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After the law that only a person born in the United States of America was amended Arnold saw it as his duty to run for President.

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2 After the law that only a person born in the United States of America was amended Arnold saw it as his duty to run for President

3 Arnold grew up in a small, isolated town in Austria. First famous for his body-building skills, Arnold moved to America to make a name for himself in the movies. After conquering the motion pictures, and marrying a descendent of the Kennedys, Arnold shifted his motives to politics. He may not be the most educated candidate for President of the United States, but Arnold has amazing leadership and communication skills with enable him to work well with others and accomplish what he sets out to do. He’s proved himself as governor of California, and will make an amazing President of the United States.

4 “Our nation, this generation, will life a dark threat of violence from our people an dour future. We will rally the world to this cause, by our efforts and by our courage. We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail” (George W. Bush) Arnold agrees fully with our current presidents policies of foreign relations. This is what our country needs right now. We need a strong, capable leader who sticks to their decisions and follows through with what they say. We will stay and finish what we started in Iraq because it’s important that everyone see us as a world power, and it’s our responsibility to protect our nation along with other nations which can’t protect themselves accordingly and it’s crucial that we not assume a foreign policy of isolation from the world’s problem. We will operate by pre-emptive action because we must stop terrorism before it strikes us. We will adopt a zero- tolerance policy of terrorism meaning we will not negotiate with them or countries that support or harbor them. In addition we will help to change the environments which provide grounds for terrorists like we have done in Afghanistan and Iraq. I will do this because in the short run, our strength can help us; however, in the long run our safety is not guaranteed by our military ability, so we must change the regimes, people, and countries which promote terroristic incentives.

5 “Americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves. When this spirit of citizenship is missing, no government program can replace it. When this spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it.” (George W. Bush) “It is in these communities that we grow up, go to school, attend church, mosque, or synagogue, and raise our families. It is our sacred responsibility to take care of these places, and leave them better off - physically, spiritually I disagree seperation of state and religion.” (George W. Bush) Crack Down on Drugs in Schools: President Bush will increase funding for school drug testing to help students resist peer pressure and help parents intervene with students in need. Judges: President Bush will continue to appoint to the Federal courts well- qualified judges who share his commitment to strictly interpret the law. As president I agree with our current presidents policy of church and state. Our nation is on the cutting edge of civil rights when compared with others, and basically we need to continue doing what we have been doing. We need to continue to look beyond ourselves and see our duties as citizens of the United States, and recognize our rights and responsibilities. This includes creating a strong community atmosphere through schools, religion, and family through addressing the current problems between the separation of church and state. My only real disagreement with the current presidents policies is regarding the testing of drugs in schools. It is a parent’s, not school’s possibility to control their children’s actions. The government and education system should not play a parent role to our nation’s youth.

6 “We must reform health care in America. We must build a modern, innovative health care system that gives patients more options and fewer orders, and strengthens the doctor-patient relationship.” ( (President Bush)He is going to work on the issues that increase health care rates, instead of raising taxes. Through a process of lowering drug costs, and improving benefits for lower class and senior citizens the effects should be great. (Arnold’s policy) We agree with President Bush’s policy on health care because our health care system needs to be reformed. It needs to be more new and modern to keep up to date with the changing world. We need to provide more people with affordable health care and help senior citizens get their prescriptions at a lower or no cost. These changes would strengthen relationships between patients and doctors, providing more trust and a healthier nation.

7 President Bush’s policy- “The role of Government is not to create wealth; the role of our Government is to create an environment in which the entrepreneur can flourish, in which minds can expand, in which technologies can reach new frontiers.” –President George W. Bush -We will work to build a more competitive economy worldwide by opening markets for American-made goods throughout the world (expand trade; export our good and import others to provide for a more competitive economy) -Encourage a growing economy by cutting taxes (economies grow and become more competitive when the people and businesses with them are able to spend, save, and invest their own money.) -Create more jobs (government jobs and projects; i.e. disaster relief and clean-up, Building of roads, bridges, damns, etc.) -Encourage a strong education and a continuing education throughout your life because skilled, educated workers are more competitive and perform more efficiently -Fund research to create more efficient ways of fueling (energy-efficient houses and cars, etc.) to reduce (but not eliminate) our dependency on our nations for gasses It’s important to have economic connections with other parts of the world, to import their goods and export ours to create a worldwide competitive economy, which would benefit all countries involved. The one area we need to create more independence is in the field of energy. We don’t need to be completely independent, but we can’t rely on the instable economies of the Middle East to provide us with the fuel we need to live. That’s why we must fund the building of energy-efficient cars and houses and research alternate methods of fueling such things. Our nation has strong, smart workers, but we need to provide an environment for them to continue learning throughout their career in order to remain in demand and competitive throughout the workplace in our nation and the world as a whole.

8 In conclusion our candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger is a caring man, who not only portrays a hero in his movies but is also is one in real life. He is willing to fight for a better America. Arnold is asking for your vote! To Clinton PPT To Clinton PPT

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