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People PT 1. People Pt. 2 Norther n Renaissan ce pt. 1 Norther n Renaissan ce pt. 2 Reformat ion pt. 1 Reformati on pt. 2 Old stuff 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "People PT 1. People Pt. 2 Norther n Renaissan ce pt. 1 Norther n Renaissan ce pt. 2 Reformat ion pt. 1 Reformati on pt. 2 Old stuff 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 People PT 1. People Pt. 2 Norther n Renaissan ce pt. 1 Norther n Renaissan ce pt. 2 Reformat ion pt. 1 Reformati on pt. 2 Old stuff 100 200 300 400 500

2 Inventor of the Printing Press

3 Johann Gutenberg

4 German Priest who is credited with starting the Reformation after nailing a list of complaints about the Church to a church door.

5 Martin Luther

6 This person broke away from the Catholic Church and formed the Church of England after the Pope wouldn’t grant his divorce.

7 King Henry VIII

8 Northern scholar who warned against ignoring history and encourage the study of history and the humanities.

9 Petrarch

10 English professor who was executed for translating the Bible into English.

11 William Tyndale

12 Politician who wrote a short book, The Prince, which gave practical advice to leaders on how they should rule.

13 Machiavelli

14 Considered one of the greatest writers in the English language (over 30 plays and created over 2,000 words).

15 William Shakespeare

16 Influential church reformer who taught the idea of predestination to his followers.

17 John Calvin

18 Northern Renaissance Author who wrote the book Don Quixote which poked fun at the romantic tales of the middle ages.

19 Miguel de Cervantes

20 Religious reformer who criticized the corrupt clergy and wanted to get rid of some Church rituals he thought were meaningless. Instead of rituals he emphasized devotion to God and the teachings of Jesus.

21 Desiderius Erasmus

22 In regards to education, what could women NOT DO during the Renaissance?

23 Attend Universities

24 What was the first book printed using the new printing press?

25 The Bible

26 What was the focus of art in the North during the Renaissance?

27 Daily life/realistic scenes (lifelike)

28 What were the new subjects (that were not religious but focused on human conditions/history/etc.) known as?

29 Humanities

30 What two things did Mathematicians create in regards to Math during the Renaissance?

31 Symbols for positive and negative numbers Symbol for square root

32 What were 2 new subjects taught during the Renaissance that were not really taught during the Middle Ages?

33 Art, history, literature, music, language, etc.

34 What were two ways the printing press helped change Europe?

35 Helped spread information quickly, start printing things in common languages, much quicker, literature can be mass produced.

36 What were 3 of Shakespeare's famous plays?

37 Macbeth, Othello, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, etc.

38 What changes in Literature helped the common people during the Renaissance?

39 Literature began to be written in common languages so more people could understand it and learn from it.

40 What were two similarities and two differences between the Northern and Italian Renaissance?

41 Similar- advances in math, art, and literature. More lifelike art and use of perspective, write in common languages, education in humanities and is more well-rounded Differences: North- scholars study religion and question it, religious humanism, more realistic/lifelike paintings Italy- Focus on ancient Greece and Rome, study Greek and Roman poetry, art/etc, classical myths (not daily life) is focus of art.

42 Who were Protestants? What were some reasons they were angry with the Church?

43 People who rebelled against the Catholic Church. Problems: Church too involved in politics, too involved with wealth, sale of indulgences (reduce time in Purgatory), not religious enough.

44 What did Calvinists believe? Who were Huguenots?

45 Calvinists- predestination (fate decided before you are born) Huguenots- French protestants

46 What was the Counter (Catholic) Reformation? Who were the Jesuits?

47 Counter (Catholic) Reformation- Effort to reform Church from within and stop spread of Protestantism Jesuits- Religious order formed to help stop Protestantism and to help Spread Catholicism across the world.

48 What happened to Martin Luther after he nailed his 95 theses to the Church door?

49 He was excommunicated and exiled from Germany (a German noble, however, hid him so he stayed in Germany). Put on trial

50 What law granted freedom for French Protestants to worship mostly anywhere freely in France except for Paris and a few other cities.

51 Edict of Nantes

52 What is Federalism?

53 Sharing of power between local and strong central governments.

54 What were the results of the Council of Trent? Name 3.

55 No selling indulgences, protestant ideas are rejected, bishops live in areas they oversee, ban certain books, set up religious courts to track down non-Catholics.

56 According to Machiavelli, the ideal ruler should be …..

57 Feared and loved

58 Why was the 30 years’ War fought? What was the Treaty of Westphalia (what did it say?)?

59 King of Bohemia (state in Holy Roman Empire) tried to force all his people to become Catholic. Protestants fight back and other countries join in 30 years of fighting. Treaty of Westphalia- Ended the War and said that leaders could choose whether their people would be Protestant or Catholic.

60 What were 2 religious and 2 social/political changes that occurred as a result of the Reformation?

61 Religious: Protestant groups form, Jesuits spread Catholicism around world, Council of Trent changes certain church practices, people question Catholicism. Political/Social: Religious freedom to people in France, Treaty of Westphalia allows leaders to pick religions, protestant congregations begin to run their own churches and towns, realize their own ideas are just as good as scholars, etc., and begin to question the world, federalism develops as people demand equality and a say in government.

62 Machiavelli wrote that it is best for a leader to be loved and feared but not possible so which one should a leader choose?

63 Feared

64 What did Italian Renaissance thinkers look to for inspiration?

65 Ancient Greek and Roman society – the classics

66 Who painted the Last Supper?

67 Leonardo da Vinci

68 What does this Machiavelli quote mean, “The end justifies the means”?

69 It doesn’t matter how you achieve your goals as long as you achieve them – stay in power and protect your country

70 What were the four major trading cities in Italy during the Renaissance?

71 Genoa Milan Venice Florence

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