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$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 The Origin and Evolution of Microbial Life: Prokaryotes and Protists FINAL ROUND Plants, Fungi,

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1 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 The Origin and Evolution of Microbial Life: Prokaryotes and Protists FINAL ROUND Plants, Fungi, and the Colonization of Land The Evolution of Invertebrate Diversity The Evolution of Vertebrate Diversity The Evolution of Biological Diversity

2 BACK TO GAME Prokaryotes and Protists $100 Question Dating back about 3.5 billion years, fossils of _____________ found in Australia are among the oldest signs of life on Earth found. a. diatoms b. amoebozoans c. stromatolites d. cellular slime molds ANSWER

3 BACK TO GAME Prokaryotes and Protists $100 Answer Dating back about 3.5 billion years, fossils of _____________ found in Australia are among the oldest signs of life on Earth found. a. diatoms b. amoebozoans c. stromatolites d. cellular slime molds

4 BACK TO GAME Prokaryotes and Protists $200 Question By far the most abundant and widespread organisms on Earth are the ___________________. a. protists b. protozoans c. eukaryotes d. prokaryotes ANSWER

5 BACK TO GAME Prokaryotes and Protists $200 Answer By far the most abundant and widespread organisms on Earth are the ___________________. a. protists b. protozoans c. eukaryotes d. prokaryotes

6 BACK TO GAME Prokaryotes and Protists $300 Question Unlike archaea, bacterial cell walls contain a unique substance called ___________________. a.peptidoglycan b.cellulose c.glycogen d.phospholipid ANSWER

7 BACK TO GAME Prokaryotes and Protists $300 Answer Unlike archaea, bacterial cell walls contain a unique substance called ___________________. a.peptidoglycan b.cellulose c.glycogen d.phospholipid

8 BACK TO GAME Prokaryotes and Protists $400 Question Bacetrial ____________ are at work in the slimy feel of an underwater rock, ear infections, and dental plaque. a. reproductive behaviors b. endospores c. biofilms d. cell walls ANSWER

9 BACK TO GAME Prokaryotes and Protists $400 Answer Bacetrial ____________ are at work in the slimy feel of an underwater rock, ear infections, and dental plaque. a. reproductive behaviors b. endospores c. biofilms d. cell walls

10 BACK TO GAME Prokaryotes and Protists $500 Question All prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms that photosynthesize fit into which nutritional category? a. photoheterotrophs b. chemoautotrophs c. photoautotrophs d. chemoheterotrophs ANSWER

11 BACK TO GAME Prokaryotes and Protists $500 Answer All prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms that photosynthesize fit into which nutritional category? a. photoheterotrophs b. chemoautotrophs c. photoautotrophs d. chemoheterotrophs

12 BACK TO GAME Plants and Fungi $100 Question Which of the following types of plants lacks vascular tissue? a. flowering plants b. mosses c. grasses d. ferns ANSWER

13 BACK TO GAME Plants and Fungi $100 Answer Which of the following types of plants lacks vascular tissue? a. flowering plants b. mosses c. grasses d. ferns

14 BACK TO GAME Plants and Fungi $200 Question The _______ helps plants retain water. a. hypha b. epidermis c. lignin d. cuticle ANSWER

15 BACK TO GAME Plants and Fungi $200 Answer The _______ helps plants retain water. a. hypha b. epidermis c. lignin d. cuticle

16 BACK TO GAME Plants and Fungi $300 Question Which of these adaptations to a terrestrial existence evolved most recently? a. vascular tissue b. seeds c. spores d. cuticle ANSWER

17 BACK TO GAME Plants and Fungi $300 Answer Which of these adaptations to a terrestrial existence evolved most recently? a. vascular tissue b. seeds c. spores d. cuticle

18 BACK TO GAME Plants and Fungi $400 Question In angiosperms, the male gametophyte develops within _______. a. archegonia b. antheridia c. male cones d. anthers ANSWER

19 BACK TO GAME Plants and Fungi $400 Answer In angiosperms, the male gametophyte develops within _______. a. archegonia b. antheridia c. male cones d. anthers

20 BACK TO GAME Plants and Fungi $500 Question The basic structure that makes up a fungus is the _________________. a. hypha b. anther c. archegonium d. frond ANSWER

21 BACK TO GAME Plants and Fungi $500 Answer The basic structure that makes up a fungus is the _________________. a. hypha b. anther c. archegonium d. frond

