Presented by: Jessica Gorton. Gifted & Talented: Scholarships & Programs Coordinator: Jessica Gorton North Hours: Daily 7:30-11 AM Voorhees Hours: Daily.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Jessica Gorton. Gifted & Talented: Scholarships & Programs Coordinator: Jessica Gorton North Hours: Daily 7:30-11 AM Voorhees Hours: Daily."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Jessica Gorton

2 Gifted & Talented: Scholarships & Programs Coordinator: Jessica Gorton North Hours: Daily 7:30-11 AM Voorhees Hours: Daily 11:30- 3:10 PM Gifted & Talented site:

3 Scholarship Areas 1. North Hunterdon High School Scholarships 2. Local Scholarships 3. College/University & Organization Based Scholarships

4 North Hunterdon Scholarships Seniors only Awarded by subject-area departments for students who excel in academics and who show strong leadership in the classroom Awarded by activity clubs Students must be NOMINATED by faculty and staff—they may not apply for these awards

5 Local Scholarships Seniors only Scholarships offered by local businesses and organizations Dollar amounts vary—close to $100,000 awarded Students must complete an application process Local scholarships will be listed on the Naviance Website in December and are due back in guidance in February. If you go on Naviance now you will not find any scholarships listed. This is because the organizations have not yet updated their requirements for 2015.

6 Local Scholarships Cont. Listen for announcements and check the Naviance Website! Log into Naviance Click -> Colleges Tab (Top of Page) Scroll Down and Click -> Scholarship List Scroll Down to “Browse by Category” and Select -> Local Scholarships


8 Local Scholarships Cont. Students must submit a separate application for each scholarship. Check where scholarships are submitted! Some scholarships will be mailed directly to the sponsoring organization. These scholarships will have various due dates. The majority of scholarships will be submitted in Guidance.

9 Local Scholarships Cont. For Scholarships Due In Guidance Students must submit their applications to Ms. Gorton in order to file their applications. They CANNOT leave the applications in her mailbox! Schedule an appointment if you have any questions about an application… Incorrect applications will be returned to the student. Make an appointment to hand them in early…appointments book quickly!

10 Local Scholarships Cont. Two types of applications! 1. Local Scholarship Application (similar concept to using the Common Application to apply to colleges). 2. Specific scholarship application (the organization wants you to fill out their own forms). Be sure to read the requirements of each scholarship carefully.

11 Local Scholarships Cont. For each scholarship: Include any extra essays that are necessary for the scholarship. Please use a black or blue pen to complete the application or TYPE. Be sure to complete all information and return application and/or essays etc. Check the deadline.

12 EXAMPLE Download Application Check Address Check Deadline Check Description

13 Helpful Hints Refer to essays written for college applications Start the essays early! Prepare in a neat, professional manner. Students need to contact Ms. Gorton directly with any questions. Parents should not be filling out application packets! It is painfully obvious to the scholarship committees when a parent has done this. Do not skip a part of the application! Do not forget to attach essays or transcripts that are requested.

14 Helpful Hints Cont. There are a lot of personal financial questions on the applications. If you are applying for a non- need based scholarship and do not feel comfortable releasing this information, then you do not need to answer every question. Please be aware that this may or may not influence the sponsors' decisions. Apply! Apply! Apply! You have to be in it to win it! Certain scholarships have very few applicants, so you never know.

15 Scholarship Notification Some sponsoring organizations will contact you directly All scholarship and recognition award recipients are invited to the Senior Awards Night. Please do not call the office asking if you are receiving any scholarships. Everyone is welcome to attend and support our students!

16 College/University & Organization Based Scholarships Scholarship Criteria Scholarships can be based on the following: Academics – GPA, standardized test scores Extracurricular Activities Athletics Community Service – in and out of school including service to specific organizations Major of Interest Other – ethnic background, special interest or affiliation such as a hobby, attending an in-state school, etc…

17 College & University Scholarships Scholarship opportunities through Admissions and Financial Aid Must check the Admissions & Financial Aid links ASAP What is the criteria of eligibility? How do you apply? (inclusion with Admissions application or separate application) When is the deadline? After the Admissions deadline, the same, or before the Admissions deadline? Do you have to submit your Admissions application in advance of the general Admissions deadline too?

18 Samples of College/University Websites Drew University Scholarships – scholarships/college scholarships/college Shippensburg University Scholarships –

19 Scholarship List on Naviance Alphabetical order of all scholarships. How to find the scholarships on Naviance? Click on the "Colleges" tab, scroll down to the Scholarship & Money section, click on "Scholarship List" How often to check for updates? Must check a couple of times a month! Scholarships will be added routinely as deadlines come and go.

20 Scholarship List on Naviance Check box (at the top) to view only new scholarships added since last visit Bookmark scholarships for later (left of each) Assistance in applying? Please see me immediately if you need assistance in applying for a scholarship (minimum of two weeks in advance of a final deadline)

21 Where is the G&T Website? Click on “Services” at the top Click on “Gifted & Talented”

22 Senior Resources on the G&T Website Financial Aid Information State and Federal Financial Aid for Students Financial Aid Dictionary The Student Loan Guide Search by Grade Specialty programs and scholarships Tips & Tools Sample Resumes Programs & Opportunities: College/university events and programs – open houses, specialized major events, instant decision days, college visits to the tri-state area, overnight visits College fairs, interest events, college event information for students in other grades

23 Senior Resources on the G&T Website Scholarships Books

24 Senior Resources on the G&T Website Scholarships Online Scholarship Search Federal Student Aid: Scholarship Search College Board's Scholarship Search Merit Aid: Scholarships from colleges Fin Aid including Specific Majors Peterson's College Search: Scholarships SallieMae: Scholarship search CollegeNET

25 Junior Resources on the G&T Website Scholarships Tip & Tools Current Programs & Opportunities Summer Programs & Opportunities Volunteering

26 Questions can be directed to the following: Jessica Gorton Gifted & Talented Coordinator Local Scholarship Coordinator

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