Online Community and Teambuilding. What is our definition of “learning community”? Definition of “Community”

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Presentation on theme: "Online Community and Teambuilding. What is our definition of “learning community”? Definition of “Community”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Community and Teambuilding

2 What is our definition of “learning community”? Definition of “Community”

3 Why build a learning community? Sense of whole in the learning process Feeling of security in a supportive environment Responsibility for learning; accountability Students learn from each other Development of relationships

4 Key Components of an Online Learning Community Community-building and teambuilding strategies Frequent opportunities for interaction Ongoing sharing of ideas, experiences Reflection on learning process Collaborative approaches to learning Positive tone

5 Conditions for Effective Community Building Positive presence of instructor Expectations for positive interaction between students Opportunities for interaction and feedback Required team activities Positive interdependence Common goals

6 Goals for your Online Community Trust between members (safe, supportive environment) Camaraderie Connections and shared humor Common goals and working standards established Processing for continuous improvement High comfort level for ongoing dialogue Accountability for learning and being responsible for course activities

7 How to Build and Maintain Community Online Opening activities and ongoing team and community-building activities Group processing Self and team evaluations Team activities and assignments Timely and positive feedback from the instructor Ongoing opportunities for interaction

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