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4th November 2014 Delivered by Miss Charnock and Mrs Hardman.

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1 4th November 2014 Delivered by Miss Charnock and Mrs Hardman

2 In school, we follow the Letters and Sounds programme. Letters and Sounds is a phonics resource published by the Department for Education and Skills which consists of six phases. It sets out a detailed and systematic programme for teaching phonic skills for children starting by the age of five, with the aim of them becoming fluent readers by age seven.

3 Blending for reading Merging phonemes together to pronounce a word. In order to read an unfamiliar word, a child must link a phoneme to each letter or letter group in a word and then merge them together to say the word. sh – o – p t– ai - l

4 Segmentation for spelling Hearing individual phonemes within a word. E.g. crash has 4 phonemes c – r – a – sh In order to spell a word a child must segment a word into the individual phonemes and choose a letter or letter combination to represent the phonemes. For example a child may write: ‘ ‘The cat was blak. It had a wiet tayl and a pinc noas.’

5 Phase 1 There are 7 aspects with 3 strands. A1 – Environmental A2 – Instrumental sounds A3 – Body Percussion A4 – Rhythm and rhyme A5 – Alliteration A6 – Voice sounds A7 – Oral blending and segmenting.

6 Phase 2 Set 1: s, a, t, p Set 2: i, n, m, d Set 3: g, o, c, k Set 4: ck, e, u, r Set 5: h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss

7 Phase 3 Set 6: j, v, w, x Set 7: y, z, zz, qu Consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th, ng Vowel digraphs: ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er

8 Phase 4 This phase consolidates all the children have learnt in the previous phases.

9 Phase 5 Children will broaden their knowledge of graphemes and phonemes. They will be taught alternative pronunciations for graphemes. Vowel digraphs: wh, ph, ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw, ew, oe, au Split digraphs: a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e

10 ideo/item108347/grade1/module63429/index.html

11 Phase 6 In phase 6 children will be reading longer and less familiar texts independently and fluently. It is crucial that at this point children are now reading to learn and reading for pleasure. Children are introduced to the adding of suffixes and how to spell longer words. Throughout the phase children are encouraged to develop strategies for learning spellings. Children working at phase six can read hundreds of words automatically.

12 What does a Phonics lesson look like? Revisit/reviewFlashcards to practice phonemes learnt so far. TeachTeach new phoneme air PracticeBuried treasure Air, zair, fair, hair, lair, pair, vair, sair, thair ApplyRead captions: The goat had a long beard. The quack was right in his ear.

13 Year 1 Phonics Test

14 Please feel free to look at the resources we have set out in the classrooms.

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