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Presentation on theme: "CHRISTINE HUBBARD, PH.D. PRESIDENT NORTH TEXAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE CONSORTIUM Making the Cut and Thriving at a Community College."— Presentation transcript:


2 Before You Begin Set Yourself Up for Success Craft a CV Create a cover letter template Identify references Control your online image  Create a Linked In account  Clean up other public-facing accounts

3 Making the Cut Step 1: Search for Positions Higher Ed Jobs Chronicle of Higher Education Vitae College HR sites opportunities.aspx

4 Making the Cut Step 2: Follow Directions Complete the online application Attach all required documents  Transcripts  Cover letter  CV  Teaching Philosophy Meet the deadline  Unless the position states “open until filled” the college probably cannot consider you if your application is not complete by the stated deadline

5 Making the Cut Step 3: Present Your Best Self Take your time completing the online application  Capitalize and punctuate appropriately  Check for typos Craft your supporting documents carefully  Appropriate format  Consistent font  Correct grammar/spelling/punctuation If these materials don’t show competence, professionalism, and attention to detail, what will your teaching materials and interactions with students be like? How will you represent the institution?

6 Making the Cut Step 4: Understand the Position Understand Community Colleges  Local mission  Open access  Multiple student goals  Growth mindset  Focus on teaching and service Read the position description carefully  Qualifications  Experience  Responsibilities Craft your cover letter and CV to match that description

7 Making the Cut Step 5: Know Your Audience Read the college website  Know its mission, vision, and strategic plan  Know its current initiatives (Achieving the Dream/QEP etc.)  Know its programs  Know the courses offered  Know its students  Look at its fact sheet outlining student demographics

8 Making the Cut What HR needs  A complete application  All supporting materials to complete hiring process  Official transcripts ESSENTIAL What a department needs  Subject matter mastery  Skilled teaching  Growth mindset (for students and self)  Positive demeanor  Flexibility  “Low maintenance”  Independence

9 Making the Cut Step 6: Pass the Paper Cut The hiring committee will complete a paper cut Application complete (all materials included?) Rubric rating of essential/preferred qualifications Review of cover letter/CV

10 Making the Cut Step 7: Preparing for the Department Interview The department chair or dean will contact applicants who make the paper cut to offer interviews Format  Teaching demonstration  Usually provided topic; sometimes provided materials for use in demonstration  The interview committee is your class—provide a real teaching demonstration, not a meta-class  Interview  Committee will include department faculty and sometimes department administrative assistant and dean  Questions structured and consistent for all interviews  Be ready to ask questions What are you hoping the new faculty member in this position will be able to bring to the department? What are the major projects you are currently working on? Could you describe your department culture? What would a typical day at your college look like?

11 Making the Cut Step 7: Preparing for the Department Interview, cont’d. Be early  Plan your drive  Find your room  Arrive in time to collect yourself Be prepared  Teaching demonstration  Presentation  Handouts Be professional  Dress professionally  It’s always appropriate to be overdressed  Act professionally  Your emails, phone calls, and interactions with the department assistant matter

12 Making the Cut Step 8: Follow Up After the Interview Send the hiring manager (department chair/dean who has been your designated contact) a “thank you” email  Direct it to the hiring committee  Thank them for interviewing you  Mention specifics  State your interest in the position and institution Be patient

13 Making the Cut Step 8: The Second Interview (Final Three Candidates) Depending on the college, second interview may be with the dean, vice president, president, or a combination Format Interview  Dean/VP/president will already have the recommendations made by the interview committee and all materials  Dean/VP/president assumes candidate is qualified (content mastery/qualifications have already been verified); is looking for a good fit for the institution  Growth mindset (for students and self)  Positive demeanor  Flexibility  “Low maintenance”  Will be thinking long-term  Will this person be a potential department chair/fill a specific need?  Is this person likely to stay at the institution?  Do they seem likely to be difficult/trouble later on?

14 Making the Cut Step 9: The Offer If selected, the hiring manager will contact the candidate to offer the position  Candidates have been recommended by department and confirmed by upper administration  Usually finalists are ranked  If the first candidate does not accept the position, it may be offered to other finalists who are also confirmed, so be patient  Sometimes only one finalist is confirmed, so if that person declines the position, it must be reposted and a new group of applicants sought  Salary negotiation is rarely possible  Colleges have fixed salary schedules based on education and experience In the business world, this may be the time to haggle for more money, but an attempt to negotiate here will not be successful and may sour the institution’s relationship before you even begin working there, so research the college’s salary schedule, read the position information carefully, and don’t apply if you aren’t willing to take the position for the salary listed

15 Thriving at a Community College The First Year Department culture  You will probably have little choice about your class assignment and schedule  Department had a need to fill, and you are there to fill it Some colleges assign schedule based on seniority; others don’t Some rotate assignments to particular courses/formats; others don’t  Listen and learn  Determine ways you can contribute to the department  Follow department culture Syllabi Course content/delivery Student interaction Campus culture  Join committees  Attend events  Say “yes” to every opportunity

16 Thriving at a Community College The First Year, Cont’d. Your reputation  Be early  Turning in grades  At department meetings  Submitting requested materials  Be prepared  For your classes  For your meetings  For your committee work  Be professional  Dress professionally  Set a good example

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