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Coding Reporting Utilities.  Desktop ◦ C#  5 years  Web-based ◦ ASP.NET (C#)  5 years ◦ ASP.Classic (VB)  2+ years ◦ PHP  3+ years ◦ HTML5  1 year.

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Presentation on theme: "Coding Reporting Utilities.  Desktop ◦ C#  5 years  Web-based ◦ ASP.NET (C#)  5 years ◦ ASP.Classic (VB)  2+ years ◦ PHP  3+ years ◦ HTML5  1 year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coding Reporting Utilities

2  Desktop ◦ C#  5 years  Web-based ◦ ASP.NET (C#)  5 years ◦ ASP.Classic (VB)  2+ years ◦ PHP  3+ years ◦ HTML5  1 year

3  Desktop ◦ A utility for converting Unix Time (seconds from 1 Jan 1970) to a standard time format  Reason: To display data accessing a MySQL database where the timestamps were in Unix time, to a more user-friendly format

4  Web-Based ◦ A utility for uploading documents for student reference and which accompany courseware presentations  Reason: To enable management to efficiently add/edit courseware reference in database and to upload documentation


6  PHP w/ MySQL ◦ Our Learning Management System (LMS) uses PHP w/ MySQL, housed on an IIS7 server  C#.NET (.NET 4.0) w/ SQL and MySQL ◦ C# uses MySQLDriverCS.dll to communicate with MySQL databases on the LMS ◦ In-house apps/pages are developed in C#.NET (Older apps were done in ASP.Classic w/ MS Access.)

7  PHP/MySQL ◦ Class Performance  Tracks average time spent on courseware and the average grade for each test/exam per class ◦ Filtering  Per Class ◦ Technologies  PHP5  MySQL5.1 ◦ Software  MySQL Workbench  PHPMyAdmin  Notepad++



10  Code Sample ◦ SQL String and form display (excerpt)

11  Inventory Activity ◦ Tracks download of courseware from LMS site  To ensure that only validated users have access to those courses ◦ Filters  Every column  Can filter out or filter for  Can have multiple filters ◦ Technologies  C#.NET  MS SQL

12 ◦ Software  MS Visual Studio 2010  SQL Server 2008


14  Code Samples ◦ From AJAX, for filtering (excerpt)

15  Code Samples ◦ Filters for SQL query (excerpt)

16  Code Samples ◦ SQL query

17  Code Samples ◦ Table builder (excerpt)

18  Student Performance ◦ Tracks time spent on each lesson per student ◦ Filters  Student name  Course ◦ Technologies  C#.NET  MySQL  MySQL instead of MS SQL because LMS uses MySQL ◦ Software  MS Visual Studio 2010  MySQLDriverCS.dll


20  Code Samples ◦ MySQL query

21  Code Samples ◦ Filters from AJAX (excerpt)

22  Section of AJAX code used by various reports

23  SQL stored procedures (SProcs) ◦ Used for our in-house CBT authoring application  Database integrity, preventing SQL Injection  Organization of SQL statements into one area (as opposed to have query statements all throughout)

24  Get Page Object by Object Location ◦ Returns recordsets from multiple tables to display which pages are using a particular media file (narration, video, Flash).  This is used in conjunction with other SProcs for the purpose of page deletion

25  SELECT statement (excerpt)

26  If/Else statement (excerpt)

27  Search Replace text ◦ Searches for and (if chosen in interface) replaces text found anywhere in the entire course  Search also in narration script, image alt tags, as well as instructor notes (notes used by instructor if lesson is a classroom presentation)

28  Search portion

29  Replace portion

30  Copy SCO ◦ “SCO” is an e-learning term (based on the SCORM model) which denotes a chapter or section ◦ Copies every recordset from a particular SCO, within several tables (including task notes and objectives)..\copySCO.txt

31  Web-based, data-driven utilities used for in- house tasks  C#.NET and MS SQL ◦ GUI ◦ Console

32  TimeOff Tracker ◦ Used by both employees and management to record and track employees’ approved time off ◦ Technologies  C#.NET  MS SQL ◦ Software  Visual Studio 2010  MS SQL Management Server

33  Time off input

34  Report

35  Code Samples ◦ Parameterized Statements (excerpt)

36  Graphics Renamer ◦ Console App ◦ Renames all graphics’ names in a course with current course number  As the USAF syllabi change, so do course numbers

37  Code Samples ◦ SQL String

38  Code Samples ◦ Console input/output (excerpt)

39  Crystal Reports Have downloaded trial of Crystal Reports and am currently learning the interface.

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