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Image courtesy of: Ryder Architecture Limited Building Information Modeling Families and Parameters Slides are made based on Autodesk BIM Curriculum, Greenwold,

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Presentation on theme: "Image courtesy of: Ryder Architecture Limited Building Information Modeling Families and Parameters Slides are made based on Autodesk BIM Curriculum, Greenwold,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Image courtesy of: Ryder Architecture Limited Building Information Modeling Families and Parameters Slides are made based on Autodesk BIM Curriculum, Greenwold, S., and D. Driver. (2007), Building Information Modeling with Revit Architecture: Lecture Notes, Autodesk, Inc., with additional content created by Wei Yan, Texas A&M University.

2 The walls are almost configured properly. However, the horizontal insulation must be moved inside of the core in order to cut through the air space that shares it’s same priority level. Remember, insulation and air space share the same function ('s_Guide/2654-Tools_an2654/2908- Compound2908/2911-Applying2911) Review: Domain knowledge in BIM

3 Assumption here: insulation should cut through air space. Making it into Core, this cut-through will happen automatically in Revit. Another way to do this is to lower air space priority to 4, but it breaks the rule of the same function layers have the same priority. Core means core boundaries.

4 Working with Compound and Vertically Compound Walls Functions of Compound Wall Layers Structure (priority 1)Supports the remainder of the wall, floor, or roof. Substrate (priority 2)Consists of materials such as plywood or gypsum board, which act as a foundation for another layer made of the same material. Thermal/Air Layer (priority 3) Provides insulation and prevents air penetration. Membrane LayerPrevents water vapor penetration. The membrane layer should have zero thickness. It doesn’t need a priority. Finish 1 (priority 4)Used as the exterior layer. Finish 2 (priority 5)Used as the interior layer. Layer functions follow an order of precedence. A priority 1 layer has the highest priority and can pass through low priority layers before it is joined.

5 Working with Compound and Vertically Compound Walls Modifying Compound Walls  You modify compound walls to specify changes during the course of the design process.  You can modify the type, appearance, and properties of compound walls.  You can also change the orientation and modify the layer pattern display of a compound wall. Before and after flipping the orientation control Before and after changing coarse scale fill pattern

6 Working with Compound and Vertically Compound Walls Vertically Compound Walls (Stacked Walls)  A wall with non-uniform structure throughout its height is known as a vertically compound wall.  You can divide the layers of a vertically compound wall into vertical parts. Each part can be composed of a different material. 1.Protruding ledge at the top of the block 2.Three rows of brick inset from the main face of the wall 3.Row of brick standing vertically 4.Cap

7 More on Compound Structure: 08E47F82-BFA1-4CAB-B2EA-6C8DC9049AD8

8 Question: How to create a new family with multiple types?

9 Question: How to create a new family with multiple types? Create a new family with a type and duplicate the type to multiple types.

10 Experiment: Creating New Types in Family Run Revit - Load Family of Casement 3x3 with Trim, find it in Windows, edit family, add a type of 48"x48" to it, and save it to Families using a new name and new location Casement 3x3 with Trim - New. Try to open a new project and load the saved Family Casement 3x3 with Trim – New. Examine it.

11 Question: Can you add a window to a curtain wall? Why or why not? What assumptions does the software make?

12 Choosing Type Versus Instance Why are some parameters type parameters and some instance parameters? Type parameters are the ones that define the identity of a class of objects, and instance parameters are the ones that vary across specific individuals. Instance parameters tend to deal with context (extrinsic relationships, such as placement in a host), where type parameters tend to be intrinsic (self dimensions, for example).

13 The Role of the Family If type values are stored in a type and instance values are stored in an object, what exactly is the role of the family? The family defines what parameters exist, whether they are type or instance parameters. The family defines how the object renders itself into various views depending on its parameters.

14 The Role of the Family Family AFamily B Type Parameter 1 Type Parameter 2 Type Parameter 3 Instance Parameter 1 Instance Parameter 2 Instance Parameter 3

15 The Role of the Family It’s also about design thinking process: When architects think of doors, do they think of materials first or the geometry first? Normally geometry, for example, they draw double doors (family) on the floor plan first and then decide about its wood material (type) later. On the other hand, when we sketch a building, we draw “instances” directly, without thinking of “families” and “types”. This shows the difference between sketching and BIM modeling.

16 Nested Families A family may contain one or more other families as part of its definition. These are called nested families, and they are a powerful concept. Nested families allow aggregates of components to be treated as a single component. For example, a set of door hardware can be created as its own family and then used in many different door families. If a change is made to the door hardware, the change can be easily propagated into all the applicable door families by reloading the hardware family. The size of the book shelf can determine the size of the drawer, or parameters can pass from a family to its nested family.

17 Questions?

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