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Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation Dr. Bill Bauer

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1 Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation Dr. Bill Bauer
Chapter 9 Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation Dr. Bill Bauer l

2 Key Ideas Prepare and organize the data for analysis Explore the data
Describe and develop the themes from the data Represent and report the findings Interpret the findings Validate the accuracy and credibility of the findings l

3 The Qualitative Process of Data Analysis
Codes the Text for Description to be Used in the Research Report Codes the Text for Description to be Used in the Research Report The Researcher Codes the Data (i.e., locates text segments and assigns a code to label them) Interactive Simultaneous The Researcher Reads Through Data ( i.e., obtains general sense of material) The Researcher Prepares Data for analysis ( e.g., transcribes fieldnotes) The Researcher Collects Data (i.e., a text file, such as fieldnotes, transcriptions, optically scanned material) l

4 Prepare and Organize the Data
Develop a matrix or table of sources that can be used to organize the material Organize material by type Keep duplicate copies of materials Transcribe data Prepare data for hand or computer analysis l

5 Explore Data Obtain a general sense of the data by performing a preliminary exploratory analysis Memo ideas Think about the organization of the data Consider whether more data are needed l

6 A Visual Model of the Coding Process in Qualitative Research
Initially read through data Divide text into segments of information Label segments of information with codes Reduce Overlap and redundancy of codes Collapse codes into themes Many Pages of Text Many Segments of Text Codes reduced to 20 30-40 codes Reduce Codes to 5-7 Themes l

7 Describe the Setting and Develop Themes
Themes address the major research questions Procedures Code text (or image) data Develop a description from the data Define themes from the data Connect and interpret themes l

8 Report and Represent Finding: Constructing Narratives
Identify dialogue that supports themes Look for dialogue in the participants’ native language Use metaphors and analogies l

9 Report and Represent Finding: Constructing Narratives
Collect quotes Identify vivid data that describes an individual, event, or activity Identify tensions and contradictions in individual experiences l

10 Report and Represent Finding: Providing Visual Data Displays
Create a visual image of the information in a “comparison” table Depict physical layout of the setting Describe personal or demographic information for each person or site l

11 Interpret Findings Interpretation is not neutral
Personally reflect about the meaning of the data Compare and contrast personal viewpoints with the literature Address limitations of the study Make suggestions for future research l

12 Validating the Accuracy of the Findings
Member checking: Members check the accuracy of the account Triangulation: Using corroborating evidence External: Hiring the services of an individual outside the study to review the study l

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