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The German GNSS Toll System on Motorways and on Main Roads

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1 The German GNSS Toll System on Motorways and on Main Roads
Washington September 5, 2007

2 Toll Collect is set up as a Public Private Partnership
Contract 45 % 10 % Return Fees Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Develpoment Toll Funding build Revenue Services TC run Toll Collect- System Revenue Users

3 The German GNSS Toll System combines GPS and GSM

4 The automatic system GPS A B C D 1,90 0,60 0,90 0,00 0,60€ 0,30€ 1,00€
Virtual toll plaza Beacon GPS support A B C D 1,90 0,60 0,90 0,00 0,60€ 0,30€ 1,00€

5 On-Board Unit enables automatic Toll Collection on any Class of Road
Din slot version Based on proven key technologies (GPS, GSM) On-Board Unit calculates toll dependent on emission class and number of axles Transmission of charged road segments to data centre via GSM (SMS message) Updates of chargeable new road segments or toll rates are achieved wirelessly via GSM Platform for future added-value services Ready for future interoperability with other European road user charging systems Dashboard mounted

6 User in automatic system as of July, 30th TOP 15
registered user registered vehicles mounted OBU Total Germany Poland Netherlands Czech Republic Austria Belgium Hungary Spain Slovakia Lithunia Italy France Turkey Slovenia Luxembourg 72.523 6.031 7.763 2.397 2.724 2.156 1.481 2.571 1.119 675 1.471 1.300 187 696 357 58.985 62.861 29.731 24.280 23.209 14.565 20.689 11.536 12.108 18.902 30.902 8.128 6.828 6.547 45.702 44.072 22.273 15.794 11.650 8.959 8.588 7.840 7.683 6.969 6.014 4.972 4.641 4.231

7 The Reservation Modes Automatic system Manual system
The automatic reservation mode is the most convenient way to pay the toll and it is widely accepted by the users Automatic system Manual system On-Board Unit Internet Terminal 90 % 10 %

8 Manual System Internet reservation
Prerequisite: registration with Toll Collect Users receive a user ID and password Secure data transfer Toll Station Terminal More than 3,500 toll station terminals in Germany and abroad (at rest stops, border crossings and service stations). Entry of vehicle information, route, starting time Printing of log-on receipt In both cases Routes can be booked three days in advance Before journey starts: cancellation of complete route possible After journey starts: partial cancellation of unused route possible Operation in four languages (D, GB, F, PL) Telephone support for reservations

9 Enforcement Toll regulations are enforced by the BAG
Automatic enforcement: 300 automatic control gantries are provided (comparable with bridges for multi-lane electronic tolling) Stationary enforcement: BAG officers stop vehicle after it passes control gantry Mobile enforcement: 278 BAG enforcement vehicles (T5) are provided Automatic log-on is checked via communication with On-Board Units Manual log-on is checked by scanning vehicle licence plates and communication with the Toll Collect computing centre Suspected toll violators are stopped by BAG officers Additional enforcement: on-site inspections

10 Mobile Control Units Communications of the control units
Operated by the BAG The concept is to « hunt within the traffic » Vehicles supplied by the BAG, Enforcement technology designed installed and maintenanced by Toll Collect The vehicles are equipped with a car server, two laptop workstations, CC-Terminal, OBU, handheld unit and portable terminal for communication with gantries Reading out truck’s OBU in movement DSRC / IR Communications of the control units online booking informaton from TC server GSM / GPRS Positionning via the OBU. Automatic transfer of basic information into control report (license plate, time, place, agent’s ID) GPS Reading out OBU of pulled-out truck and transfer to car server DECT Data transmission from gantry to control-vehicle WLAN

11 Toll Statement

12 Detailed Toll Statement

13 Operational Status as of July 2007
7,26 billion € toll has been charged since January 1, 2005 2.5 million invoices were sent to customers the amount of installed OBU raised from 320,000 (January 2005) up to 585,000 2005 as of 2006 as of 2007 as of registered users in thousands /end of period registered vehicles in thousands/end of period mounted OBU in thousands / end of period availability / accuracy level of automatic system toll income in billion € toll kilometres in billion quota automatic system quota manual system sent invoices to customers in thousands amount credit notes in thousand € controlled vehicles BAG+TC in million Level of potential Fraud 109.1 736.3 482.3 99% 2.87 23.9 86% 14% 1,004.5 86.9 17.6 < 2% 118.2 846.5 546.0 99.75% 3.08 25.8 90% 10% 1,043.2 108.1 18.2 < 2% 108.6 875.2 585.0 99.75% 1.91 15.9 90% 10% 647.8 54.5 10.5 < 2%

14 Customer Relationship – the Website
Explanation of the different booking opportunities Booking simulator Lists of POS and Service Partners are provided Download of different information, brochures and forms Multilingual Internet booking possible

15 German specific Feature: Flexibility for tolling Main Roads
Due to the tolling of the motorways, some trucks diverted to free main roads to avoid paying the toll, causing a nuisance to neighbours (safety, pollution, noise) In order for the trucks to return to the motorways the Bundesrat voted in October 2006 for the tolling of three main roads from January 01, 2007 onwards It was possible to implement this so quickly only with satellite technology, not requiring any ground infrastructure Traffic deviation from the A7 motorway to the B4 main road A tolled main road

16 German specific Feature: Flexibility and easy evolution together with the network
A motorway network « lives » New sections will be added or removed regularly The updates only apply for the cartography and they are done « by the air », without any ground infrastructure 5390 5371 5360 5330 5300 5270 5261 5254 5246 5248 5239 5243 5240 5231 5233 5237 5237 5237 5237 5214 5210 5186 5180 5150 Nov Dec Jan 2006 Feb Mar Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 2007 2005 2006 Change of toll sections between November 2005 and January 2007

17 German specific Feature: it is environmental friendly
Evolution of the pollution classes of the vehicles registered by TC 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00% 60,00% Classes 4, 5, 6 Classe 3 Classe 2 Classe 1 Déc 04 Déc 05 Déc 06 Class 1 is the most polluting and class 6 is the least polluting

18 System serves as a Tool for the Financing and the Management of modern Traffic Infrastructure
Building and Maintenance of Roads Environmental Protection Traffic Management

19 Interoperability – Today...

20 One Onboard-Unit, one contract
Interoperability - The Vision One Onboard-Unit, one contract

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