Copyright  Progressive Business Publications First Aid.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright  Progressive Business Publications First Aid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications First Aid

2 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Why Learn First Aid? Each year there are: –10,000 fatalities on the job –5.5 million non-fatal worker-related injuries Prompt care can mean the difference between: –Life and death –Minor and debilitating injuries –Temporary and permanent injuries –Quick and prolonged recoveries

3 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Be Prepared Know locations of first aid kits Know local emergency numbers –Ambulance, fire, police, poison control Know designated first responders Know associates certified in CPR Be ready to help

4 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications First Aid Kits Contents: –1 absorbent compress –16 adhesive bandages –1 adhesive tape –10 antiseptic application –6 burn application –2 medical exam gloves –4 sterile pads –1 triangular bandage

5 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Responding to an Emergency: General Rules Rule #1: Keep calm Assess the situation –Who requires help? –Have hazards been controlled? Alert medical assistance –Know local emergency phone numbers Keep the victim calm Notify supervisor

6 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Assess the Status of the Victim Is victim conscious? Are airways blocked? Is victim breathing? Does victim have a pulse? Is victim bleeding? Are there secondary injuries? –Broken bones, dislocations or sprains, back or spinal injuries

7 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Rescue Breathing Place person on back Open airway by tilting head back Clear mouth and throat of obstructions Pinch nose and seal your lips tight around victim’s mouth Give 2 full breaths for 1 to 1 1/2 seconds each Give 1 breath every 5 seconds Check pulse

8 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Bleeding Do not touch blood with bare hands –Use gloves or other personal protective equipment Control the bleeding by –Putting direct pressure on the wound –Elevating the wound above the heart –Using pressure points if needed Use a tourniquet only as a last resort: –Can risk permanent tissue damage leading to amputation

9 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Saving Limbs or Fingers Recover the severed part Rinse severed part in clean water Wrap in moist towel Place in clean plastic bag and seal Cool by resting on ice –Never allow direct contact with ice –Never place in freezer Be sure package transported to medical facility where victim was taken

10 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Shock Can be life threatening and result in death Symptoms: cold sweat, weakness, irregular breathing, chills, pale or bluish lips, confusion, nausea and vomiting Treatment: –Have victim lie down with legs elevated –Cover with blanket or clothes to keep warm –No food or drink –Get medical help

11 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Poisoning Signs: stains on skin or clothes, unusual odors, open containers, convulsions, sweating, confusion, pin-point pupils, difficulty breathing Get victim away from poison as necessary Attempt to identify source –Check label or MSDS for instructions For eyes: Flush with water for 15 minutes Gas: Remove victim from area Skin: Remove clothing and flush area with water Notify poison control center and 911

12 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Burns Remove clothing –If stuck to burn, leave it Hold burned area under running water for 15 minutes Do not apply ointmnets or creams Bandage with a clean, dry cloth Do not pop blisters For severe burns call for medical help

13 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Electric Shock Stay clear until electrical contact is broken –Switch off source of electricity if possibe Check to see if –Victim is breathing –Victim has pulse Keep vicitm lying down Keep victim warm Call for emergency help

14 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Eye Injuries Know where nearest eyewash station or source of running water is located For contact with chemicals: Flush with running water for 15 minutes For cuts or punctures of the eye –Bandage the eye lightly –Do not remove embedded object –See physician immediately Particles in eyes: Lift upper eyelid out toward lower lid Blow to the eye: Cold compress

15 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Head Injuries Can result in a concussion or brain injuries Symptoms: difficulty speaking, headache, unequal size pupils, pale skin. –If brain injury: clear or redish fluid draining from ears, nose or mouth, or paraylsis. Keep victim lying down Apply ice Be sure vicitm is breathing Do not give liquids to drink

16 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Heat Exhuastion and Heat Stroke Heat Exhaustion –Symptoms: excessive fatigue, dizziness, confusion –Move to cool area and give plenty of liquids Heat Stroke –Symptoms: flushed skin, lack of perspiration, confusion, rapid pulse, high body temperature –Move to cool area –Put in cool water, sponge skin or wrap in cool wet clothes, and fan the victim –Give plenty of liquids

17 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Hypothermia Can result in death if not treated Symptoms: uncontrollable shivering, dizziness, slurred speech, slowed pulse Treatment –Take victim to sheltered area –Raise body temperature slowly –Remove clothes and replace with warm dry clothes –Wrap victim in blanket –Give warm liquids to drink

18 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Fractures Simple fracture: does not pierce through skin –Immobilize area –Apply splint Compound fracture: pierces through the skin –Control bleeding –Cover injured area –Immobilize area –Apply splint

19 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Moving an Injured Victim Never attempt to move an injured victim –Exceptions: situations where victim faces more danger if left in position Move by dragging: –Underneath shoulders or by feet –By clothes near neck or shoulders –After placing on blanket If spinal or back injury is suspected: –Drag in direction of spine or –Place firm board underneath victim and carry

20 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Choking If victim is conscious –Stand behind victim, grasp hands across abdomen above navel and make fist –Make quick upward thrusts until item is dislodged If victim becomes unconscious –Lay victim on back –Check airway for obstructions and remove –Begin rescue breathing –If necessary, straddle victim and perform abdominal thrusts

21 Copyright  Progressive Business Publications Fainting Prior to losing consciousness: victim complains of lightheadness, weakness, nausea, and has pale and clammy skin If a person begins to feel faint, have them sit down, lean forward and lower head toward knees Treatment: –Keep vicitm lying on back with legs elevated –Loosen any tight clothing and apply cool damp cloths to face or neck Do not allow victim to rise until you question him

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