The Berkeley Primary School Everyone a Speller! 27.9.13.

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Presentation on theme: "The Berkeley Primary School Everyone a Speller! 27.9.13."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Berkeley Primary School Everyone a Speller! 27.9.13

2 A third of young people who have not read a book in the past month, say that they have never been given a book as a present. The National Literacy Trust Only one child in four has a book at home.

3 Functional Illiteracy in the U.K 22% of the U.K. is estimated to be functionally illiterate Illiteracy is costing the U.K. economy £81 billion per year This is the highest in Europe

4 Government Priorities Read by Six Year One “Phonics Check” SPaG 2013

5 What we can do at home. Model spelling choices. Be seen writing. Encourage proof reading. Play a game with phoneme spotter stories. to help reinforce spelling choices.

6 Spelling. New National Curriculum Planned over the year Can be delivered in any order Underlined patterns are key Choose partly secure for the end of terms

7 Best Guess /ai/ a-e. Overall best guess ay. At the ends of words ai. Usually in the middle of words Rare graphemes: eight, grey, vein, apron, straight, great

8 Best Guess /ee/ ea/ee. Middle of a word y. End of word e. End of a very short word Other graghemes: Donkey, chief, receipt, people, these

9 Best Guess/oo/ Overall”u-e” In the middle “oo” Usually at ends “ue” and “ew” Rare Graphemes o Uniform, do, view, you, lose, shoes

10 Best Guess/ igh/ Most common is “i-e”. igh Next is in the middle “igh” eg. Night Or at the end of a word “igh”. sigh

11 Best Guess/ow/ At the end of a word or followed by “n”. Eg. cow, clown Most other words are spelt with “ou” eg. mouth Less common Plough

12 Best Guess /oy/ Usually at the beginning or in the middle of a word. “oi” ointment, coin “oy” usually at the end of words eg. toy, destroy

13 Best Guess /oa/ Best bet is o-e Another good guess is “oa”in the middle of words. eg.boat Usually at the end of words we have “ow” eg. bow Rare graphemes. Sew, hoe, though, soul

14 Best Guess/air/ “air” or “are” are at the start of a word. Eg. airport, area. Rare grapheme Their, aeroplane, vary

15 Best Guess /air/or /are /air/ at the beginning of a word. Rare graphemes their, aeroplane, vary

16 Best Guess /er/ There is no best bet for this phoneme Water,over,the,garden, suddenly, after

17 Best Guess “ur” There is no best bet for this phoneme Just need to know….. her, were, first, work, birds, word, fur, earth, turn, skirt

18 “s” and “es” pen church bush toy hair hiss girl buzz GIRL HISS BOY

19 “s” and“ies” ray party penny baby spray envy jelly key

20 “ing” Hop Hope Sit Clean Drive Enjoy Slip Smile

21 Antonym means opposite. These mean opposite “un” means “not” “de” means “making the opposite of” “dis” means “not, the opposite of” “mis” means “wrong”or “false” “non” means “not” “anti” means “against”

22 Short words within longer words Grandfather Another Something Whatever Pretending Constable

23 Spelling two syllable words containing double consonants Tennis Dinner Comma Kissed Holly Silly summer

24 Double the letter after a short vowel in the word. Activity – create a double letter alphabet N.B. No words use hh, jj, kk, qq, vv, ww, xx, yy.

25 Compound Words Join two individual words to make a new word Shout “ yes” when finished!

26 Prefixes and Meanings aqua ………………. audi ………………. dent ……….…….. grat ……………... mem ……………… mot ………………. man ……………….

27 Prefixes and Meanings aqua – means water audi – means hear dent – means tooth grat – means please mem – means mindful mot – means move man – means hand

28 Prefix and words Task. Write 3 words on your white boards for: aqua audi dent grat mem mot man

29 Contractions don’t can’t isn’t shan’t aren’t should’ve I’ve Won’t

30 Give a different spelling! Cell Maid Beach Him Aloud Leak Bored know

31 Activity: On your whiteboards, write 3 alternative spellings and be prepared to show!

32 Tel; 01625 573044

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