Elements of Art LSSFCVT Lady Snakes Sip Fruity Cocktails Very Tenderly L ine S hape S pace F orm C olor V alue T exture.

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1 Elements of Art LSSFCVT Lady Snakes Sip Fruity Cocktails Very Tenderly L ine S hape S pace F orm C olor V alue T exture

2 Line The basic element of art. Found in all drawings, paintings, & sculpture.

3 Shape Triangle, square, circle, all are shape. Shapes can be organic or geometric and are the foundation of any drawing, painting, & sculpture.

4 Space Space adds distance and depth to a composition. Foreground, Middle-ground, and Background all help create space. You can create space by overlapping shapes in a composition. 1 & 2 point perspective are also ways artist create space in a composition. Arial Perspective: colors in the background look duller or softer, then the objects in the foreground. Space can also be termed negative or positive.

5 Form The overall shape and dimensions of an object. Can be seen from all sides.

6 Color Also known as Hue. Color is created by the refraction of light through a prism. VIBGYOR or ROYGBIV. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, & Violet. The light affect the quality and look of a color. There are tints and shades of colors. Tints are made by mixing white. Shades are created by mixing black. Color can effect someone's perception of a design or a composition.

7 Value The light or dark of a color or surface area. Value relates to contrast. Value is generally thought of when shading objects.

8 Texture The element that helps create the visual feel or representation of a texture. It may be furry, rough, smooth, or watery.

9 The Elements of Art Project

10 The Project Using the hand-out as a guide, create 8 sections on your paper. Be sure all sections are even. Lightly number each square going in order from 1 to 8. Each box will explore a different element of art. Starting somewhere on the page begin to draw a continuous line that overlaps and goes through each box at least once if not twice.

11 Layout of Project 8 even sections

12 Breaking up the Space.

13 The Directions for Each Section. 1. Use primary colors & colored pencils, to color in all parts of this box. Red, Blue, Yellow.You are exploring color. 2.Using secondary colors, Orange, Green, & Violet. Color in the area 2 using the tints and shades of these colors. This is exploring value. Use colored pencils 3. Using your pencil explore line quality. Thick, thin, broken, wavy, hard (dark), light, and so on. (No color on this one.) 4. Using Analogous color and at least two different mediums create texture in this section. Mediums are colored pencils, pen, marker, crayon, watercolor, etc. 1 2 3 4 5 678

14 The Directions for Each Section. 5.Using markers choose one complementary color pair (red/green, blue/orange, yellow/violet) and trace around each shape in this area. Color in some areas solid, leave some white. Create a variety of shapes. 6.Using just a pencil create overlapping shapes that create space. Shade the various areas exploring gradation of value. You may use one point perspective in areas if you so choose. 7.This area explores form. Using Tertiary colors Red-Orange, Blue- Green, Yellow-Orange, ect. Shade the various shapes making them look rounded and dimensional. Use colored pencils. 8. Wild Card. Using at least three of the elements and any colors you want color in the shapes in this area. 1 2 3 4 5 678

15 Example from the Book You can see the example to the left, from the book. The more creative you can be the better. Craftsmanship count!

16 Final Points Read, Read, and Read. Make sure you are following directions. If you are unsure ask me. Work on development of values throughout each section. Due Thursday! 100 points

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