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LONELINESS IS A PERPLEXING PROBLEM  We work in Christian communities  We emphasize relationships  We value Christian fellowship Loneliness is an occupational.

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Presentation on theme: "LONELINESS IS A PERPLEXING PROBLEM  We work in Christian communities  We emphasize relationships  We value Christian fellowship Loneliness is an occupational."— Presentation transcript:


2 LONELINESS IS A PERPLEXING PROBLEM  We work in Christian communities  We emphasize relationships  We value Christian fellowship Loneliness is an occupational hazard of Christian leadership

3 REASONS CHRISTIANS LEADERS ARE LONELY Leaders are isolated by information:  Personal information  Professional information

4 Leaders are isolated by obedience:  Moral stands  Doctrinal positions  Leading spiritual commitments REASONS CHRISTIANS LEADERS ARE LONELY

5 Leaders are isolated by job demands:  Time alone in preparation and study  Traveling alone  Work setting REASONS CHRISTIANS LEADERS ARE LONELY

6 Leaders are isolated by emotional depletion from job performance:  The burden of spiritual responsibility  The struggle of spiritual warfare REASONS CHRISTIANS LEADERS ARE LONELY

7 STRATEGIES FOR HANDLING LONELINESS Have realistic expectations about loneliness:  You will be lonely  You can get through it

8 Cultivate your awareness of God’s presence:  Take an honest look at biblical leaders- Jesus, Paul, David  Maintain consistent devotional practices  Bible reading  Prayer  Scripture memory STRATEGIES FOR HANDLING LONELINESS

9 Cultivate friendships to sustain you through low times:  Take an honest look at biblical leaders- Jesus’ disciples, Paul’s team, and David’s mighty men  Cultivate three kinds of friendships  Ministry peers  Everyday people  Trusted confidant STRATEGIES FOR HANDLING LONELINESS

10 Two big questions  What keeps ministry leaders from having more friends?  Competition  Lack of transparency  Pride  What about my spouse as the cure for my loneliness? STRATEGIES FOR HANDLING LONELINESS

11 EMBRACING LONELINESS Choose Solitude:  Loneliness is an emotional state  Solitude is a choice to be alone for a special purpose Learn from your lonely times

12 SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANES THAT REQUIRE SPECIAL ATTENTION  When loneliness turns into depression  When your ministry setting is particularly isolating  When your ministry setting is toxic


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