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+ Working in Your CCE Online Course Site. + Structure of CCE Online Course Sites CCE online courses use the document sharing and collaboration features.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Working in Your CCE Online Course Site. + Structure of CCE Online Course Sites CCE online courses use the document sharing and collaboration features."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Working in Your CCE Online Course Site

2 + Structure of CCE Online Course Sites CCE online courses use the document sharing and collaboration features of Google Apps for Education. CCE online courses are built on the OpenClass Learning Management System (LMS) to provide you with clear structure and navigation that interfaces directly with Google Apps for Education. Because you will accessing both Google Apps and OpenClass to work in the online course, you will have a few initial steps to get set up in each system. After you are set up, your movement between Google Apps and OpenClass will be very simple.

3 + Part 1: Activate your Google Apps for Education account. Go to You will see the screen shown below. Enter your user name and password. Your username is your first initial + last (Note that is already filled here.) Your temporary password is “cartesian.” You can change it later if you wish.

4 + Part 1: Continued You will see the screen below. Accept the service and continue to your account.

5 + Part 1: Continued You will see the screen below. Click on “Drive and Docs.”

6 + Part 1: Continued You will see the screen below. Click on “Get started with 5 GB free.”

7 + Part 1: Continued If the blue button changes to say “Go to Google Drive,” click on it. Or, you may be sent directly to the screen shown on the next slide.

8 + Part 1: Continued You will see the screen below. Shared documents for collaborative review or editing will appear under “My Drive” during the course. You are done with Google Drive for now. You do NOT need to install Google Drive on your Mac or PC. My Drive

9 + Part 2: Login to your OpenClass account. Go to (This is the CCE OpenClass Course Site URL. You may want to save this address to your browser bookmarks now.) Select the “Sign in with Google Apps” button at the bottom of the sign in form.

10 + Part 2: Continued Type in your Google Apps for Education ID (Your username is your first initial + last and click “continue.” Don’t sign in here

11 + Part 2: Continued If you are not already logged into Google Apps when you attempt to login to OpenClass, you will be prompted to do so at the screen below.

12 + Part 2: Continued You may see the screen below. If you do, accept the terms of service.

13 + Part 2: Continued You will see your Center for Chemistry Education OpenClass dashboard. A short video at the link below will introduce you to navigating the OpenClass interface.

14 + Part 3: Accessing Google Docs from OpenCourse You can access Google docs shared in your Google Drive for collaborative review or editing by clicking on the blue notebook icon.

15 + Part 3: Continued When you click the blue notebook icon, you will see a list of recent docs and a link “Go to Docs” that will take you to your Google drive.

16 + Part 3: Continued If you have logged out of Google Apps while still signed into OpenCourse, you will be prompted to login to Google Apps before you can access your docs.

17 + Part 3: Continued You will now be at your Google Drive. Note that your browser will have opened a new tab or window for Google Docs. The OpenClass dashboard is still open at the previous tab or window. Google Docs Open Class

18 + Part 4: Login/Logout Issues with multiple users on one computer If another user is already logged into Google Apps on your computer when you try to login to OpenCourse, you will not be able to login to OpenCourse, even using your own username to login. The person logged in to Google Apps will appear as the OpenCourse user. The OpenCourse dashboard does not have a logout function. If multiple users need to access OpenCourse on one computer, you will need to logout of Google Apps and close the OpenCourse browser window.

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