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Results of 4A’s Member Survey -Marsha Appel – 4A’s SVP, Research Services The Social Tools Landscape for Agencies and Clients -Chris Damsen – Netvibes,

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Presentation on theme: "Results of 4A’s Member Survey -Marsha Appel – 4A’s SVP, Research Services The Social Tools Landscape for Agencies and Clients -Chris Damsen – Netvibes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Results of 4A’s Member Survey -Marsha Appel – 4A’s SVP, Research Services The Social Tools Landscape for Agencies and Clients -Chris Damsen – Netvibes, VP Business Development -Vincent Chang – Netvibes, Director Strategy, UX & Marketing Q&A -Joe Marranca – 4A’s Webmaster Social Media Monitoring & Analysis Tools For Your Agency July 18, 2013 1-2 PM EDT Twitter: #4AsWebinars

2 Social Media Monitoring & Reporting Results of 4A’s Member Survey

3 Purpose The survey was intended to:  Determine current state of social media monitoring and reporting activities among member agencies  Set stage for further research, identification of trends, best practices  Assess level of interest in webinars, other training, etc.

4 Key Results I.Respondent Demographics II.Business Practices III.Sentiment and Future Outlook

5 I. Respondent Demographics  89 responding agencies  81% are general, “full service” agencies  Breakout by size of agency: “What is the total number of full-time employees in your agency?”

6 I. Respondent Demographics  80% of respondents handle social media monitoring for clients  We asked the 20% who do not perform this function how their clients handle it: “How is social media monitoring handled by your clients?” (Multiple responses permitted)

7 I. Respondent Demographics  The responsibility for social media monitoring does not reside in one consistent place among responding agencies  Digital departments were the lead response – but not by a large margin “Which department at the agency is primarily responsible for social media monitoring for clients?”

8 II. Business Practices Social media monitoring tools:  A wide variety of tools in use among survey respondents  Only three clear leaders  Wide variety of metrics being monitored “What tools do you use for social media monitoring and reporting?” (Multiple responses permitted)

9 II. Business Practices Reporting frequency and method:  Monthly is the most common reporting period  Presentation format most widely used “How are your results from social media monitoring presented to clients?” (Multiple responses permitted)

10 III. Sentiment and Future Outlook Responses regarding challenges were mixed:  Overall, agencies believe they are doing a good job (53%)  Agencies say clients are satisfied (73%)  It is difficult to find people with appropriate skills (56%)  Too many tools; hard to know which ones to use (69%)  Integrating output from multiple tools is difficult (66%)  There is a lack of good benchmarks (73%)  Agencies say they prove ROI (46%) – but also say that clients don’t understand the value of social media (54%)

11 III. Sentiment and Future Outlook Social media monitoring and reporting activity is increasing:  83% engage in it more than they did a year ago  90% expect their activity to increase over the next 12 months  47% plan to purchase more monitoring tools in the next year Only 10% said they do not plan to purchase more tools  90% interested in attending a webinar

12 Thank You!

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