Zachary High School Class of 2013 Parent Meeting February 9, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Zachary High School Class of 2013 Parent Meeting February 9, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zachary High School Class of 2013 Parent Meeting February 9, 2012

2 Objectives for the Meeting To review graduation requirements To review TOPS curriculum and requirements To prepare for scheduling To share information regarding Journey to College and Career

3 Core 4 Graduation Requirements English 4 Units English I, II, III, and IV Mathematics4 Units Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and 4 th Math Science4 Units Biology, Chemistry, 3 rd and 4 th Science Social Studies4 Units World Geography or World History, Civics & Free Enterprise, American History, and 4 th Social Studies Physical Education 1½ Units Can substitute ROTC Health ½ Unit Foreign Language 2 Units Two years in the same language Art Elective 1 Unit Fine Art Survey, Art, Music, or Drama Electives 3 Units Total: 24 Units

4 Basic Core vs. Core 4 After sophomore year, students have the opportunity to change from the Core 4 curriculum to the Basic Core curriculum. Both curriculums earn the same standard diploma; the difference is the coursework taken. Core 4 prepares students for entry into a 4-year college or university and Basic Core prepares students for community college, technical college, other training, and employment. Requires approval by parents, student, and school.

5 TOPS Requirements English 4 Units English I, II, III and English IV Mathematics 3 Units Algebra I, Algebra II, and one of the following: Geometry or Advanced Math or Calculus or Probability & Statistics Science 3 Units Biology, Chemistry, and one of the following: Physical Science or Environmental Science or Earth Science or Biology II AP or Chemistry II AP or Physics or Agriscience I & II Social Studies 3 Units American History, Civics/ Free Enterprise, and either World Geography or World History Add’l. Math/Science 1 Unit Geometry, Advanced Math, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Physics, Biology II AP, Chemistry II AP, or Anatomy & Phyisiology Foreign Language 2 Units Two units in the same language Fine Arts Survey 1 Unit … or 2 units of visual/performance arts … or one additional unit from TOPS core Computer ½ Unit Total: 17½ Core Units Opportunity Performance/Honors 2.5 Core GPA 3.0 Core GPA ACT Score: 20 ACT Score: 23, 27

6 ACT Register online at This school year’s remaining test dates:  April 14, 2012 → Registration deadline: March 9  June 11, 2012 → Registration deadline: May 4 ZHS provides free ACT Online Prep accounts at

7 SAT Register online at This school year’s remaining test dates:  March 3, 2012 → Registration deadline: February 10  May 5, 2012 → Registration deadline: April 6  June 2, 2012 → Registration deadline: May 8

8 Rigorous Coursework Honors  Independent student learning  Faster pace Advanced Placement (AP)  Possible college credit  AP test  12 th grade courses: English Literature and Composition, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Biology II, Chemistry II, Physics, World History, Music Theory, Studio Art* Dual Enrollment  College-level courses taught by BRCC professors and held at ZHS  Students must have at least an 18 on the ACT  Psychology (1 semester) and Sociology (1 semester); Count as high school social studies course and will count for college credit if earn “C” or better

9 Honor Programs Blue Ribbon Academic Curriculum  10 Honors or AP courses  3.25 cumulative GPA by mid-term of senior year  23 ACT by April 1 st of senior year  Recognition at graduation National Honor Society  3.5 cumulative GPA  By invitation junior and senior year  Must have attended ZHS for the previous year  Four characteristics: Leadership, Scholarship, Service and Character

10 Honor Programs Academic Letter  Junior and/or senior year  3.25 cumulative GPA  3.0 core GPA  Must have attended ZHS for the previous year  Senior course requirements:  English IV  Advanced Math  Biology II or Chemistry II or Physics  World History*  2 years of Foreign Language

11 Registration Information Course selections should be driven by the student’s career interest and postsecondary plans. Course Offerings Current 9 th graders – February 15 th – 17 th Current 10 th graders – February 22 nd – February 24 th Current 11 th graders – March 1 st – March 5 th


13 Journey to College and Career (JTCC) Senior Year Goals Worksheet ZHS Counseling Department website Important dates, essential information, helpful links Summer enrichment activities



16 AP Informational Meeting Erica Henry, Test Coordinator, will present information about AP courses in the library at 7:00 p.m.

17 Questions? Michelle Vaughn, Counselor This PowerPoint and any handouts will be posted online at

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