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Lecture #44 Classification

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1 Lecture #44 Classification
AP Biology Lecture #44 Classification

2 Finding commonality in variety
Solar System Finding commonality in variety Earth No. America Organisms classified from most general group, domain, down to most specific, species domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species U. S. WI So. WI Green Co. New Glarus use the mnemonic!

3 Devil Cat

4 Ghost Cat

5 Mountain Lion

6 Screaming Cat

7 Puma

8 Florida Panther

9 Cougar

10 There are at least 50 common names for
the animal shown on the previous 7 slides. Common names vary according to region. Soooo……why use a scientific name?

11 Why are some kinds similar and others NOT similar?
Question to be answered later? How can we make sense of (explain) this diversity? How can we organize what we know about these organisms?

12 Early Efforts at Naming Organisms
The first attempts at standard scientific names often described the physical characteristics of a species in great detail. Results in long names Difficult to standardize the names of organisms Different scientists described different characteristics.

13 Answer: CLASSIFY! Similar “types” (species) grouped together, separated from other species. Then, group similar groups together, etc. The science of classifying organisms is called taxonomy. The “father of modern taxonomy” was Carolus Linnaeus (Carl von Linné).

14 Why Do We Classify Organisms?
Biologists group organisms to represent similarities and proposed relationships. Classification systems change with expanding knowledge about new and well-known organisms. Tacitus bellus Classification system organizes biological knowledge. Classification itself is HYPOTHESIS about relationships, similarity because of common ancestry.

15 Leucaena leucocephala
Classification Binomial Nomenclature Two part name (Genus, species) Hierarchical Classification Seven Taxonomic Catagroies Systematics Study of the evolution of biological diversity Leucaena leucocephala Lead tree

16 C L A S I F T O n

17 Classification Old 5 Kingdom system New 3 Domain system
Eukaryote Prokaryote Old 5 Kingdom system Monera, Protists, Plants, Fungi, Animals New 3 Domain system reflects a greater understanding of evolution & molecular evidence Prokaryote: Bacteria Prokaryote: Archaebacteria Eukaryotes Protists Plants Fungi Animals Archaebacteria & Bacteria

18 Kingdom Protist Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plant Kingdom Animal Kingdom Archaebacteria Kingdom Bacteria

19 Kingdoms Fungi Animalia absorptive nutrition ingestive nutrition
Plantae autotrophs heterotrophs Protista uni- to multicellular multicellular Eubacteria Archaebacteria prokaryotes eukaryotes Single-celled ancestor

20 Hierarchical Classification
Taxonomic categories Kingdom King Phylum Philip Class Came Order Over Family For Genus Green Species Soup

21 CLASSIFICATION = Sequence of levels
CLASSIFICATION = Sequence of levels. Linnaean system, from Carolus Linnaeus, 1740's Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species King Phil called old fat George stupid.

22 CLASSIFICATION = Linnaean system

23 The 7 taxonomic categories
Species - a group of organisms that breed with one another and produce fertile offspring. Genus - a group of closely related species. Family - genera that share many characteristics. Order - is a broad taxonomic category composed of similar families. Class - is composed of similar orders. Phylum- several different classes that share important characteristics. Kingdom - largest taxonomic group, consisting of closely related phyla


25 CLASSIFICATION Whittaker’s Five Kingdoms, 1965
Kingdom Monera (Bacteria) Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia

26 Prokaryotic organisms are far more diverse than thought previously.
Woese, 1985 Prokaryotic organisms are far more diverse than thought previously. Domain Eubacteria (prokaryotic “true bacteria”) Domain Archaea (prokaryotic “archaeans”) Domain Eukarya (eukaryotic organisms) The three-domain system Bacteria Archaea Eukarya The six-kingdom system Bacteria Archaea Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia The traditional five-kingdom system Monera Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia

27 Prokaryotic organisms are far more diverse than thought previously.
Domain Eubacteria (prokaryotic “true bacteria”) Kingdom Gram-positive bacteria Kingdom Gram-negative bacteria Kingdom Mycoplasmas Kingdom Rickettsias Kingdom purple-sulfur bacteria and more Domain Archaea (prokaryotic “archaeans”) Domain Eukarya (eukaryotic organisms)

