carried out their due diligence Purpose of Slide: To show consequences/results of innovative & conservative discussions Key Primary Point: To demonstrate the technology adoption life cycle in context of FE Audience Should feel:

10 A New Tech Sales Model for FE
We believe there is a model that could reward the early adopters and, at the same time, aid the decision making process of colleges that prefer “whole product solutions” We aim to make it easier for suppliers to connect with the early adopters in a more welcome and efficient way. Supporters Revenues & Profits Strategic Partners Top Tier Customers Full Product Line Business Press Coverage Financial Analyst Endorsements Benchmarks Product Reviews Design Wins Initial Sales Volume Visionary Endorsements Product Company Slide Summary: We will help suppliers identify that tech enthusiasts & innovators quicker to enable huge cost savings and allow the sector to assess any new services. OH By the way: Transition: By understanding the “Technology Adoption Life Cycle” we can help identify new services that would be suitable for FE as well as to help new suppliers to “Cross the Chasm” Purpose of Slide: Demonstrate the benefit of Tech Market segmentation Key Primary Point: To highlight the most effective process for technology sales and the initial group to target Audience Should feel: Educated? Specialist Generalist Technology Market Market Share Third Party Support Standards Certification Application Proliferation Vertical Press Coverage Industry Analyst Endorsements Architecture Schematics Demos Trial Technology Press Coverage Guru Endorsements Skeptic

11 The Chasm New FE Tech 138 Colleges 138 Colleges 10 55 Colleges
Learned the hard way that the “leading edge” is often the “bleeding edge” Against discontinuous innovations, believe in traditional methods Match emerging technology with strategic business opportunity How has technology improved exam results? Need to neutralise their influence so they don’t block the sale. Adopt new technology because they appreciate technology for its own sake Summary: There are a lot of other companies in FE who are trying to engage the early adopters and the laggards Oh by the Way: Most of the companies that attend the education conferences are not the ones that are most used in the classroom Transition: Most companies that end up in the chasm are ones that operate in other sectors. Within the college if early adopters are discouraged from exploring emerging technology can be as frustrating as the late majority/laggard group spending money on tech too early. Purpose of Slide: Demonstrate sector knowledge Key primary point: There is a process and effective way to engage this group Audience should feel: Reassured by expertise Other (Props etc): Slide Summary: This is how emerging technology gains traction in any given sector and the make up of each group OH By the way: Given the cost of textbooks, E-readers should be an ideal cost saving solution to education and have been around since years...and counting... Transition: It can take 12 months+ for a new supplier to find the early market in FE, which has direct and indirect cost implications to FE Purpose of Slide: To highlight the tech sales process Key Primary Point: That there is a process to tech sales Audience Should feel: “Ah ha, that makes sense (and is very clever!)” The Chasm 138 Colleges 138 Colleges 10 55 Colleges 65 Colleges Laggards (16%) Innovators (2.5%) Early Majority (34%) Late Majority (34%) Early Adopters (13.5%)

12 Tech Stories Potential FE Sales Cycle
Identify/Recruit Edu specialist Cost/Time: 4-6 wks Source College Contacts Cost/Time: 1 wk 1,200 Suppliers with a £3k service would be £3.6m at 1 college. 1,200 suppliers at 407 colleges = £1.5bn 65 £3,000 = £195k 200 £2,000 = £400k Working with early adopters in this sector would make solutions more bespoke and facilitate growth Identify Decision Makers Cost/Time: 4-6 wks Introduction to Key influencers Cost/Time: 12 wks Initial phone pitch Cost/Time: 2-4 wks Total New Customer Acquisition Cost Time: 35 wks Cost: £30k Total New Customer Acquisition Cost Time Saved: 35 wks Cost Savings: £30k Summary: It can be a 6-12 month cycle to get sales in this sector OH by the way: Once you have clients they are very loyal... Good opportunity for product innovation/”up selling” and intros to uni & school partners Transition: While you are trying to engage with this sector... You’re not the only one/alone Purpose of Slide: Complex Sector Key Primary Point: This sector requires a costly time investment Audience should feel: Confused and overwhelmed Other (Props etc): Attend FE/Edu Conferences Cost/Time: £10k Follow Up Meeting Cost/Time: £5k Internal College Due Diligence Cost/Time: 12 wks Initial Meeting Cost/Time: £7k

13 Market Research – Pilot Project
A result of Twitter in FE Report was that I was if I’d like to contribute to a Social Media Risk Report that CrowdControlHQ was putting together for Further Education Sent this report out to FE contacts Asked if colleges would like to be involved with a pilot 55 Colleges expressed an interest Time & cost savings enabled CrowdControlHQ to offer a 75% discount to “Innovators and early adopters” Summary: Oh by the way: Transition: Purpose of slide: Key Primary point: Audience should feel: Other (Props etc):

