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Semester 1 Final Review Vocabulary PPT. Safety Vocab.  Focused Examination - Comes right after the initial assessment, check the client’s head, neck,

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1 Semester 1 Final Review Vocabulary PPT

2 Safety Vocab.  Focused Examination - Comes right after the initial assessment, check the client’s head, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, legs, arms and portions of the back.  Heart Attack - When the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen- rich blood and nutrients.  Stroke - When the brain is deprived of oxygen-rich blood and nutrients.  Arterial Bleeding - Most serious spurting, least likely to clot.  Venous Bleeding - Flows steadily or even gushes, easier to control.  Capillary Bleeding - Most common type of bleeding, oozes when injured, bright red.  Shock - Occurs when to little oxygen and nutrients reach the body’s cells, tissue, and organs.

3 Safety Vocab. Continued  Surgical Asepsis - Also called sterile technique, the maintenance of a sterile field or environment.  Body Mechanics - Positions and movements used to maintain proper posture and avoid muscle and bone injuries.  Pathogens - Microorganisms that invade the body.  Antiseptics - Solutions that are applied directly to the skin to prevent the growth of pathogens.  Disinfection - Uses strong chemicals to kill many pathogens on instruments.  Sterilization – Best form of cleaning; everything in the room is sterile; surgical room.  First Aid - The initial help and care given to a sick or injured person.  Initial Assessment - Consists of evaluating the client’s responsiveness.

4 Emergency Care Vocab. (Safety)  Laceration - A jagged, irregular tear of the skin.  Skin avulsion - tissue separates from the body.  Incision - A cut from a knife, glass, or sharp rock.  Puncture - A wound that is caused by an object piercing the skin.  Abrasion - wound to outer layers of skin that causes little bleeding; caused by friction with another object.  Poison - Substance, solid liquid or gas, that causes illness, injury, or death when introduced to the body.  First Aid - The immediate temporary care to a person that has become sick or has been injured.  Shock – Failure of the system to keep adequate blood circulating to the vital organs of the body.  Rabies - A disease of the nervous system that could cause madness and death.  Sprain – Stretching or tearing of ligaments that hold bone together.  Strain – Stretching or tearing of muscles and tendons.

5 Emergency Care Vocab. Continued 1 st Degree Burn – Involves the top layer of skin (sunburn). 2 nd Degree Burn – Involves the top layer, the skin will blister and appear blotchy. 3 rd Degree Burn - destroys all layers of skin, nerves, muscle, fat and bones. Burn looks brown or black. Fainting – A temporary loss of consciousness, caused by reduced blood supply to the brain. Frostbite – Ice crystals form in the spaces between the cells Gangrene – Death of tissue, that comes from frostbite that is untreated. Hurricane - A powerful rain storm Tornado – A powerful twisting wind storm. Blizzard – Snow Storm Earthquake - Violent shaking of the ground.

6 Body Org. Planes, Directional & Movement Terms  Sagittal Plane – Cuts the body into Right and Left halves; flexion & extension.  Frontal Plane – Cuts the body into Anterior and Posterior halves; abduction & adduction.  Transverse Plane – Cuts the body into Superior and Inferior halves; internal & external rotation  Anterior – towards the front.  Posterior – towards the back.  Superior – above.  Inferior – below.  Medial – towards the midline (sagittal plane cut).  Lateral – away from the midline (sagittal plane cut) or to the side.  Distal – further from the reference point.  Proximal – closer to the reference point.  Deep – away from the surface.  Superficial – towards the surface.

7 Body Org. Planes, Directional & Movement Terms Continued  Flexion – Decreasing the angle at a joint (sagittal plane).  Extension – Increasing the angle at a joint (sagittal plane).  Abduction – Movement away from the midline (frontal plane).  Adduction – Movement towards the midline (frontal plane).  Internal Rotation – Rotation towards the midline (transverse plane).  External Rotation – Rotation away from the midline (transverse plane).  Lateral or Side Rotation – Term given to rotation at the neck and torso.  Lateral or Side Bending – Term given to abduction and adduction at the neck and torso.  Ulnar/Radial Deviation – Term given to abduction and adduction at the wrist.  Inversion/Eversion – Term given to abduction and adduction at the ankle.  Plantarflexion/Dorsiflexion – Term given to flexion and extension at the ankle.

8 Digestion Functions  Teeth – physical breakdown of food.  Tongue – tasting, chewing, and swallowing.  Salivary Glands – send saliva to moisten food and chemical breakdown.  Uvula – closes the nasal passage when you swallow.  Epiglottis – closes the trachea when you swallow.  Esophagus – takes bolus from mouth to the stomach.  Cardiac Sphincter – prevents back flow into the esophagus from the stomach.  Stomach – physical and chemical breakdown of food.; churns and mixes chyme.  Pyloric Sphincter – prevents back flow into the stomach from the small intestine.  Small Intestine – chemical breakdown; absorption occurs.  Large Intestine – Water absorption; feces moved to exit.  Liver – largest gland, makes bile.  Gallbladder – stores bile from liver.  Pancreas – makes enzymes and juices to help with chemical breakdown; both endocrine and exocrine function.

9 Urinary Vocab.  Kidney – main organ of the urinary system; form urine.  Dialysis (Kidney) – Separating particles from a fluid by filtration through a semipermeable membrane.  Micturition – Process of urination.  Urea - the chief solid component of urine; synthesized from ammonia and carbon dioxide.  Ureter – Tube that transports urine from the kidney to the bladder.  Urinalysis – Physical, chemical or microscopic examination of urine.  Urination – Discharge or passage of urine.  Voiding – to empty; empty the bladder of urine.  Albuminuria – protein in the urine.  Anuria – absence of urine.  Dysuria – painful or difficult urination.  Diuresis – double or increase in urine.  Glycosuria – glucose or sugar in the urine.  Hematuria – blood in the urine.  Oliguria – decreased amount of urine.  Polyuria – increased urine.  Pyuria – pus in the urine.

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