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Mapping of cropland areas over Africa combining various land cover/use datasets Food Security (FOODSEC) Action Monitoring Agricultural ResourceS (MARS)

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping of cropland areas over Africa combining various land cover/use datasets Food Security (FOODSEC) Action Monitoring Agricultural ResourceS (MARS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping of cropland areas over Africa combining various land cover/use datasets Food Security (FOODSEC) Action Monitoring Agricultural ResourceS (MARS) Unit Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) Joint Research Centre (JRC) – European Commission Christelle Vancutsem, Francois Kayitakire, Jean-Francois Pekel, Eduardo Marinho

2 Pasture & Crop Masks RS time series Agriculture monitoring and early warning NDVI anomalies Vegetation Index profile extraction Context

3 Objective Map cropland areas at 250m « STATIC » Expert-based combination of existing datasets At the global scale (17) with emphasizing on Africa (10) « DYNAMIC » Every year Sub-saharien african countries Identify potential cropland areas Analyse the inter-annual variability From MODIS time series 2009 2008 … … multi-annual mask

4 10 sources Landsat-based: - SADC 1990-1995 (CSIR) - CUI 1988 (USGS) - LULC 2000 (USGS) - Woody Biomass 2002 (World Bank) - Africover 2000 (FAO) - LC Senegal 2005 (GLCN, FAO) - LC Mozambique 2008 (DNTF) - MODIS-derived Crop mask 2009 (JRC, MARS) Low/medium resolution: - Globcover 2005-2006 (ESA) - RDC LC 2000 (UCL) Crop mask

5 10 sources Data preparation Selection of cropland classes Combination of datasets Regularly updated Static crop mask

6 Validation JRC contributes to the improvement of the tool: -as beta-tester (7 experts) -providing SPOT VGT NDVI profiles

7 Validation With Two validation datasets: 1.For all Africa, one point every degree (IIASA) 2942pts 2. For Niger-Nigeria (Foodsec), one point every 40km 649pts (200 pts overlap) total 3591 pts without overlap Comparison with two existing crop masks: Fritz et al. (2011) and Pittman et al. (2010)

8 Validation Agreement (%) between experts for each category of crops taking into account the category concerned only (% of agreement 1cl) and the neighbouring classes (% of agreement 3cl) 130 points Niger- Nigeria

9 Validation Comparison between the 3 crop masks and two validation datasets MARS IIASA Pittman et al.MARS IIASA Pittman et al. >50% 65.15% 30.26% 21.3% 69.6% 49.8% 17.3% Africa Niger-Nigeria window JRC IIASA

10 Combination of the best existing datasets available (static mask) - half of the African countries covered by high and medium resolution-derived products - validation shows that the product better agrees with the validation dataset than other existing crop masks - need of up-to-date information and feedback from users ! - in continuous improvement (global) Training and validation datasets with - Reliable and user-friendly collaborative tool - Allows sharing data and expertise between experts in a win/win approach - As powerful as the number of user is growing - Allows a high productivity of the interpreter Conclusion

11 Thank you Global Cropland Map (JRC-MARS, 2011)

12 10 sources Data preparation  From feature to Raster  Reprojection  Resampling at 250m  Translation in the LCCS legend (5cl) -Cultivated and managed areas -Post-flooding or irrigated croplands -Rainfed croplands -Mosaic cropland (50-70%)/vgt -Mosaic vgt / cropland (20-50%) Static crop mask

13 10 sources Data preparation Selection of cropland classes –By default, crops >50% –IF crops <50% Selection by experts based on comparison with HR imagery (GE) - Globcover 20-50% in equatorial countries - CUI 30-50% Static crop mask

14 10 sources Data preparation Selection of cropland classes Data combination When different sources: 1) Comparison with high resolution imagery (GE) & Analysis by experts 2) Rules:  1 st priority to the highest resolution  2 nd priority to the most recent Static crop mask

15 10 sources Data preparation Selection of cropland classes Combination of datasets Possible issues  Out-dated  Global LC data (Globcover)  Spatial inconsistencies  Spatial resolution 250m not “real” Static crop mask

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