The Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther A visit to Rome changed the pious monk’s life. A visit to Rome changed the pious monk’s life.

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Presentation on theme: "The Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther A visit to Rome changed the pious monk’s life. A visit to Rome changed the pious monk’s life."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Protestant Reformation

2 Martin Luther A visit to Rome changed the pious monk’s life. A visit to Rome changed the pious monk’s life.

3 95 Theses 1517 Nailed to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Nailed to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Hurt the sale of indulgences. Hurt the sale of indulgences. Angered the pope, archbishop, and other clergy. Angered the pope, archbishop, and other clergy.

4 Other Luther Works The Freedom of a Christian The Freedom of a Christian Address to Christian Nobility Address to Christian Nobility Pagan Servitude of the Church Pagan Servitude of the Church

5 The Papal Bull Written by Pope Leo X, excommunicating Martin Luther for his works and actions. Written by Pope Leo X, excommunicating Martin Luther for his works and actions. Luther promptly burned the letter. Luther promptly burned the letter. s

6 Luther’s works were gathered and burned in mass fires throughout Germany.

7 Diet of Worms 1521 “I will not repent more works for I will not go against my own conscience. Here I stand, I can do no other. God have mercy on my soul.” “I will not repent more works for I will not go against my own conscience. Here I stand, I can do no other. God have mercy on my soul.”

8 Wartburg Castle Protected by Frederick of Saxony, Luther translated the Bible from Latin into German. Protected by Frederick of Saxony, Luther translated the Bible from Latin into German.

9 Peasant’s Revolt 1523-1524 Led to the slaughter of 70,000- 100,000 peasants. Led to the slaughter of 70,000- 100,000 peasants.

10 Peace of Augsburg 1555 Allowed for German Princes to choose their own religions for their kingdoms. Allowed for German Princes to choose their own religions for their kingdoms.

11 Religious Divisions in Germany

12 Ulrich Zwingli Swiss Reformer Swiss Reformer Radical Radical Killed during the Swiss Religious Wars Killed during the Swiss Religious Wars

13 John Calvin French lawyer and priest French lawyer and priest Started reformation in Switzerland Started reformation in Switzerland Has a Facebook page! Has a Facebook page!

14 Predestination Central belief of Calvin. Central belief of Calvin. The notion that one’s fate in predetermined by God. The notion that one’s fate in predetermined by God. Free will does not exist. Free will does not exist.

15 Theocracy A community or state run by religious officials. A community or state run by religious officials.

16 Dutch Reformed Church Followers of John Calvin and his beliefs. Followers of John Calvin and his beliefs.

17 John Knox and Scotland Brought the Reformation movement to Scotland. Brought the Reformation movement to Scotland. Eventually started the Presbyterian Church. Eventually started the Presbyterian Church.

18 Henry VIII

19 Class Work Create a short 3 sentence/ bulleted chart about Henry’s 6 wives: Create a short 3 sentence/ bulleted chart about Henry’s 6 wives: Catherine of Aragon Catherine of Aragon Anne Boleyn Anne Boleyn Jane Seymour Jane Seymour Anne of Cleves Anne of Cleves Kathryn Howard Kathryn Howard Katherine Parr Katherine Parr

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