Spring 2008 Mark Fontenot CSE 2341 - Honors Principles of Computer Science I Note Set 1 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2008 Mark Fontenot CSE 2341 - Honors Principles of Computer Science I Note Set 1 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 2008 Mark Fontenot mfonten@engr.smu.edu CSE 2341 - Honors Principles of Computer Science I Note Set 1 1

2 Note Set 1 Overview Administrative Material 2

3 Who’s Teaching you? Mark Fontenot Caruth 110 mfonten@engr.smu.edu 214.768.2854 (official) Office Hours: Tu: 9 – 10 a.m., Th: 8 – 9 a.m. Website for class: engr.smu.edu/cse/2341/honors Blackboard will be used also 3

4 Materials for Class Textbook: Gaddis, Tony. Starting Out With C++, 5 th edition. Scott Jones Pulisher, 2007. Lischner, Ray. C++ in a Nutshell. O’Reilly Press 2003 Get a 3-ring binder for notes/handouts Always have a pencil for quizzes and tests USB drive would be helpful, but not required 4

5 Expectations for CSE 2341-Honors One learns to program by programming. You should expect to work hard in this class some weeks, you may spend 15 hours or more working on one assignment this is where the learning really happens You cannot procrastinate. You must read the book. You need to learn to ask for help early. You will have questions – ask for help. do not wait until the day an assignment is due to try and find help – it will inevitably be unavailable for numerous reasons. 5

6 Graded Deliverables Homework assignments – WEEKLY (mostly) May be written or on-line through Blackboard. Instructions will be clear on website Turn them in Thursday before class Not accepted late – EVER!!! Programming Projects Will be discussed in lecture Will be the focus of much of lab time Deliverables will be due Monday by 10:00 p.m. Exams and Quizzes guess! 100 point exams – 3 during the semester Quizzes randomly – may be online and outside of class No Late Assignments Accepted 6

7 Lab Time Focus on programming projects Led by TAs. Kent Spenner – kspenner@smu.edu Lab attendance is Mandatory You may only leave if you have completed the work for that week Don’t wait until lab to start your assignment. If you have a pre-lab for that week, make sure it is complete before you arrive to lab 7

8 8 Your Final Grade Final grade determined based on following weighted scale An average of less than 60% on exams will result in maximum grade of D in the course An average of less than 60% on programming projects/assignments will result in maximum grade of D in the course Type:Percentage: Exams30 % Programming Projects55 % Homework Assignments10 % Attendance and Active Participation5%

9 Attendance 9 Attendance is vitally important for both lecture and lab Historically, students who attend class are more successful Any in-class quizzes cannot be made up Given the nature of the material, each lecture builds upon previous material

10 Academic Ethics 10 Collaboration with anyone is prohibited unless specifically permitted for a particular assignment. You are expected to create, edit and print out YOUR OWN assignments and take tests without outside assistance. All work submitted is expected to be your own. The provider of help is as culpable as the receiver of help and will be treated the same. Penalties range from 0 on assignment to F in course and honor council referral at instructors discretion. More details in course syllabus

11 What’s this course about? 11 Fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming Use C++ to put concepts into practice Major OOP tenets: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism Basic software engineering concepts how to build good software the UML design of software including testing and debugging Generics and the STL Advanced Topics as time permits

12 What should you know? 12 Structured C++ concepts covered in CSE 1340 (c++) and CSE 1341 (c++) expressions control structures functional decomposition and implementation pointers and dynamic memory allocation structures and records Arrays Basic (very basic) OOP – will be reviewed

13 Development Environment 13 Environment will be Linux Everyone should know how to get around in Linux/UNIX Will use VMWare to run Linux inside Windows XP Can run one OS inside another: Host OS = XP; Client OS = Linux We’ll use the command line and Eclipse to develop our projects Learn more about VMWare at www.vmware.comwww.vmware.com You’ll be able to get the virtual machine soon to run on your personal computer.

14 Take Note!!! 14 Next Tuesday, January 22, 2008 Follows a Monday Schedule!!!

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