Safety & Project Management by NABEEH JUM’AH. Eye on Safety  Proactive  Reactive.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety & Project Management by NABEEH JUM’AH. Eye on Safety  Proactive  Reactive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety & Project Management by NABEEH JUM’AH

2 Eye on Safety  Proactive  Reactive

3 Safety phases  Phase-1: Safety Policy and Objectives  Phase-2: Safety Risk Management  Phase-3: Safety Assurance  Phase-4: Safety Promotion

4 Hazards n Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists Welding, cutting and brazing operations n Physical Hazards Noise, non-ionizing radiation, thermal stress, Lasers n Radiological (RAD) Safety


6 Focusing on Behaviors Can Reduce Injuries Risky Behavior Near Miss Minor Serious Fatal Injuries

7 Direction Alone May Not be Sufficient To Maintain Behavior

8 Safety Enhancement SAFE Generalized Improvement Unsafe Extremes UNSAFE Increasing Effectiveness

9 Safety & Project Integration

10 n integrate safety & work Doing Work Safely n Protect: Worker Public Environment

11 Integrating Safety with Work  work scoping  Identify hazards (sometimes related to risk)  Plan control and procedures for hazards and make preparations and equipment ready  Do the work safely (apply controls)  Safety continuous improvement

12 When Integrate?? When is integration Applicable?  Every type of projects  Throughout the life cycle of project All planned projects should integrate with safety  Plan day meetings  Briefings before doing Job  Job site checks  Experimental safety reviews & Work Permits

13 How safety integration is Implemented?  Worker Safety and Health Program  Environmental Management System  Public safety standards Apply in  Institutional Level Work  Facility Level Work  Activity Level Work

14 Worker Skill  prescreening scope by Manager  Pre-identifying hazards  Training workers to identify hazards  Pre-identifying hazard controls  Controls are implemented by qualified workers  Work is authorized and supervised by Manager  Stop work if conditions extend beyond training and experience  Feedback & written feedback

15 Implementing Safety mgmt.

16 Knowing our work  Small Science & Technology  Operations, maintenance, construction  Large Science & Technology Machines Skill of the Worker Activities

17 Scoping our work  Pre-job briefings  Work Plans o Technical Work Documents o Work Permits o Experimental Safety Reviews  Work screening  Plan of the Day meetings  Standard Operating Procedures

18 Identifying hazards  Pre-job planning meetings  Experimental Safety Reviews  Training  Assessment  Job risk assessment  Facility Risk Assessments  Environmental Process Assessments  Job Specific Work Permit reviews  Industrial Hygiene

19 Who do we go to for help?  Work Control Managers  Safety/Health Service  Engineers with expertise

20 controls to protect from identified hazards  Standards  SOP  Area requirements

21 monitoring for exposure to hazards  Safety & Health Service  Medicine Clinic for Medical Surveillance

22 Work authorizing  Manager verification to start work safely  Work Authorization issued by standards implying safe start  Daily job assignments and pre-job briefings  Work screening

23 Are we trained and qualified to perform this work?  Assigned job training assessment  Receive feedback during work  Meeting the training requirements  Supervisors verify qualifications pre-project

24 personnel protection equipment  Standard Operating Procedure  Safety glasses  Safety shoes  Double set of anti-contamination clothing  Hard hat  Ear protection

25 Conditions to stop work  Radiological, chemical, biological, … work that does not meet Laboratory requirements or creates a threat of unplanned exposures or releases  Imminent danger resulting in injury, death, environmental or equipment damage  Stop Work subject areas To issue a stop work order you must have been trained in stop work procedures

26 New hazards identified, scope changed...  Imminent danger? then stop work  Workers? Inform supervisor  Consult to develop and implement hazard controls  Change the work plan  Conduct a meeting to inform personnel of new hazards, controls and training  Revise work documents

27 Responsibility regarding safety  Following rules and procedures within authority  Stop Work, if you are trained to  Training assessments (jobs in safety)

28 Providing feedback  Feedback is provided by after job reviews  Documentation  Communicate improvements to every related manager, personnel  Lessons Learned  Communications: worker to manager

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