Chapter 14 Psychological Disorders. Historical Perspectives of Psychological Disorders. Demon Possession Poor treatment of the mentally ill. Stigma Pyscho-dynamic.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14 Psychological Disorders. Historical Perspectives of Psychological Disorders. Demon Possession Poor treatment of the mentally ill. Stigma Pyscho-dynamic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14 Psychological Disorders

2 Historical Perspectives of Psychological Disorders. Demon Possession Poor treatment of the mentally ill. Stigma Pyscho-dynamic origins..

3 Psychological Disorders Def. behavior must be judged as atypical, disturbing, maladaptive, and unjustifiable –Atypical & Disturbing -varies across cultures –Maladaptive-defined as a behavior that causes –Unjustifiable-is behavior rational

4 Theories of the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Psychological Disorders Medieval Times-evil spirit Medical Perspective Medical Model

5 Current Theory Bio-psychosocial approach –Develop when a biological predisposition (diasthesis) is triggered by a stressful circumstance. –Biology, psychology and social risk factors all play a role in mental disorders.

6 Bio-Psycho-Social Perspective Biological-individuals genes, brain structure and chemistry. Socio-cultural-roles, expectations, and definitions of normality defined by the individuals culture. Psychological –stress, trauma, and mood related perceptions and memories

7 Classifying Psychological Disorders DSM IV-manual recognized by the APA as system for classifying disorders. Diagnostic Class

8 Problems with ”labeling” Psychological Disorders Rosenhan (1973) – Stanford Stigma Media Presentation

9 Mood Disorder Depression –Major Depressive Disorder –Dsythymia Bipolar Disorder

10 Causes of Mood Disorders Cognitive Psychologists Biological Psychologists Psychoanalytic Theorists

11 Anxiety Disorder Specific Phobia Social Phobia Agoraphobia Panic Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Anxiety Disorder Caused by Stressful Events –Acute Stress Disorder –Post traumatic Disorder

12 Causes of Anxiety Disorders Cognitive Psychologists Biological Perspective Psychoanalytic Theorists

13 Psychosomatic & Somatoform Disorder Psychosomatic Disorders Somatoform Disorders –Somatization disorder –Conversion disorder –Hypochodriasis –Body Dysmorphic

14 Causes of Somatoform Disorder Psychoanalytic Perspective Cognitive Behavioral Therapists

15 Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Amnesia Dissociative Fugue Dissociative Identity

16 Personality Disorder Schizoid personality disorder Paranoid personality disorder Dependent personality disorder Avoidant personality disorder Narcistic personality disorder Borderline personality disorder Antisocial personality disorder

17 Schizophrenia Disorganized thinking Disturbed Perceptions Inappropriate Emotions

18 Understanding Schizophrenia Causes –Brain abnormality –Brain anatomy –Genetic factors –Predisposition

19 Childhood Disorders Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder Autistic Disorder

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