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Sustainable Tourism development

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1 Sustainable Tourism development
Lecture 10 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

2 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
Sustainability Definitions Sustainable Tourism Development Lab Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory

3 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
“Sustainable tourism development maintains the delicate balance between the human need to improve our lifestyle, with preserving natural resources and ecosystems on which future generations will depend.” Sustainable Tourism Laboratory , 2007 Sustainable Tourism Development Lab Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory

4 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
“Sustainability is the capability to equitably meet the vital human needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs by preserving and protecting the area’s ecosystems and natural resources.” American Planning Association Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

5 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
National Geographic Defines Sustainable Tourism as Geotourism. “Geotourism is defined as tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place-its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents.” National Geographic Society’s CSD Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

6 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
“For a destination to develop sustainably organizations must adopt business strategies and activities that meet the needs of the enterprise and its stakeholders today while protecting, sustaining , and enhancing human and natural resources into the future.” BEST Education Network Sustainable Tourism Development Lab Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory

7 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” World Environmental Commission Sustainable Tourism Development Lab Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory

8 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
“By promoting economic growth strategies based on expanded infrastructure which are environmentally responsible and socially acceptable we are bringing a sustainable future closer to today’s reality.” The World Bank Sustainable Tourism Development Lab Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory

9 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
“Planning for sustainability requires a systematic, integrated approach that brings together the environmental,economic and social goals and actions directed toward the four sustainability objectives for a community.” 1. Reduce dependence upon fossil fuels, underground metals, and minerals. 2. Reduce dependence upon synthetic chemicals and other unnatural substances. 3. Reduce encroachment upon nature. 4. Meet human needs fairly & efficiently. APA Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

10 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
“Many community's are carrying out sustainable development projects such as green buildings, affordable housing, smart growth or climate change initiatives, but these are largely occurring on a project by project basis.” “It is recommended to use a systems approach to sustainable development by using widespread community awareness – integrated municipal involvement, and using a common language to identify what sustainability means.” APA Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

11 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
Key sustainability characteristics include: Capacities to understand and analyze problems, Partnering with different resources/organizations to find solutions, Using local resources for local solutions, Involving the whole community and all stakeholders with comprehensive participation, Negotiation and consensus-building from within, Ability to incorporate and adopt external resources within local contexts, Respect of historical and cultural issues. Global Research Development Center Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

12 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
The Seven Sustainability Triads Participation Decision-Making Partnership Governance Knowledge and Information Continual Improvement Lifestyles The Global Research Development Center Sustainable Tourism Development Lab Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory

13 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
What is being done to insure sustainability is in our future? UNWTO National Geographic Society’s CSD Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

14 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
The National Geographic Society Center for Sustainable Destinations GeoTourism Principles: Integrity of Place International Codes Market Selectivity Market Diversity Tourist Satisfaction Community Benefit Protection and enhancement of destination appeal Land use Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

15 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
Conservation of Resources Planning Interactive interpretation Evaluation Community Involvement Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

16 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
United Nations World Tourism Organization Principles of Tourism Sustainability Tourism planning in the context of overall land-use planning which provides the basis for achieving integrated, controlled and sustainable tourism development. Planning is carried out according to a systematic process Sustainable tourism development can fulfill economic, social, and aesthetic needs while maintaining cultural integrity and ecological processes. It can provide for today’s hosts and guests while protecting and enhancing the same opportunity for the future. Sustainable tourism development involves making hard political choices based on complex social, economic and environmental trade-offs. It requires a vision which encompasses a larger time and space context than that traditionally used in community planning and decision making. Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

17 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
Tourism should be undertaken with equity in mind to distribute fairly benefits and costs among tourism promoters and host peoples and areas. Good information, research and communication on the nature of tourism and its effects on the human and cultural environment should be available prior to and during development, especially, for the local people, so that they can participate in and influence the direction of development and its effects as much as possible, in the individual and the collective interest. Local people should be encouraged and expected to undertake leadership roles in planning and development with the assistance of government, business, financial and other interests. Integrated environmental, social and economic planning analysis should be undertaken prior to the commencement of any major projects, with careful consideration given to different types of tourism development and the ways in which they might link with existing uses, ways of life and environmental considerations. Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

18 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
Throughout all stages of tourism development and operation, a careful assessment, monitoring and mediation program should be conducted in order to allow local people and others to take advantage of opportunities of to respond to changes. Tourism Planning, development and operations should be part of conservations or sustainable development strategies for a community. Tourism should be planned and managed in a sustainable manner, with a due regard for protection and appropriate economic methodologies. Agencies and individuals should follow ethical principles with respect to the culture and environment of the host area. UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

19 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

20 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
Lastly…. The future belongs to the efficient, therefore destination managers must take responsibility to insure their resources are well managed today if we are to have a tomorrow! Sharing knowledge and educating our communities today, will have a positive impact on future generations to be able to sustain a livable community. Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory Sustainable Tourism Development Lab

21 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory
Thank You Sustainable Tourism Development Lab Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory

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