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CANDU and AECL Professional Engineers Ontario May 21 st, 2009 Joe Howieson Regional Vice-President Marketing and Business Development.

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Presentation on theme: "CANDU and AECL Professional Engineers Ontario May 21 st, 2009 Joe Howieson Regional Vice-President Marketing and Business Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 CANDU and AECL Professional Engineers Ontario May 21 st, 2009 Joe Howieson Regional Vice-President Marketing and Business Development

2 2 Need for New Nuclear is here Electricity is fundamental to our lifestyle and economic growth Nuclear is clean, safe, reliable and economical for base load electricity production Climate change due to global warming has led to a sea- change increase in public support

3 3 Canadian Nuclear Industry Canada has been a nuclear industry leader since 1940’s – Exported seven CANDU reactors in the past 12 years – World’s largest exporter of isotopes & uranium $5 billion/year industry – 30,000 workers, 150 companies 20 CANDU reactors in Canada – Over 50% of generation in Ontario is nuclear – 17% of generation across Canada is nuclear Bruce, ON Pt. Lepreau, NB Pt. Lepreau, NB Pickering, ON Darlington, N

4 4 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Global Nuclear Technology Company Established in 1952 by Government of Canada More than 5000 employees mainly at Mississauga and Chalk River, Ontario Our Business CANDU Reactor Sales and Services Research & Development Nuclear Waste Management Medical Isotope Production

5 5 CANDU among top Canadian inventions CANDU – “One of Canada’s top ten engineering achievements of the past century” Canadian Engineering centennial, 1987

6 6 CANDU – An International Success Pickering, Canada Qinshan III, China Wolsong, S. Korea Romania - Cernavoda 2 units Ontario, Canada Darlington 4 units Pickering 8 units Bruce 8 units India 2 CANDU units 15 PHWR units, 3 units under construction China - Qinshan 2 units Quebec, Canada Gentilly 2 1 unit N.Brunswick, Canada Point Lepreau1 unit Argentina Embalse1 unit Pakistan KANUPP1 unit S.Korea – Wolsong 4 units

7 7 Nuclear Renaissance is here: 440 nuclear power plant units operating worldwide 30 nuclear power plant units under construction 200 plants planned or proposed What the future holds World Nuclear Association predicts that by 2030 there will be between 700 and 1500 nuclear plants worldwide

8 8 Nuclear is Clean  Complete life cycle leaves a small environmental footprint  Equivalent to taking 22 million cars off the road for one year (Canada only has 19 million cars on the road in total) 85% of Canada’s and 90% of the world’s primary energy comes from fossil fuels Only nuclear and hydro are large-scale, “zero-carbon” options

9 9 Typical CANDU Fuel Bundle Long Term Used Nuclear Fuel Management

10 10 Pool Storage of Used Fuel Six to ten years in pools to allow decrease in decay heat generation (from >30,000 W / bundle to ~5 W / bundle at 10 years) Total used fuel from all Canadian reactors produced so far would fit in a football field to the height of one player

11 11 CANDU Nuclear Fuel Management Program Federal Government formed the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) in 2002 Develop approach that is socially acceptable, environmentally responsible, technically sound and economically responsible NWMO asked Canadians outside the nuclear industry how to manage used fuel 3 years, 18,000 people, 500 specialists, 2500 Aboriginal, 120 public sessions Phased program recommended – used fuel is potential resource - Willing community for long term - Safely store on-site - 60 years to prepare deep geologic repository Funding program in place (annual contributions)

12 12 CANDU is Safe Continuously improving  CANDU Owners Group exchanges best practices  CANDU among safest in world (Senate Committee, 2002) Worldwide standards strictly enforced Not one single fatality from radiation in Canada Industrial safety better relative to manufacturing, real estate, finance sectors  US Bureau of Labor Statistics

13 13 CANDU Products CANDU 6/EC6 700 MW net output Natural uranium fuel Long track record 50 year lifetime Operating in five countries Evolutionary improvements ACR-1000 1085 MW net output Enriched U fuel (2.4%) New advanced design, basic design more than 60%  80 % specs from CANDU 6 60 year lifetime Improved operations & economics

14 14 Source: CANDU Owners Group CANDU Performance Excellence

15 15 CANDU 6: Delivery Performance Qinshan Construction

16 16 UnitResumedIn-ServiceStatus 119921996 Lifetime Cap. Factor 90% 220032007 In-service 2007 Oct 5 3 2009/10TBD Project financing in development 4 Cernavoda: Projects Completion 1 Outcome: highly satisfied customer 1 Cernavoda project halted in 1989 due to political reasons

17 17 AECL Nuclear Development Testing fuel bundles have been built (by GE Hitachi Nuclear in Peterborough) and heat tested at Chalk River

18 18 AECL Nuclear Development AECL is UNIQUE - many different and challenging skills areas - engineering design using latest design techniques, applied computer control, latest methods of safety analysis, robotics, human factors and working closely with manufacturers AECL has tremendous PROJECT DEPTH - opportunity to gain experience in the various stages of a project such as conceptual design, construction, and operations, including overseas assignments AECL is HIRING - 500 PEO now and more if Ontario selects CANDU - Right here in Mississauga

19 19 CANDU is the superior choice for new nuclear Unsurpassed project leadership Strong international partnerships and success High localization and technology transfer Advanced and evolutionary technology Full lifecycle service support

20 20 AECL & CANDU Made-in-Canada Success Stories

21 21 Resources AECL: CANDU Canada: CANDU Owners Group: Organization of CANDU Industries: Nuclear Waste Management Organization: Canadian Nuclear Association: Canadian Nuclear Society: Canadian Nuclear FAQ: CANTEACH: Women in Nuclear: Or, contact us directly: Sonja Galton 905-823-9060 Ext. 36191 Where can you find more information?

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