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Presentation on theme: "CONGREGATION KOL SHOFAR PRESIDENT’S REPORT May 2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mission Statement Kol Shofar is a dynamic congregation rooted in the enduring values of Jewish traditions, while embracing innovations that enrich contemporary Jewish life. We cultivate personal spiritual growth and connection to a caring community. Together we create meaningful, accessible experiences of learning, prayer, service, and celebration to help people of all ages and diverse backgrounds live more purposeful lives and improve the world.

3 Kol Shofar Objectives  Retain/Build/Expand Our Community  Ensure Long-Term Financial Stability  Provide for Lay Leadership Development and Succession

4 Kol Shofar Objectives  Retain/Build/Expand our Community  Elevate the Congregant Experience Relational Emphasis Ambassador program Neighborhood clustering Communications New website Use of social media Feedback Community experience survey Ongoing program evaluation

5 Kol Shofar Objectives  Retain/Build/Expand our Community (con’t.)  Elevate the Congregant Experience (con’t.) Increased facility usage Modification of the CUP Personnel Renewal for Rabbi Chai Levy Renewal for Jonathan Emanuel Enhanced review process Greater Transparency Board member roles and accessibility Mid-year financial update Fridays at Kol Shofar

6 Kol Shofar Objectives  Retain/Build/Enhance our Community (con’t.)  Enhance our Content and Offerings Youth Engagement Torah project Madrikhim program and Teen Recognition ceremony Junior Kadima youth group Youth-led Friday night services Adult Engagement Varied approach to prayer Breadth in Learning Robust Bridges to Israel program Parent study on Kol Shabbat

7 Kol Shofar Objectives  Retain/Build/Enhance our Community (con’t.)  Enhance our Content and Offerings New Tikkun Olam initiatives Exploration of alternative ritual practices

8 Kol Shofar Objectives  Ensure long-term financial stability:  Balanced Budget Annual Campaign Annual Gala  Preparation for New Capital Campaign  Evaluation of alternative affiliation models

9 Kol Shofar Objectives  Provide for lay leadership development and succession  Volunteer Concierges  Enhanced Board nominating process


11 First—A Huge “Thank You”!  To our Staff:  Pam Louie—Financial Manager  Nancy Drapin—Executive Director  Daliah Neuberger—Bookkeeper  To our Budget Committee:  Past and Future Treasurer Steve Grossman  Board Member Rachel Fierberg  To our Bank Negotiating Team:  Howard Zack, Norman Traeger, and Steve Grossman

12 2013-2014 Financial Highlights  Net Membership Growth of 12 Families (2.5%)  Record Annual Fund Giving (Combined Campaign)  Record Gala Proceeds (Waxman Tribute)  Projected Total Revenues of $1,880,000  Projected Breakeven Results  Re-Financed Building Mortgage

13 2014-2015 Proposed Budget  Total Revenues of $1,897,000—1% Increase  3% Growth in Membership Revenue  12% Higher Tuition  13% Lower Fundraising Revenue  Total Expenses of $1,890,000—Flat  4% Higher Compensation Expense  9% Lower Operating Expense  Projected Small Bottom Line Surplus!

14 Where our Money Will Come From

15 Where Our Money Will Go

16 Compensation Cost Components

17 Operating Cost Components

18 Kol Shofar Budget Fun Facts!  Tuition Covers only 56% of the cost of educating our children  84% of Gala Revenue goes to support CKS  Total Operating Costs/Family--$4,090  Revenue Required/Family--$3,160

19 Our Two-Part Mortgage  First Republic Bank  $3.5 million Five-Year Note  Total balance due September, 2018  Floating rate (currently 4%)  $3.5 million Amortizing Loan  Payments based on 30 year repayment schedule  Fixed rate for ten years—4.5%  Balloon payment due September 2028

20 The Capital Plan  New Debt Retirement Capital Campaign begins 2014/2015  Goal—to at least retire debt coming due in 2018  Re-finance Remaining Balance into New 30-year Mortgage, serviceable from operating revenues

21 Yasher Ko’ach to our Capital Campaign Committee!  Co-Chairs:  Michael and Karen Young  Howard and Diane Zack  Additional Members:  Norman Traeger  Dan Weisman  Devorah Stadtner

22 Questions?

23 Motion from the Board Approval of the Proposed 2014/2015 Budget

24 Diane Zack  Decades of Dedicated Service to Kol Shofar  1995Joined Kol Shofar Board  1997-2000VP Financial Resources  2002-2005VP Administration/Operations  2005-2007President  2007-2010Immediate Past President  2010-2014VP Capital Development

25 Diane Zack  Additional Leadership Roles  Co-Chair Building Capital Campaign (Over $17 million in pledges)  Catalyzed the Southern Marin JCC Preschool  Established the New Torah Fund  Chaired Alternative Revenue projects  Chaired numerous Galas and Donor Appreciation events


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