28 Domain Eubacteria Formerly a part of the kingdom monera
Name means “true bacteria” These are the kind of bacteria likely to make us sick, live in our gut to help us digest food, or be used in the making of cheese Bacilli Streptococcus Staphylococcus Dicoccus Spirilla

29 Prokaryotic organisms are far more diverse than thought previously.
Domain Eubacteria (prokaryotic “true bacteria”) Domain Archaea (prokaryotic “archaeans”) Kingdom Thermophiles Kingdom Halophiles Kingdom Methanogens Kingdom ARMANS (“Archeal Richmond Mine Acidophilic Nanoorganism” Science vol 314, 22 Dec ) Domain Eukarya (eukaryotic organisms)

30 Domain Archaea Formerly part of the kingdom monera
Microbiologists who study bacteria determined that the DNA of these are much different from other, true bacteria Most Archaea live in extreme conditions (very hot, acidic/basic, sulfurous, etc)

31 Prokaryotic organisms are far more diverse than thought previously.
Domain Eubacteria (prokaryotic “true bacteria”) Domain Archaea (prokaryotic “archaeans”) Domain Eukarya (eukaryotic organisms) Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia

32 Domain Eukarya Contains all of the eukaryotes (organisms with a nucleus in their cells) Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia

33 Kingdom Protista Animal-Like (Protozoans) Fungus-Like Plant-Like
Paramecium Giardia Amoeba Fungus-Like Includes All Protists: Eukaryotic Unicellular Animal-Like Protists (protozoans) Pseudopods, Ciliates, Flagellates Examples: Amoeba, Paramecia, Giardia Plant-Like Protists (autotrophic) Euglenoids, Dinoflagellates, Diatoms, Green/Red/Brown Algae Fungus-Like Protists Examples: Water molds, slime molds Plant-Like Water Mold Slime Mold Diatom Euglena Green Algae Brown Algae Dinoflagellates

34 Kingdom Fungi All eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic, sessile organisms Includes: molds, mushrooms, rusts, lichens Mycorrhizal associations allow plants to absorb more water and nutrients from the soil

35 Coniferophytes (Pine Trees)
Kingdom Plantae Primitive Plants Bryophyte (Moss) Pteridophyte(Fern) Complex Plants Pteridophyte(Fern) All eukaryotic, multicellular, autotrophic, sessile organisms Produce their own food from sunlight and carbon dioxide Common Phyla: Bryophyta (mosses) Pteridophyta (ferns) Coniferophyta (conifers, like pine trees) Angiospermophyta (angiosperms, like flowering plants Coniferophytes (Pine Trees) Angiosperm; Dicot Angiosperm; Monocot

36 Kingdom Animalia Porifera Ctenophora Cnidaria Nematoda Platyhelminthes
All eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic, motile (most) organisms Common Phyla: Porifera (sponges, corral) Cnidaria & Ctenophora (jellyfish and similar animals) Platyhelmenthes (flat worms, tapeworms) Nematoda (small unsegmented worms) Nematoda Platyhelminthes

37 Arthropoda Chordata Annelida Molluska Echinodermata
Mollusca (inc. clams, oysters, etc..) Annelida (segmented worms) Echinodermata (starfish and anemones) Arthropoda (crustaceans, insects, spiders) Chordata (those with spinal chords) Molluska Echinodermata

38 Classification of Living Things
Key Characteristics of Kingdoms and Domains Classification of Living Things Eukarya DOMAIN KINGDOM CELL TYPE CELL STRUCTURES NUMBER OF CELLS MODE OF NUTRITION EXAMPLES Bacteria Eubacteria Prokaryote Cell walls with peptidoglycan Unicellular Autotroph or heterotroph Streptococcus, Escherichia coli Archaea Archaebacteria Prokaryote Cell walls without peptidoglycan Unicellular Autotroph or heterotroph Methanogens, halophiles Protista Eukaryote Cell walls of cellulose in some; some have chloroplasts Most unicellular; some colonial; some multicellular Autotroph or heterotroph Amoeba, Paramecium, slime molds, giant kelp Plantae Eukaryote Cell walls of cellulose; chloroplasts Multicellular Autotroph Mosses, ferns, flowering plants Fungi Eukaryote Cell walls of chitin Most multicellular; some unicellular Heterotroph Mushrooms, yeasts Animalia Eukaryote No cell walls or chloroplasts Multicellular Heterotroph Sponges, worms, insects, fishes, mammals Go to Section:

39 Section 18-3 Living Things
Eukaryotic cells Prokaryotic cells are characterized by Important characteristics and differing which place them in Domain Eukarya Cell wall structures such as which is subdivided into which place them in Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Animalia Domain Bacteria Domain Archaea which coincides with which coincides with Kingdom Eubacteria Kingdom Archaebacteria Go to Section:

40 Kingdoms Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia

41 Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Did King Phil call old fat George stupid ?

