Introduction and Overview Class 1: July 26, 2010.

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1 Introduction and Overview Class 1: July 26, 2010

2 Organizational Behavior as a Way of Thinking and Acting 1.Definition and Purpose 2.Levels of Analysis or Concern 3.Provides the tools, skills, and strategies for managing behavior in organizations 4. Skills and Knowledge needed by successful managers

3 5. Values and Assumptions of Organizational Behavior: ** Purposeful and goal oriented ** Non random ** Changed through learning **People should be valued as human beings ** Public service is about serving others

4 Roots of Organizational Behavior: Organizational Theory 1.Uses and Purposes of Theory enables manager to enhance effectiveness designers of organizations are faced with myriad of choices organization’s form has implications for the way its functions will be performed

5 2.Classical Theories: Max Weber: the ideal bureaucracy Frederick Taylor: the scientific management school of organizational theory Henri Fayol: universal management principles Classical theories today: strengths and weaknesses

6 3.Human Relations Approaches origin in the Hawthorne Studies (1920-1930) findings that relationships among workers appeared to meet certain social and psychological needs for affiliation 4. Human Resources Model McGregor (1960): Theory X and Theory Y Likert (1967) : System 1- System 4 Strength is consistency with approach of helping professionals

7 5.Open System Theory two-way interaction with the environment managers tend to see organizations as a process rather than a structure structural change affects all components importance of coordination with community groups major influence on recent organizational theories

8 6.Contemporary Developments in Organizational theory Community Based Organizations Japanese Management Principles Top Quality Management (TQM) Contingency Theories

9 Summary and Discussion 1.Do you find some of these theories more useful than others? Are some more culturally relevant? 2.Identify an organization you are familiar with. What theories do you see being used? Are the theories appropriate to agency needs? If not, which ones would be better? 3.If you were designing a human service organization, which theories would you be most likely to use?

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