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Unit 2 New English Advanced

2 Distancing expressions are often used, particularly in journalism where a speaker or writer wants to stress that the information is second-hand and comes from a specific source, rather than being their own knowledge or opinion.

3 seem/appear It seems that the less children sleep, the more likely they are to behave badly. It appears that the less children sleep, the more likely they are to behave badly. Difference between seem and appear. appear is slightly more formal than seem It would seem that the less children sleep, the more likely they are to behave badly. It would appear that the less children sleep, the more likely they are to behave badly. This expression is more formal than It seems/appears

4 Impersonality: the passive
Using the passive is a way of avoiding the naming of a specific person who is responsible for an action. PATTERNS: 1.It+passive v.(agree,announce,believe,expect,hope, report,say,suggest,think and understand)+that+clause It is said that eating garlic stops you catching colds. 2.subject+passive verb(believe,expect,report,say,think and understand)+to+infinitive Salaries are expected to go down in a few months. 3.There+passive verb+to+infinitive There are said to be more than 200 students waiting to join our school.

5 apparently, according to, may/might
apparently( very common in informal conversation). Apparently,there was a robbery last night. Is she pregnant? Apparently According to( to specify where information comes from) According to the Prime Minister, there´ll be a reduction of unemployement in the next two years. May/might ( possiblility) The peace conference may find a solution to the problem.


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