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Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in my school Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in our city Interesting “green” and “eco”

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Presentation on theme: "Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in my school Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in our city Interesting “green” and “eco”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in my school Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in our city Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in our region Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in our country 1) 3)3)3)3) 2) 4)4)4)4)

2 Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in my school 1) Big cans are situated around the school to divide plastic, glass and paper garbage to make separate collection of rubbish and to recycle them Plastic Glass Paper In our school there are two green and eco projects in action RECYCLING ROCK YOUR SCHOOL (Divided in 2 activities) Walls cleaning up Gardening Basically, all the students which don’t attend religion lessons for their choise have the possibility to clean up all the dirty walls or to garden in a specific area of the school

3 Urban Green line Urban green line is a proposal for the city of Rome, is an ecological infrastructure that sees the tram as a catalyst for a number of architectural projects that could be made along the way. The projects are born from the chair of Architectural and Urban Design Prof. Antonino Saggio at "Sapienza" University of Rome. Each proposal includes a "systemic" approach that can create synergies leading to processes of environmental, social and economic sustainability. The work done to date on urban green line is pointed out by a series of exhibitions that were held in Rome, from the first one at the Gallery of Architecture, held in May 2012. 2) Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in our city

4 Urban green line: a systemic ecological infrastructure projects in Rome whose aim is to open a public debate and to stimulate new encounters to trigger a process leading to the development of the project.

5 3)3)3)3) Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in our region There are not too many. The most important is called “GREEN CIRCLE”. Basically it consists in planting various type of plants all around the bigger cities, to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide around the metropolies.

6 4)4)4)4) Interesting “green” and “eco” projects happening in our country In the last years our country has started a project called “ECO Courts”. The goals of this project are to decrease in the condominiums the consumption of water by the 30%, of rubbish by the 15% and of electric energy by the 15%. At the same time this project aims to spread over the new eco-thecnologies, develop istruments that could help the families to reduce wastes.

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