Meal Planning. A good meal will: 1. Follow the American Dietary Guidelines 2. Follow My Plate 3. Maintain nutritional balance 4. Incorporate aesthetic.

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Presentation on theme: "Meal Planning. A good meal will: 1. Follow the American Dietary Guidelines 2. Follow My Plate 3. Maintain nutritional balance 4. Incorporate aesthetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meal Planning

2 A good meal will: 1. Follow the American Dietary Guidelines 2. Follow My Plate 3. Maintain nutritional balance 4. Incorporate aesthetic guidelines

3 American Dietary Guidelines 1. Eat nutrient dense foods 2. Maintain a healthy weight 3. Choose foods low in fat 4. Choose foods low in salt/sodium 5. Choose foods low in sugar 6. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains 7. Drink plenty of water

4 My Plate My Plate is a tool designed My Plate is a tool designed to help Americans visualize a healthy plate At every meal, your plate should consist of At every meal, your plate should consist of 20% fruits 20% fruits 30% vegetables 30% vegetables 30% grains 30% grains 20% protein 20% protein 1 cup dairy 1 cup dairy

5 Fruit and Vegetable Group What are the recommendations? What are the recommendations? Use a variety Use a variety Raw or cooked Raw or cooked Crisp or soft textures Crisp or soft textures Strong or sweet flavor Strong or sweet flavor Brightens a meal with color Brightens a meal with color Vegetables used in salads, casseroles, stews, soups Vegetables used in salads, casseroles, stews, soups Fruits used in juices, raw, desserts Fruits used in juices, raw, desserts

6 Grain Group What are the recommendations? What are the recommendations? Breakfast Breakfast Toast, muffins, pancakes or grits Toast, muffins, pancakes or grits Cereal; cooked or ready to eat Cereal; cooked or ready to eat Lunch and Dinner Lunch and Dinner Macaroni, spaghetti, noodles, rice Macaroni, spaghetti, noodles, rice Breads, rolls, biscuits Breads, rolls, biscuits

7 Proteins Group What are the recommendations? What are the recommendations? Usually appear as the main dish Usually appear as the main dish Meat found in soups, stews, casseroles or sandwiches. Meat found in soups, stews, casseroles or sandwiches. Eggs used in custards and baked goods count as well. Eggs used in custards and baked goods count as well.

8 Dairy Group What are the recommendations? What are the recommendations? Served as a beverage Served as a beverage Included in cereals, soups, main dishes, custards, puddings, baked goods. Included in cereals, soups, main dishes, custards, puddings, baked goods. Cubed or sliced cheese Cubed or sliced cheese Ice cream or yogurt Ice cream or yogurt

9 What’s Wrong with this meal according to My Plate? Breakfast Breakfast Milk Milk Cornflakes with sliced banana Cornflakes with sliced banana Toast Toast

10 Lunch Lunch Chili Chili Crackers Crackers Apple Apple Water Water What’s Wrong with this meal according to My Plate?

11 Dinner Dinner Hamburger Hamburger French fries French fries Vanilla Shake Vanilla Shake What’s Wrong with this meal according to My Plate?

12 Nutritional Balance Meals should be planned for nutritional balance, appeal, and suitability to various individual circumstances. Meals should be planned for nutritional balance, appeal, and suitability to various individual circumstances.

13 Aesthetic Qualities 1.Color 2.Texture 3.Size and Shape 4.Flavor 5.Temperature 6.Method of Preparation

14 #1: Color

15 Many colors of foods are available Many colors of foods are available Too many foods of the same color offer no contrast or variation Too many foods of the same color offer no contrast or variation Clashing or unpleasant color schemes can make you lose your appetite Clashing or unpleasant color schemes can make you lose your appetite

16 Would this be appealing?

17 #2: Texture

18 Can be seen and felt when consuming foods Can be seen and felt when consuming foods Hard, chewy, crunchy, soft, solid, crisp, smooth, sticky, dry, moist, gritty, tough Hard, chewy, crunchy, soft, solid, crisp, smooth, sticky, dry, moist, gritty, tough Variety of textures adds interest Variety of textures adds interest Common error in planning meals is the lack of variety in texture Common error in planning meals is the lack of variety in texture

19 What can you incorporate to give this meal some texture?

20 #3: Size and Shape

21 Size as well as shape of food affects how appetizing food looks Size as well as shape of food affects how appetizing food looks Choose foods with various shapes and sizes Choose foods with various shapes and sizes Avoid serving several foods made of small pieces Avoid serving several foods made of small pieces Avoid too many similar shapes Avoid too many similar shapes

22 #4: Flavor

23 Use a variety of flavors – sweet, sour, bitter, salty, etc Use a variety of flavors – sweet, sour, bitter, salty, etc Smell is also important to tell small differences Smell is also important to tell small differences Avoid using foods with similar flavors in one meal Avoid using foods with similar flavors in one meal

24 #5: Temperature

25 Meals are more interesting if some hot and some cold foods are served Meals are more interesting if some hot and some cold foods are served The temperature outside should be considered when meal planning The temperature outside should be considered when meal planning Hot foods should be served hot and cold foods should be served cold Hot foods should be served hot and cold foods should be served cold

26 #5: Temperature

27 #6: Method of Preparation

28 Meals are more interesting if prepared in a variety of different ways Meals are more interesting if prepared in a variety of different ways Avoid meals with no main dish or more than one main dish Avoid meals with no main dish or more than one main dish

29 Summary When planning a meal don’t forget these main points: When planning a meal don’t forget these main points: 1. Follow the American Dietary Guidelines 2. Follow My Plate 3. Maintain nutritional balance 4. Incorporate aesthetic guidelines

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