Human Origins and Emergence of Civilization Complete the vocabulary worksheet for the following terms: ArtifactArtifact CivilizationCivilization CultureCulture.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Origins and Emergence of Civilization Complete the vocabulary worksheet for the following terms: ArtifactArtifact CivilizationCivilization CultureCulture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Origins and Emergence of Civilization Complete the vocabulary worksheet for the following terms: ArtifactArtifact CivilizationCivilization CultureCulture DomesticationDomestication NomadNomad Radio Carbon DatingRadio Carbon Dating Homo sapiensHomo sapiens

2 Prehistory – before the invention of writing (roughly 5,000 years ago) We learn about early people thru scientific clues –Artifacts –Archeologist – Study artifacts –Paleontologists – study fossils –Anthropologist – Study people and culture

3 Old Stone Age “Paleolithic Age (2.5 million to 8,000 B.C.) –List the 3 biggest achievements of this era (p.7)? Neolithic Age (8,000 B.C. to 3,000 B.C.) –List the 4 biggest achievements of the Neolithic Age (p.7)?

4 Paleolithic Advances in Technology & Art 40K years ago: humans take on modern physical appearance People were –nomads (thousands of Years) –hunters-gathers –using 100’s of tools (knives, fish hooks, and needles to sew clothing) –created cave paintings – artistic expression


6 Neolithic Revolution Shift from food-gathering to food-producing (farming) cultureShift from food-gathering to food-producing (farming) culture Systematic AgricultureSystematic Agriculture DomesticationDomestication

7 Villages Grow into Cities People begin to settle, establish towns –Farming tools lead to larger harvests Economic changes More land = more crops More crops = more time to create –pottery, metal objects, and woven cloth Become traders –wheel and sail allow traveling greater distances Social Changes social classes emerge –based on wealth, power, and influence Religion becomes more organized

8 Civilization Develops Civilization is defined into 6 characteristics: 1.Cities 2.Religion 3.Government 4.Writing 5.Social Structure 6.Art

9 Art Government Religion Social Structure Writing Civilization Cities These are the 6 elements of Civilization. No matter where it is, every civilization has them. Look at your notes and see if you can list at least 1 item from early man’s life for each element.

10 Your Culture Government Cities Art Writing Religion Social Structure Now, take a look at your own culture. Think about the city you live in now and name at least 1 item for each element of society.

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