42 Binomial Nomenclature
Carolus von Linnaeus Two-word naming system Genus Noun, Capitalized, Underlined or Italicized Species Descriptive, Lower Case, Underlined or Italicized Carolus von Linnaeus ( ) Swedish scientist who laid the foundation for modern taxonomy

43 Ursus americanus American Black Bear
Binomial Nomenclature: “a two-name system” First part of name: genus first letter always capitalized Second part of name: species first letter always lowercase Entire name is underlined and italicized Names must be submitted for acceptance by original discoverer, and are generally Latin or Latinized

44 Often Latin names contain clues about the type of organism being described.
Canis domesticus Canis lupus Names are generally closely related organisms are often in the same genus, also giving clues about their names. Some names are given for the discoverer, or the discovery location, or even a Latinized descriptive term in English.

45 Systematics: Evolutionary Classification of Organisms
Systematics is the study of the evolution of biological diversity, and combines data from the following areas. Fossil record Comparative homologies Cladistics Comparative sequencing of DNA/RNA among organisms Molecular clocks

46 Taxonomic Diagrams Phylogenetic Tree Cladogram Mammals Turtles
Lizards and Snakes Crocodiles Birds Mammals Turtles Lizards and Snakes Crocodiles Birds Phylogenetic Tree Cladogram

47 A phylogenetic tree is a family tree that shows a hypothesis about the evolutionary relationships thought to exist among groups of organisms. It does not show the actual evolutionary history of organisms. Why a hypothesis?


49 Phylogenetic trees are usually based on a combination of these lines of evidence:
    Fossil record     Morphology     Embryological patterns of development     Chromosomes and DNA

50 Taxa show unique combinations of characteristics.
For example, birds have feathers, beaks, and wings, and lay eggs, while mammals have hair, teeth, and give live birth.

51 Cladistics - is a relatively new system of phylogenetics classification that uses shared derived characters to establish evolutionary relationships. A derived character is a feature that apparently evolved only within the group under consideration.

52 Diagrams called cladograms are used to represent the phylogeny of organisms.
A phylogenetic tree based on a cladistic analysis is called a cladogram. What derived character is shared by all the animals on the cladogram on the next slide?


54 There are three basic assumptions in cladistics:
Organisms within a group are descended from a common ancestor. There is a bifurcating pattern of cladogenesis. Change in characteristics occurs in lineages over time.

55 Cats are more similar to dogs than they are to frogs, because they share a more recent common ancestor with dogs

56 Traditional Classification Versus Cladogram TRADITIONAL CLASSIFICATION
Appendages Conical Shells Crustaceans Gastropod Crab Barnacle Limpet Crab Barnacle Limpet Molted exoskeleton Segmentation Tiny free-swimming larva TRADITIONAL CLASSIFICATION CLADOGRAM

57 Possible evolution of the Kingdom Animalia
Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals Possible evolution of the Kingdom Animalia Birds Mammals Reptile Amphibian Fish Four Limbs Amniotic Egg Endothermic Fur Feathers Vertebrae

58 Modern Evolutionary Classification
Molecular Clocks Comparisons of DNA can also be used to mark the passage of evolutionary time. A model known as a molecular clock uses DNA comparisons to estimate the length of time that two species have been evolving independently. Comparison reveals more DNA in common, the more recent the common ancestor

59 Dichotomous Keys Identify Organisms
Dichotomous keys versus evolutionary classification Dichotomous keys contain pairs of contrasting descriptions. After each description, the key directs the user to another pair of descriptions or identifies the organism. Example: 1. a) Is the leaf simple? Go to 2 b) Is the leaf compound? Go to 3 2. a) Are margins of the leaf jagged? Go to 4 b) Are margins of the leaf smooth? Go to 5

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