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Course for teachers covering: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery PHP, PHP/MySQL

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Presentation on theme: "Course for teachers covering: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery PHP, PHP/MySQL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Course for teachers covering: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery PHP, PHP/MySQL

2 From the Assessment Specifications (Higher)

3 From the Assessment Specifications (Advanced Higher)

4 Course format: HTML, CSS and JavaScript use CodecademyCodecademy JQuery, PHP and MySQL use a conventional websitewebsite

5 Course details: HTML5 / CSS3 identifying elements by tag, class and id, semantic tags, text wrap around images, lists, tables, text boxes, forms, absolute, relative and internal links.

6 Course details: JavaScript changing content on a web page, changing HTML code to add links and formatting, Executing code when a button on a page is clicked. Standard Algorithm Programming examples: input validation, finding maximum and minimum values, counting occurrences, linear search.

7 Course details: JQuery Selectors Events Example quiz page with answers which animate on click

8 Course details: PHP Using a form to send an email, form validation, Standard Algorithm Programming examples: Input validation. counting occurrences. linear search

9 Course details: PHP / MySQL Connect to a database and send SQL queries which: Display all records, Create a record, Delete a record, Amend a record. Building a simple content management system

10 Getting it to work What you need: A Web server running PHP A Web server running MySQL (or one server running both) Solutions: Use EasyPHP (Education Scotland Blog post) Use free online hosting and database services Buy some Raspberry Pi and use old keyboards and monitors

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