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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTER: MATTHEW DILLON E SCHOOL VIEW CMS TEACHER TRAINING."— Presentation transcript:


2 NAVIGATING TO THE LOGIN PORTAL 1.Open up your Google email account 2.Look for the email from 1.Once found click on CMS Link option to go to the login portal 2.Type in your User ID and Password 3.Click the Login Button ** Upon first logging in you will be asked to change your password

3 NAVIGATING TO YOUR TEACHER SECTION You are now in the Content Management System (CMS) 1.Navigate and find the Site Section Management Area 2.Once found click on your school name located under Site Section Management

4 TEACHER CONTENT OPTIONS You will now see your site section options Content Management Blogs Survey/Form/Quiz management 1.Find the Content Management button 2.Click on Content Management

5 YOUR TEACHER PAGES You are now at The Teacher Pages: 1.To create your own teacher page Click the (+ Child Page) to the right of Teacher pages link 2.Fill in the following Information for your page: 1.In the Page Title Section type your First Name and Last Name 2.For the Number of Windows option: Select Two windows 3.Click the save Option

6 YOUR PERSONAL TEACHER PAGE You now have a blank teacher page 1.To see what the page looks like currently: Click the link called (View This Content Page) 2.To add page content: Select either #1 Content Tab or #2 Content Tab 1.Content #1 Tab places content on the left side of the page 2.Content #2 Tab places content on the right side of the page

7 ADDING A COMPONENT Once you have selected a column/side to add content to: 1.Click the + Add Page Component 2.You will now see an option to select a type of content It is advised to name your content with an internal name.** (**Internal Names do not show up on the website but only in the Management System)

8 ADDING A COMPONENT (CONTINUED) 1.For text and basic images select the Text Window Option 2.Once your type is selected Click 3.You will now see a light blue box under Page Components 4.Click the Edit Page Component to begin adding content

9 ADDING CONTENT TO A COMPONENT If you have created the component type Text Window you should now see places for: Title – Places a bold title for your page Sub Title – Creates a secondary title Window Text – Places text and information on your page. Embedded image – Places a single image on you page and positioned with the Photo Placement Option

10 ADDING CONTENT TO A COMPONENT (CONTINUED) 1.Click in the Window Text box Type in your content or paste your content from other documents or word by using the paste from word option on the window text toolbar. 2.You will now see your text in the Window Text box. 3.If finished select the Save option at the bottom of the page.

11 ADDING A TITLE TO YOU PAGE/CONTENT Now that your page has content we need to add a title for your content. 1.Navigate to the top of the page. 2.Click the Link: Show Header Configs 3.Select the Show Header/Footer? Box 4.Type your {title} in the Styled Header Text Box 5.Type the number 8 in the Header Space Below and Item Space between option 6.Click the Save button.

12 NAVIGATING BACK TO ADD MORE COMPONENTS Now that you have added content to your page lets navigate back to our page. 1.Close your header configs by clicking the Hide Header Configs link. 2.Now look locate the navigation at the top of your page. 3.Click the link: Edit {Your Page Name} to return back to where you first added your page component.

13 VIEWING YOUR PAGE Now that you are back at your teacher page editing options lets quickly view what we have. 1.Click the View this Content Page Option to open up a new window with what your page looks like. 2.We can now see what our page looks like as well as see that we need to add content to the other column.

14 ADDING A SECOND COMPONENT Navigate back to your teacher page cms screen. 1.Select and click on the window content tab that you have not added a component to. 2.Follow the previous steps on slides 7-10 to: create a component, add content, and add a title. 3.For adding any other type of page component there are help documents located at: (Documents can only be accessed when you are logged into the cms)

15 USING THE QUICK EDIT OPTION FOR EDITING YOUR PAGE Once your page has been created and filled with content you can now use the quick edit option. To find the quick edit option: 1.Open up a website browser and navigate to your teacher page. 2.Scroll to the very bottom of your page and you will see a grey box with the a Link Called Quick-Edit Login. 3.Click on this link.

16 USING THE QUICK EDIT OPTION FOR EDITING YOUR PAGE (CONTINUED) You should now see a pop up asking for you User ID and password. 1.Enter your User ID and Password (Slide 2) 2.Once entered Click on the login button. (DO NOT HIT THE ENTER KEY) You now will have the option to edit your content by selecting the pencil and edit option by each box

17 CHANGING/ADDING CONTENT IN QUICK EDIT Once you have clicked on an edit button a pop up window will appear giving you an option to change or add content. 1.Select Save to save any changes and return to your page and make any other Quick Edits 2.To log out of Quick Edit select the Quick Edit Log Out at the bottom of the page. (Slide 15)

18 FINDING MORE HELP DOCUMENTS Now that you know the basics lets navigate to the help section. 1.On any page, once logged into the CMS System, (Slide 2) you have access to a help documents link 2.This link is located at the top right of the screen 3.Once you click this link you will be shown various tab options to select including: 1.Site Section, 2.Admin Options, 3.Content Management/Page Components, 4.Text Windows (RTB), 5.and Documentation


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