Cloud Computing Source:

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud Computing Source:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud Computing

2 Source:

3 Agenda Objective Objective Definitions Definitions Cloud Characteristics, Types and Deployment Models Cloud Characteristics, Types and Deployment Models Issues Issues Clouds vs. Traditional Clouds vs. Traditional Recap - Economics - Next Steps Recap - Economics - Next Steps Q & A Q & A November 18, 20093


5 Different Computing Models Different Computing Models Utility computing Why buy machines when you can rent cycles? Why buy machines when you can rent cycles? Examples: Amazon’s EC2, GoGrid, AppNexus Examples: Amazon’s EC2, GoGrid, AppNexus Platform as a Service (PaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Give me nice API and take care of the implementation Give me nice API and take care of the implementation Example: Google App Engine Example: Google App Engine Software as a Service (SaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS) Just run it for me! Just run it for me! Example: Gmail Example: Gmail “Why do it yourself if you can pay someone to do it for you?”

6 Cloud Based Service examples Peer to Peer Peer to Peer BOINC, Skype BOINC, Skype Web Apps Web Apps Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Security as a Service Security as a Service MessageLabs, Purewire, ScanSafe, Zscaler MessageLabs, Purewire, ScanSafe, Zscaler Software plus services Software plus services Microsoft Online Services Microsoft Online Services Software as a Service Software as a Service GoogleApps, Salesforce, SpringCM GoogleApps, Salesforce, SpringCM Storage Storage Content Distribution Content Distribution BitTorret, Amazon CloudFront BitTorret, Amazon CloudFront Sychronisation Sychronisation LiveMesh LiveMesh November 18, 20096

7 Cloud Computing – NIST Definition: “A model for enabling convenient, on- demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction” What is Cloud Computing?

8 An Architectural Overview for Cloud Computing End User Requests & Operators … Service Request & Operations Design & Build Image Library (Store) Deployment Operational Lifecycle of Images IT Infrastructure & Application Provider Service Creation & Deployment Virtual Image Management Service Catalog Request UI Operational UI Standards Based Interfaces Virtualized Infrastructure Service Management Service Oriented Architecture Information Architecture Standards Based Interfaces Service Catalog, Component Library Datacenter Infrastructure Cloud Administrator Access Services

9 An Architectural Model for Cloud Computing End User Requests & Operators … Service Request & Operations Design & Build Image Library (Store) Deployment Operational Lifecycle of Images IT Infrastructure & Application Provider Service Creation & Deployment Virtual Image Management Service Catalog Request UI Operational UI Optimized Middleware (image deployment, integrated security, workload mgmt., high-availability) Service Oriented Architecture Information Architecture User Request Management/Self Service Portal Security: Identity, Integrity, Isolation, Compliance Usage Accounting License Mgmt. Image Lifecycle Mgmt. Provisioning Performance Mgmt. Availability/Backup/ Restore Service Lifecycle Management Service Management Virtual Resources & Aggregations SMP Servers Network Hardware Storage Servers System Resources System z Storage Virtualized Infrastructure Server Virt. Storage Virt. Network Virt.

10 Conventional Manually Provisioned Manually Provisioned Dedicated Hardware Dedicated Hardware Fixed Capacity Fixed Capacity Pay for Capacity Pay for Capacity Capital & Operational Expenses Capital & Operational Expenses Managed via Sysadmins Managed via Sysadmins Cloud Self-provisioned Self-provisioned Shared Hardware Shared Hardware Elastic Capacity Elastic Capacity Pay for Use Pay for Use Operational Expenses Operational Expenses Managed via APIs Managed via APIs Conventional Computing vs. Cloud Computing

11 Five Key Cloud Attributes: 1. Shared / pooled resources 2. Broad network access 3. On-demand self-service 4. Scalable and elastic 5. Metered by use

12 Cloud computing often leverages: – Massive and Rapid scalability – Homogeneity – Virtualization – Resilient computing – Low cost software – Geographic distribution, (many datacenters) – Service orientation – Advanced security technologies Additional Cloud Characteristics November 18, 200912

13 Shared / Pooled Resources: Resources are drawn from a common pool Resources are drawn from a common pool Common resources build economies of scale Common resources build economies of scale Common infrastructure runs at high efficiency Common infrastructure runs at high efficiency What is Cloud Computing?