22 BACK TO GAME Invertebrate Diversity $100 Question Which of the following is a characteristic of all chordates? a. they all have a notochord b. they all have a vertebral column c. they all have an exoskeleton d. they all exhibit radial symmetry ANSWER

23 BACK TO GAME Invertebrate Diversity $100 Answer Which of the following is a characteristic of all chordates? a. they all have a notochord b. they all have a vertebral column c. they all have an exoskeleton d. they all exhibit radial symmetry

24 BACK TO GAME Invertebrate Diversity $200 Question __________ are the simplest animals that exhibit bilateral symmetry. a. Annelids b. Sponges c. Flatworms d. Roundworms ANSWER

25 BACK TO GAME Invertebrate Diversity $200 Answer __________ are the simplest animals that exhibit bilateral symmetry. a. Annelids b. Sponges c. Flatworms d. Roundworms

26 BACK TO GAME Invertebrate Diversity $300 Question The phrase “Cambrian explosion” refers to _________. a. the asteroid impact that caused the mass extinction at the K-T boundary b. the rapid adaptive radiation of marine animals that gave rise to most extant animal phyla c. the evolutionarily sudden proliferation of dinosaur species d. the origin of the first soft-bodied animals ANSWER

27 BACK TO GAME Invertebrate Diversity $300 Answer The phrase “Cambrian explosion” refers to _________. a. the asteroid impact that caused the mass extinction at the K-T boundary b. the rapid adaptive radiation of marine animals that gave rise to most extant animal phyla c. the evolutionarily sudden proliferation of dinosaur species d. the origin of the first soft-bodied animals

28 BACK TO GAME Invertebrate Diversity $400 Question There are more species of __________ than of any other type of animal. a. nematode b. arthropod c. mollusc d. chordate ANSWER

29 BACK TO GAME Invertebrate Diversity $400 Answer There are more species of __________ than of any other type of animal. a. nematode b. arthropod c. mollusc d. chordate

30 BACK TO GAME Invertebrate Diversity $500 Question Which animal group is most closely related to chordates? a. molluscs b. annelids c. cnidarians d. echinoderms ANSWER

31 BACK TO GAME Invertebrate Diversity $500 Answer Which animal group is most closely related to chordates? a. molluscs b. annelids c. cnidarians d. echinoderms

32 BACK TO GAME Vertebrate Diversity $100 Question Natural populations of lemurs are found only in ______________. a. Peru b. Bolivia c. Madagascar d. Tasmania ANSWER

33 BACK TO GAME Vertebrate Diversity $100 Answer Natural populations of lemurs are found only in ______________. a. Peru b. Bolivia c. Madagascar d. Tasmania

34 BACK TO GAME Vertebrate Diversity $200 Question Prehensile tails are found among __________________. a. New World monkeys b. Old World monkeys c. all primates d. all hominoids ANSWER

35 BACK TO GAME Vertebrate Diversity $200 Answer Prehensile tails are found among __________________. a. New World monkeys b. Old World monkeys c. all primates d. all hominoids

36 BACK TO GAME Vertebrate Diversity $300 Question The species most closely related to humans is the _____________. a. gorilla b. orangutan c. ring-tailed lemur d. chimpanzee ANSWER

37 BACK TO GAME Vertebrate Diversity $300 Answer The species most closely related to humans is the _____________. a. gorilla b. orangutan c. ring-tailed lemur d. chimpanzee

38 BACK TO GAME Vertebrate Diversity $400 Question Clearly bipedal hominid fossil footprints date to about ________ years ago. a. 50,000 b. 100,000 c. 1 million d. 3.5 million ANSWER

39 BACK TO GAME Vertebrate Diversity $400 Answer Clearly bipedal hominid fossil footprints date to about ________ years ago. a. 50,000 b. 100,000 c. 1 million d. 3.5 million

40 BACK TO GAME Vertebrate Diversity $500 Question According to the fossil record, the genus Homo first arose in _________________. a. North America b. Africa c. Europe d. Asia ANSWER

41 BACK TO GAME Vertebrate Diversity $500 Answer According to the fossil record, the genus Homo first arose in _________________. a. North America b. Africa c. Europe d. Asia

42 BACK TO GAME FINAL ROUND Question The Fertile Crescent is in __________. a. Asia b. the Middle East c. Europe d. Australia ANSWER

43 BACK TO GAME FINAL ROUND Answer The Fertile Crescent is in __________. a. Asia b. the Middle East c. Europe d. Australia

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