Chapter 6 Collaborative Activity Team 1– Cindy Listowski and Donnalee Washburn 4.Worksheet or puzzle generation lesson plan.

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1 Chapter 6 Collaborative Activity Team 1– Cindy Listowski and Donnalee Washburn 4.Worksheet or puzzle generation lesson plan

2 Weekly Spelling Lesson Second Grade Make flash cards of words to display in the classroom using word processing program. Introduce children to words on Monday using flash cards Display words where children can see them everyday ale ail heir air aunt

3 Weekly Spelling Lesson Second Grade Have the children do a practice Worksheet writing the spelling words three times each after they have been introduced. This work sheet can be made using Matchword© CD by Wright Group/McGraw-Hill.

4 Weekly Spelling Lesson Second Grade On the second day have the children unscramble the letters of these spelling words to practice how well they know them. This worksheet was made using Schoolhouse Technologies, Inc which is a free resource on the internet.

5 Answer Key to Vocabulary Challenge This program give you the option to print a master and a key with one click. You can also print a number of copies or just one and photocopy it.

6 Weekly Spelling Lesson Second Grade On day three have the children find the words in this word search made using Schoolhouse Technologies. On day four I usually have them write a story using the words or have them write the words in alphabetical order. On day five we have a test on the words.

7 Web site to find Schoolhouse Technologies products They have three FREE worksheet maker programs and several you can purchase.

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