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Today Matters Dr. John C. Maxwell.

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Presentation on theme: "Today Matters Dr. John C. Maxwell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today Matters Dr. John C. Maxwell

2 Today Often Falls to Pieces…
What is the Missing Piece?

3 Today’s Impact on Tomorrow
We believe success is impossible – so we criticize it We believe success is mystical – so we search for it We believe success comes from luck – so we hope for it

4 Today’s Impact on Tomorrow
We believe success is productivity – so we work for it We believe success comes from an opportunity – so we wait for it We believe success comes from leverage – so we power up for it

5 Today’s Impact on Tomorrow
We believe success comes from connections – so we network for it We believe success comes from recognition – so we strive for it We believe success is an event – so we schedule it

6 Today Matters We over-exaggerate yesterday We overestimate tomorrow
We underestimate today

7 Successful people make right decisions early and manage those decisions daily.

8 Today Can Become a Masterpiece

9 The Advantage of Today You are preparing for something
Preparation today gives confidence tomorrow Preparation today gives success tomorrow

10 Making a Masterpiece Good DECISIONS today will give you a better tomorrow The DISCIPLINES you practice today will give you a better tomorrow

11 The First Step Toward Success
Start with yourself Start early Start small Start now

12 Make Your Decisions a Reality
Review your decisions and ask yourself, “which good decisions have I already made?” Identify the decisions you still must make Choose one of those decisions and determine to make it this week

13 Make Your Decisions a Reality
Learn the disciplines that go with each decision Repeat the process until you’ve mastered the “daily dozen”

14 Today’s ATTITUDE Gives Me Possibilities

15 Attitude Makes a Difference
Your attitude at the beginning of a task affects its outcome more than anything else Your attitude toward others often determines their attitude toward you Your attitude can give you a winner’s perspective

16 Attitude Makes a Difference
Your attitude – not your achievements – gives you happiness Your attitude is contagious

17 Changing Your Attitude
Take responsibility for your attitude Decide to change your bad attitude areas Think, act, talk, and conduct yourself like the person you want to become Place a high value on people Develop a high appreciation for life

18 Managing Your Attitude
Recognize that your attitude need daily adjustment Find something positive in everything Find someone positive in every situation

19 Managing Your Attitude
Say something positive in every conversation Remove negative words from your vocabulary Express gratitude to others daily

20 Today’s PRIORITIES Give Me Focus

21 Why Priorities Matter Time is our most precious commodity
We cannot change time, only our priorities We cannot do everything We choose our life by how we spend time Priorities help us to choose wisely

22 Principles of Priority
What is required of me? What gives me the a return? What gives me the greatest reward?

23 Identify Your Strengths
Trial and error The counsel of others Personality tests Personal experience

24 Manage the Discipline of Priorities
Evaluate priorities daily Plan your time carefully Follow your plan Delegate whenever possible Invest in the right people daily

25 Today’s HEALTH Gives Me Strength

26 Reasons Why Health Matters
Your health impacts you emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually Health often determines quality as well as quantity of life It’s easier to maintain good health than to regain it

27 Healthy Guidelines Have a purpose worth living for Do work you enjoy
Find your pace Accept your personal worth Laugh

28 The Battle to Stay Healthy
Eat right Exercise Handle stress effectively

29 Today’s FAMILY Gives Me Stability

30 Reasons Why Family Matters
A safe haven in a storm A photo album of memories A crucible of character A mirror revealing the truth A treasure chest of relationships

31 Communication & Caring for Your Family
Determine your priorities Decide on your philosophy Develop your problem-solving strategy

32 Managing the Disciplines of Family
Put your family on your calendar first Create and maintain family traditions Find ways to spend time together Keep your marriage healthy first Express appreciation for each other Resolve conflict as quickly as possible

33 Today’s THINKING Gives Me an Advantage

34 Why Thinking Matters Today
Good thinking precedes good results Good thinking increases your value Poor thinkers are slaves to their surroundings

35 Practice & Develop Good Thinking
Understand that great thinking comes from good thinking Recognize there are many kinds of thinking Maximize your strengths and staff your weaknesses

36 The Discipline of Thinking
Find a place to think Set aside think time every day Find a process that works for you Capture your thoughts Put your thoughts into action quickly Try to improve your thinking every day

37 Today’s COMMITMENT Gives Me Tenacity

38 Why Commitment Matters
Commitment can change your life Commitment helps you overcome many of life’s obstacles Your commitment will be tested every day

39 The Discipline of Commitment
Expect commitment to be a struggle Don’t rely on talent alone Focus on choices, not conditions Be single-minded Do what’s right even when you don’t feel like it

40 Today’s FINANCES Give Me Options

41 Why Finances Matter Money won’t make you happy
Debt will make you unhappy Having a financial margin gives you options

42 The Discipline of Finances
Become a good earner Be grateful every day Don’t compare yourself to others Give as much as you can

43 Today’s FAITH Gives Me Peace

44 Why Faith Matters Today
Faith gives me a divine perspective today Faith gives me health today Faith gives me strength for today Faith gives me resilience today

45 Daily Decisions Regarding Faith
We already have faith…the important choice is where we place it Understand that faith is often birthed out of difficulties A faith that hasn’t been tested can’t be trusted

46 Managing the Discipline of Faith
Embrace the value of faith Put God in the picture Associate with people of faith Explore and deepen your faith

47 Today’s RELATIONSHIPS Give Me Fulfillment

48 Why Relationships Matter Today
Life’s greatest experiences involve other people You’ll enjoy life more if you like people You’ll get farther in life if people like you People are any organization’s most appreciable asset

49 Initiate & Invest in Relationships Daily
Place a high value on people Learn to understand people Give respect freely but expect to earn it from others Commit yourself to adding value to others

50 Building Relationships
Put others first Don’t carry emotional baggage Give time to your most valuable relationships Serve others gladly Express love and appreciation often

51 Today’s GENEROSITY Gives Me Significance

52 Why Generosity Matters Today
Giving turns your focus outward Giving adds value to others Giving helps the giver

53 Plan for & Model Generosity Daily
Give others your money Give others yourself “Greatness is not defined by what a person receives, but by what that person gives.”

54 Managing the Discipline of Generosity
Don’t wait for prosperity to become generous Find a reason to give every day Find people to receive every day

55 Today’s VALUES Give Me Direction

56 Deciding to Embrace & Practice Values
Create a list of good values Embrace those good values Make a decision to live those values daily

57 Managing the Discipline of Values
Articulate & embrace your values daily Compare your values to your practices daily Live out your values regardless of your feelings Evaluate each day in light of your values

58 Today’s GROWTH Gives Me Potential

59 Misconceptions About Growth
Growth is automatic Growth comes from information Growth comes from experience

60 Why Growth Matters Today
Gifting without growth leads to ineffectiveness Growth prevents personal & professional stagnation Your personal growth impacts your organization’s growth Only through continuous improvement can you reach your potential

61 Decide to Experience Growth Daily
Answer the question: What is my potential? Make a commitment to change Set growth goals Learn to enjoy the journey Put yourself in a growth environment

62 Managing the Discipline of Growth
Make it your goal to grow in some way every day Have a time and plan to grow File what you learn Apply what you learn

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