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Wavelet transformation Emrah Duzel Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience UCL.

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Presentation on theme: "Wavelet transformation Emrah Duzel Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience UCL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wavelet transformation Emrah Duzel Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience UCL

2 Why analyse neural oscillations? Temporal code of information processing (versus rate code) Functional coupling Interareal synchrony Local field potentials and their correlation with fMRI Functional specificity of oscillations

3 Large scale neural dynamics of higher cognitive processes: At least three types of stimulus-responses Evoked response: Evoked response: the addition of response amplitude to the ongoing brain activity in a time-locked manner. Schah et al., 2004, Cereb Cortex Phase resetting response: Phase resetting response: the resetting of ongoing oscillatory brain activity without concomitant changes in response amplitude. Penny, Kiebel, Kilner, Rugg, 2002, Trends in Cog Sci. / Makeig et al., 2002, Science Induced response: Induced response: the addition of response amplitude that is not time-locked to stimulus onset. Tallon-Baudry and Bertrand, 1998, Trends in Cog Sci. Makeig et al., 2004

4 8 trials Phase-resetting of a 10 Hz oscillation Phase resetting ERP power 10 Measure of phase alignment Penny, Kiebel, Kilner, Rugg, 2002, Trends in Cog Sci. / Makeig et al., 2002, Science / Klimesh et al., 2001, Cog Brain Res. / Burgess and Gruzelier, 2000, Psychophys.

5 Single subject analyses of M400 old/new effects Clear evidence of evoked responses in some subjects

6 Overview Basics of digital signal processing –Sampling theory Fourier Transforms –Discrete Fourier Transforms Wavelet Analysis Applications and online demonstrations

7 Digital signal processing Decompose a signal into simple additive components Process these components in a useful manner Synthesize them into a final result

8 Sampling theory Nyquist theorem Sample rate Nyquist frequency Aliasing With each signal there are 4 critical parameters: –Highest frequency in the signal (determined by low- pass filter) –Twice this frequency –Sampling rate –SR / 2 (nyquist frequency/rate)

9 Nyquist theorem Sampling theory Nyquist theorem: a signal can be properly sampeld only if it does not contain frequencies above ½ sampling frequency AliasingAliasing: if a signal contains frequencies above the Nyquist frequency. –Loss of information –Introduces wrong information (waves take on different ‚identities‘ –Loss of phase information (phase shift)

10 Single-epoch wavelet transforms x Spectral analysis Wavelet averaging

11 + Phase ERP Wavelettransformation

12 Different morlet wavelets Better time resolution Good compromise Better freq. resolution

13 Time-frequency resolution of a standard Morlet-wavelet



16 convolution

17 Matlab demo Create an artificial signal composed of several frequencies of varying time/amplitude modulation –continuous delta [2Hz] –continuous alpha [10 Hz] –continuous beta [20Hz] –theta-burst [5Hz, +200 ms] –gamma_burst [40 Hz, -200] –gamma_burst [67 Hz, -100] –gamma_burst [67 Hz, +200] Create a wavelet Convolve wavelets and signal –highlight the issue of amplitude normalization –highlight limits of time/frequency resolution Plot a time/frequency spectrogramm Illustrate phase resetting -500 +500 67hz 40hz theta beta alpha delta

18 Matlab demo Create an artificial signal composed of a linear combination of several sinusoids with different frequencies and time/amplitude modulations where ω is the angular frequency or angular speed (measured in radians per second),radianssecond T is the period (measured in seconds),periodseconds f is the frequency (measured in hertz)frequencyhertz e.g. if T = 50 ms = 0.05 sec then f = 1/0.05 = 20 Hz angular frequency delta=sin(2*pi*1/500*(t)) t=-500:500 A*sin(2 pi ω t)

19 Matlab demo Create a wavelet wavelet_beta=sin(2*pi*t/50).*exp(-(t/50/strecth).^2)

20 Complex numbers Euler’s formula trigonometric form exponential form r In a Cartesian coordinate system each point z is determined by two axes In polar notation each point z is determined by an angle φ and a distance r central point is ‘pole’ r is called the absolute value or modulus of z

21 Frequency resolution Time resolution

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