14 Market Research - Customer Validation
Given that the Further Education is a small tight knit community, customer validation is key to engaging with the sector Yes A survey was sent out to people who had requested my reports 46 Colleges provided some input The feedback was extremely positive Yes Yes Summary: Customer validation is absolutely key to finding win-win situations and ROI for all stakeholders. This is something that we are 100% committed to. Oh by the way: I will only work with companies that I can see the value in. Transition: Results like the ones from the CrowdControlHQ pilot took me 12 months to acheive!! Purpose of slide: Tech Stories are results orientated Key Primary point: This is an approach that all parties could benefit from Audience should feel: Impressed Other (Props etc): Summary of survey Yes Yes

15 Tech Stories – Background
12 Years experience in Higher & Further Education Achieved 50% market share in 3 years Helped get project recognised & recommended by Association of FE Student Services Healthy College Scheme Learning Skills Improvement Service Tied our solution into government policy – ECM, NI Healthy Colleges, Ofsted Established on of the first UK pilots based on “social norms” Successful handover by training team of 6 in newly established London office Generated over £2 million over 3 years for a company with annual turnover of £1 million. Summary: I’ve spent 12 years liaising between techs and educators to find ways to make sure our solutions are fit for purpose. OH by the way: The longest period from meeting to booking was... Transition: When I was wrapping this project up in 2009 I realised that sales methods were changing Purpose of Slide: To demonstrate experience Key Primary Point: Tech Stories know how to get results in this sector Audience should feel: Impressed? In safe hands? Other (Props etc):

16 Tech Stories – In-Bound, Permission Based
In 2009 understood there was a shift from out bound sales calls to in-bound marketing Explored social media and concepts of in bound marketing Collaborated with industry experts to share my findings with the FE sector Twitter in Further Education Tech Story Business Development Ideas for FE “i-Don’t Smoke” Intro to Social Norms Culture in Education Summary: Through exploring inbound marketing I have become a trusted voice in the sector OH by the way: My next report will be based on Tech Sales in FE/Mobile/You Tube/Facebook Transition: These reports have helped to grow the # of followers I have across a number of platforms Purpose of slide: To highlight ethical sales Key Primary point: A trusted voice in this sector Audience should feel: Other (Props etc):

17 Tech Stories – Social Media Followers
Job Title # Principals 375 SMT PA’s 139 Marketing 284 Bus Dev 98 Vice Principals 184 IT 78 Student Services 183 Other 178 Summary: Here is a summary of the kind of people in FE who follow us in some way and some screen grabs from our social media channels. OH by the way: We don’t believe in opening a channel until we have a good understanding of it Transition: It’s one thing to have lots of followers... Its another thing for people to be engaged with what you are saying (Joel Comm comment) Purpose of slide: To show the strong following we have within the FE sector Key Primary point: To add weight to our in bound marketing credentials Audience should feel: Other (Props etc):

18 Summary FE Colleges can be a good sector for start ups with a strong value proposition However internal and external factors it can make it a complex and time consuming sales process Working with Tech Stories could help identify the crucial early adopter market and reduce the sales cycle Tech Stories is committed to in-bound, permission based sales & marketing practices

19 The Chasm New FE Tech 138 Colleges 138 Colleges 10 55 Colleges
Learned the hard way that the “leading edge” is often the “bleeding edge” Against discontinuous innovations, believe in traditional methods Match emerging technology with strategic business opportunity How has technology improved exam results? Need to neutralise their influence so they don’t block the sale. Adopt new technology because they appreciate technology for its own sake The Chasm 138 Colleges 138 Colleges 10 55 Colleges 65 Colleges Laggards (16%) Innovators (2.5%) Early Majority (34%) Late Majority (34%) Early Adopters (13.5%)

20 The Competition Inefficencies Economies of Scale Internal employees Employee churn The Chasm Waste Cost free Larger Markets Help small tech companies to apply the kind of sales principles and approaches that Microsoft, Google & Apple use

21 Tech Stories Potential FE Sales Cycle
Identify/Recruit Edu specialist Cost/Time: 4-6 wks 1,200 Edu Suppliers Main Stream Suppliers Other Start Ups Source College Contacts Cost/Time: 1 wk Supplier Costs College Costs Identify Decision Makers Cost/Time: 4-6 wks Introduction to Key influencers Cost/Time: 12 wks Sales Calls Cost/Time: 12 wks Initial phone pitch Cost/Time: 2-4 wks Follow Up Enquiries Cost/Time: 2-4 wks Total New Customer Acquisition Cost Time Saved: 35 wks Cost Savings: £30k Cost of sales calls to the college Time Saved: 35 wks Cost Savings: £30k Cost of sales calls to the college Time: 35 wks Cost: £30k Summary: It can be a 6-12 month cycle to get sales in this sector OH by the way: Once you have clients they are very loyal... Good opportunity for product innovation/”up selling” and intros to uni & school partners Transition: While you are trying to engage with this sector... You’re not the only one/alone Purpose of Slide: Complex Sector Key Primary Point: This sector requires a costly time investment Audience should feel: Confused and overwhelmed Other (Props etc): Attend FE/Edu Conferences Cost/Time: £10k Conference Enquiries Cost/Time: 1 wk Follow Up Meeting Supplier: £5k College: 1 wk Internal College Due Diligence Cost/Time: 12 wks Internal College Due Diligence Cost/Time: 4 wks Initial Meeting Cost/Time: £7k Initial Meeting Cost/Time: 1 wk

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