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Dr. Wilder.  94-142 gave students with disabilities the right to be educated in public schools – zero reject  Continuum of services must be available.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Wilder.  94-142 gave students with disabilities the right to be educated in public schools – zero reject  Continuum of services must be available."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Wilder

2  94-142 gave students with disabilities the right to be educated in public schools – zero reject  Continuum of services must be available for ESE students (OT, PT, counseling, SLT, bus, ESE)  Least restrictive environment (educated with non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate)  Inclusion with accommodations (RTI)  IEP required (IFSP and transition IEP)

3 Relative Isolation before 1973 Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act Integration 1975 Education for All Handicapped Children Act 94-142 Inclusion 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Empowerment and Self-Determination 1997 Reauthorization of IDEA Alignment with NCLB 2004 Reautorization of IDEIA

4  Autism  Communication Disorder (Speech /Language Impairment)  Deaf-blindness  Deafness  Developmental Delay (used for Early Intervention)  Emotional Disturbance  Hearing Impairment/Deafness  Mental Retardation  Multiple Disabilities  Orthopedic Impairment  Other health Impairment  Specific Learning Disabilities  Traumatic Brain Injury  Visual Impairment

5 1. Zero Reject 2. Nondiscriminatory Assessment 3. Free appropriate Public Education/IEP 4. Least Restrictive Environment 5. Procedural Safeguards/Due Process 6. Parent Participation

6  Pre-referral ◦ Regular education process ◦ Includes development and use of strategies, adaptions and accommodations that are implemented and measured for an individual student’s progress in the general curriculum ◦ A variety of strategies are tried  Regular education team or parent requests referral to special education

7  Evaluation is completed and reviewed with the IEP team  Team determines whether student is eligible for special education.  Eligibility signed by IEP team members including parent  If yes, parent is notified of an IEP meeting to develop goals and objectives based on student’s needs.  Team meets and completes the IEP with parent input.

8  IEP team meets to review current information and determine if initial evaluation for services under special education is needed.  Parent notification of team decision  If yes, IEP team meets to determine assessment components  Parent notification of team decision  Parent consent for initial evaluation

9  Educational placement is determined by IEP team  Parents sign consent for initial placement into Special Education  Special education staff implement IEP.

10  Parents  Regular Educators  Special Educators  Student  School administration-Local Education Agency (LEA)  Related service providers

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