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Explore the Parts of a Computer Inner Parts Outer Parts.

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Presentation on theme: "Explore the Parts of a Computer Inner Parts Outer Parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explore the Parts of a Computer Inner Parts Outer Parts

2 Hardware _________ parts of the computer, including processor and memory chips, input/output devices, tapes, disks, modems, cable, etc.

3 Team Players ModemModem, Motherboard, Drives, Video Card, CPUMotherboardDrivesVideo CardCPU Power SupplyPower Supply, Ports, Memory and BiosPortsMemoryBios Click on the parts of the computer to learn more. Click when the pointer arrow changes to a.

4 CPU (Microprocessor) Central Processing Unit, which is the heart of your computer. I do all the _________ for the computer and process all the _________ to be turned into ________ on your computer. Very _________ chip on the _____________

5 Power Supply I supply the ________, for the computer. –supply power to the motherboard and the drives I contain a _____ that helps assist in the task of cooling the computer. I come in a variety of ___________. –200 watt and 250 watt, are the most commonly used

6 Modem Notice that I have my own _________. When you connect to the internet and hear me _________, it is this speaker that you hear the sound coming from. I am rated by how many _______ per second I can __________ and receive data. –Just because a modem is rated at 56K (56,000 bits per second), does not necessarily mean that I will be able to send and receive at this speed. Phone lines and your internet provider also play a big part in how fast your computer can receive and send information via the internet. Many, if not most, phone lines are only capable of transmitting at 28.8k.

7 Motherboard –Uses tiny __________ paths to connect each __________ of the computer. One important part on me is the _________, which is where the computer's ___________ are stored and changed.

8 BIOS I stand for Basic Input/Output System. When the computer is first turned on (_______), this is what is in ________. _________ the computer up when you turn it on and reminds itself what________ it has and what each part is supposed to do. After booting and performing a few system checks, I turn the computer over to your operating system.

9 Team Players peripheralsperipherals, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and casemonitorkeyboardmousecase Click on the parts of the computer to learn more. Click when the pointer arrow changes to a.

10 Computer Case I protect all the ___________ components inside the computer I must provide adequate __________ to prevent overheating I need to be capable of allowing you to expand your __________ if the need arises. I have two basic types for two different motherboard types I come in several different sizes and shapes –Desktop type which lies flat –Mid Tower –Full Tower

11 Input Ways of getting information _______ the computer Output Ways of getting information _____ of the computer

12 Mouse and Keyboard We are the main input devices on a personal computer. We allow you to interact with the computer. Everything you do on a computer must be done through us.

13 Peripherals We are "extras" on things such as computers. We are separate components that enhance a computer's effect or ability. –Among these would be speakers, external modems, printers, scanners, microphones, servers, hubs, or even sub woofers. Now a days, printers, speakers, and even scanners come with many computer packages. scanners –Speakers generate the digital and acoustic sounds that are bits of information on a computer.

14 Monitor I am the computer part that allows you to ______ what you’re doing. Without me your computer would be virtually useless. Due to the development of new _____________ you will soon see larger viewing screens and smaller widths. Also, the prices of me will drop.

15 Scanner There are a variety of scanners. Each come with their own ________ program. They are usually connected to either a _________ or ________ port. Power plug USB plug Serial port

16 RAM (Random-Access Memory) Temporarily _______ data Accessed _________ and __________ I am a determining factor in how fast your applications or software run. Information goes away once the computer is turned ______, So it is important to _______ any work you want to keep. I am measured in _____________. –The more I have, the more I can remember.

17 Ports Ports are located on the _________ of a computer and ports are where you plug in other ________. On the inside of the case they are connected to the ____________ cards. Today, most new computers use _______ ports. Keyboard & Mouse Printer Scanner (USB) Monitor or LCD

18 Drives _________ in the case, but we can also be _________ to the computer. The most common types are the ________ F________ drive, and CD-_________ Newer types of us that can be found today are ________, which can read and write ____ and DVD, which holds even more information than CD drives.

19 Video Card In charge of _______ display. I am sometimes referred to as a _________ card. I vary in the _____________ (number of pixels) and number of _________ I can display. –Typically I will show at least 800 pixels (points on the screen) wide by 600 pixels high, with each pixel capable of being displayed in one of several millions of colors. –Older cards operate at 640X480 pixels using only 256 colors.

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