14 Broad Network Access: Open standards and APIs Open standards and APIs Almost always IP, HTTP, and REST Almost always IP, HTTP, and REST Available from anywhere with an internet connection Available from anywhere with an internet connection

15 On-Demand Self-Service: Completely automated Completely automated Users abstracted from the implementation Users abstracted from the implementation Near real-time delivery (seconds or minutes) Near real-time delivery (seconds or minutes) Services accessed through a self-serve Services accessed through a self-serve web interface web interface

16 Scalable and Elastic: Resources dynamically-allocated between users Resources dynamically-allocated between users Additional resources dynamically-released when needed Additional resources dynamically-released when needed Fully automated Fully automated

17 Metered by Use: Services are metered, like a utility Services are metered, like a utility Users pay only for services used Users pay only for services used Services can be cancelled at any time Services can be cancelled at any time

18 Infrastructure as a Service Platform as a Service High Volume Transactions Software as a Service ServersNetworkingStorage Middleware Collaboration Business Processes CRM/ERP/HR Industry Applications Data Center Fabric Shared virtualized, dynamic provisioning Database Web 2.0 Application Runtime Java Runtime Development Tooling The layers of IT-as-a-Service

19 Types of cloud computing IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service or Infrastructure as a Service: when using a percentage of a server, usually setting that fits your need. IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service or Infrastructure as a Service: when using a percentage of a server, usually setting that fits your need. PaaS – Platform as a Service and Platform as a Service: using only one platform as a database, a web-service, etc.. (E.g.: Windows Azure). PaaS – Platform as a Service and Platform as a Service: using only one platform as a database, a web-service, etc.. (E.g.: Windows Azure). DaaS – Development as a Service or Development as a Service: development tools take form in the cloud and shared tools, development tools and web-based services based mashup. DaaS – Development as a Service or Development as a Service: development tools take form in the cloud and shared tools, development tools and web-based services based mashup. SaaS – Software as a Service or Software as a Service: use of a software system for use on the Web (eg Google Docs, Microsoft Sharepoint Online). SaaS – Software as a Service or Software as a Service: use of a software system for use on the Web (eg Google Docs, Microsoft Sharepoint Online). CaaS – Communication as a Service or Communications as a Service: use of a Unified Communications solution hosted in Data Center provider or manufacturer (eg: Siemens Enterprise, Powerball CaaS – Communication as a Service or Communications as a Service: use of a Unified Communications solution hosted in Data Center provider or manufacturer (eg: Siemens Enterprise, Powerball




23 Core objectives and principles that cloud computing must meet to be successful: – Security – Scalability – Availability – Performance – Cost-effective – Acquire resources on demand – Release resources when no longer needed – Pay for what you use – Leverage others’ core competencies – Turn fixed cost into variable cost Objectives of Cloud Computing November 18, 200923

24 Private Cloud (a.k.a. Internal Cloud) – enterprise owned or leased Community Cloud (a.k.a. External Cloud) – shared infrastructure for specific community Public cloud (a.k.a. External Cloud) – Sold to the public, mega-scale infrastructure Hybrid cloud – composition of two or more clouds Cloud Deployment Models November 18, 200924

25 ...service sourcing and service value Cloud Computing Delivery Models ORGANIZATIONCULTUREGOVERNANCE Flexible Delivery Models Public … Access by Service provider owned and managed. subscription. Delivers select set of standardized business process, application and/or infrastructure services on a flexible price per use basis. Private … Privately owned and managed. Access limited to client and its partner network. Drives efficiency, standardization and best practices while retaining greater customization and control Cloud Services Cloud Computing Model.… Customization, efficiency, availability, resiliency, security and privacy.…Standardization, capital preservation, flexibility and time to deploy Hybrid … Access to client, partner network, and third party resources

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