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國中小英語寫作課程 發展及設計 國立成功大學外文系 閔慧慈

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1 國中小英語寫作課程 發展及設計 國立成功大學外文系 閔慧慈 minhuitz@mail.ncku.e

2 九年一貫英文課程綱要 目標 : 聽說讀寫基本能力 思考問題 : 一 ) 國中小學生在英文科目 “ 寫 ” 這一技巧 上應具備那些能力? 二 ) 英語教師應具備哪些知識,俾能設計 出溝通式寫作教學活動,以培養訓練學 生寫作技巧 ?

3 學齡前幼童英語書寫能力發展 六大階段 1.Scribble 2.Prephonemic stage 3.Early phonemic 4.Letter-name stage 5.Transitional stage 6.Conventional ( 引自 Sulzby & Teale, 1985, 1986; Temple, Nathan, & Burris, 1982; Weaver, 1988)

4 Preparing Students for Writing  1.Using print in the classroom: Students need to explore the ways that print informs, entertains, displays intentions, and enhances learning.  2.Writing daily: drawing, creative spelling are acceptable  3.Promoting discussion prior to writing: various types of lists and labels for objects are an important source for beginning students.  4.Tapping student interest:strike a balance between curriculum and student needs  5.Providing reasons for writing

5 What is a Communicative Writing Activity?  It is a writing activity that is 1)purposeful 2)authentic 3)meaningful 4)contextualized

6 國小學生應具備之英文寫的技 巧  認識辨別英文印刷體大小寫 (recognition and identification of English print letters, both upper and lower)  英文印刷體大小寫之模寫 (trace) 書寫 (copy)  簡易英文單字之書寫 (names)  簡易英文句子之書寫 (No running. )  英文標點符號之運用

7 Recognition & Identification of English Letters  1.Searching capitals (evaluation)  2.Examining typographical conventions (g, g, g, g, g, g, g )  3. Look for signs that show English letters  3.Coloring & Matching  4.Remembering & Matching  5.Punctuation and capitals

8 Copying  1.Overwriting  2.Delayed copying  3.Making word lists  4.Select & copy  5.Personalizing the course book  6.Creative copying (Who wants to eat like the English teacher?)  7.Copy & Correct: find a text which contains a number of examples of obviously bizarre English and ask students to correct them.

9 Writing Words & Sentences  1. Spell with a difference  2. Listing: enabling students to write a fully punctuated text about a topic of interest to themselves. -We want to have good grades. -Then you need to work hard, go to bed late, etc. 3.Consequences:

10 Writing Words & Sentences (Cont.)  Ask students to write a story of seven sentences -Dictate This story took place in ….(place) -Dictate It was a …. day (weather) -On one side there was …(name, a famous person) -Nearby was… (name, another famous person) -He said to her, “…” -She replied to him, “…” -The consequence was ….

11 國中學生應具備之英文寫的技 巧  Controlled writing (unscramble sentences, fill-in exercise, dictation,), picture writing  Fee writing:pre-writing activities (talking about the subject, compose word stars, vocabulary charts, topic vocabulary, dialogues)  Communicative writing: e-mail writing, note writing, thank-you note, leave of absence, invitation (communicative writing activities)

12 Controlled Writing  1)unscramble words  E.g., meet/at/we/my house/could  2)substitute pronouns (change “he” into “I” )  E.g., Yesterday was Bill’s birthday. His mom and dad threw him a birthday party. Many of his friends were at the party. They played games, sang songs, blew candles and ate the birthday cake. Bill got a lot of gifts. He had a great time.  3)fill-in exercise

13 Controlled Writing (Cont.)  I like_________.  I don’t like________.  I hate ________.  I enjoy________. Question: How can you turn one of the controlled exercises into a contextualized one which is purposeful and meaningful to your students?

14 Controlled Writing (Cont.)  4)dictation  E.g., Puss is my cat. He is an unusual cat. He likes to play with dogs and run after motorcycles.  5)poem writing  E.g.,

15 Controlled Writing (Cont.)  6) picture writing  E.g., This is _____.  He is a(n) _____.

16 Free Writing  Brainstorming  Clustering  Looping  Outlining  Topic sentence  (talking about the subject, compose word stars, vocabulary charts, topic vocabulary, dialogues)

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