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Skills for Mentoring Successful Lay Leaders Adapted from a manuscript by: Larry G. Hess.

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Presentation on theme: "Skills for Mentoring Successful Lay Leaders Adapted from a manuscript by: Larry G. Hess."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills for Mentoring Successful Lay Leaders Adapted from a manuscript by: Larry G. Hess

2 INTRODUCTION Local church ministry is in a crisis, reflected both in the decline of many denominations and the loss of passion for kingdom service. The expectation of many local churches is that the pastor is the professional religionist, the expert, not the equipper and catalyst of unity.

3 INTRODUCTION The model of Jesus Christ calls into question the modern clergy-laity split by asserting that all believers are priests and ministers. All Christians are the people (laity or laos) of God.

4 INTRODUCTION It is God's desire that all believers become ministers by exercising their spiritual gifts and by fulfilling their divine calling as disciples of Jesus Christ.

5 INTRODUCTION The Lay Leadership Development program is a major step forward in developing and equipping lay leaders in local church ministry. The Great Commission belongs to all Christians and demands that laity be trained, motivated, and enabled to use their gifts in ministry.

6 INTRODUCTION God has called pastors to be role models and mentors, building the church by leading believers into productive areas of ministry. In order to accomplish this, pastors need a workable program to follow that will motivate and inspire lay leaders.

7 INTRODUCTION By implementing this "Pastor's Program", a pastor will discover the skills and methods of mentoring needed to produce a great team of lay leaders who will be role models and influencers for the local church.

8 I.LAY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEVEL ONE PURPOSE AND GUIDELINES A. Purpose  Lay Leadership Development is designed produce spiritual leaders in the local church who are: –truthful under all conditions –honest even when no one is looking –respectful of other people's reputations –mature and not defensive

9 I.LAY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEVEL ONE PURPOSE AND GUIDELINES –pure in habits, motives, and relationships –balanced in priorities –emotionally stable –restrained in seeking pleasures –fairminded and objective –faithful in self-examination/evaluation for the purpose of conforming to the image of Jesus Christ

10 I.LAY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEVEL ONE PURPOSE AND GUIDELINES –driven to win souls to Christ –willing to make necessary changes –gentle and affectionate with their family –sensitive to the Holy Spirit –able to demonstrate loving service to the body of Christ

11 I.LAY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEVEL ONE PURPOSE AND GUIDELINES B. Program Guidelines  Lay Leadership Development will help establish a bond of loyalty and a relationship of cooperation between the mentoring pastor and the lay person.  The pastor approves lay persons to participate in the program. One lay person or a group of any size may participate.

12 I.LAY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEVEL ONE PURPOSE AND GUIDELINES  The program is divided into two levels and each level lasts for six months.  In Level One, all lay leaders follow the same course of independent self-study.  While participating in Level One, each lay leader will be given specific assignments in the local church.

13 I.LAY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEVEL ONE PURPOSE AND GUIDELINES SUMMARY OF LEVEL ONE  Builds a special mentoring relationship  Identifies and trains lay leadership  High quality, independent study program designed to develop leaders  Provides practical experience under supervision  Promotes self-discovery and personal development

14 I.LAY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEVEL ONE PURPOSE AND GUIDELINES  Enhances leadership skills  Encourages spiritual development  Builds group enrichment and relationship building  Provides quality seminars  Provides weekly opportunities for sharing and interaction  Teaches spiritual disciplines

15 I.LAY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEVEL ONE PURPOSE AND GUIDELINES  Builds maturity and stability  Provides marriage enrichment opportunities  Prepares for greater lay ministry involvement  Successful completion of Level One qualifies the leader to participate in Level Two



18 IV.DAILY REFLECTIONS Every day (Monday through Friday) the lay leaders have reading assignments listed in the Daily Reflections. Also there is a place to record devotions, time spent in prayer, and reflective thoughts.

19 V.TRAINING SEMINARS A very important part of Lay Leadership Development - Level One is the monthly seminars.

20 VI.MONTHLY EVALUATION FORMS A.Mentoring Pastor's Evaluation Forms  The mentoring pastor is to complete a monthly evaluation form for each lay leader.

21 VI.MONTHLY EVALUATION FORMS B. Lay Leader's Self-Evaluation Forms  Each lay participant is to complete a monthly self- evaluation form.

22 VII. WEEKLY SHARING SESSIONS The mentoring pastor is strongly encouraged to meet once a week with all of the participants in a small group session.

23 CONCLUSION Lay Leadership Development can strengthen your church and build a strong inner core of dedicated and faithful lay leaders Lay Leadership Development can help to clarify and define your vision/ministry statements.

24 CONCLUSION This program will help the mentor and each lay leader to:  expand their experience with God  match their gifts to ministry opportunities  live by Biblical principles and reflect God's highest purposes  balance the significant roles and demands

25 CONCLUSION  maintain a Christ-like perspective on life  accept the Great Commission as a priority  exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit  demonstrate the love of God in both word and sacrificial deed  live a life of holiness and obedience to God and His Word

26 CONCLUSION Level Two of Lay Leadership Development is "An Apprenticeship in Christian Lifestyle and Ministry." During Level Two the lay leader is given an opportunity to put into practice the leadership skills promoted and enhanced in Level One. Level Two also gives the lay leader the opportunity to specialize in one area of local church ministry.

27 CONCLUSION Level Two gives the lay leader the specific training, supervision, motivation, and self-confidence needed to be an effective leader in that area of ministry.

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