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Ernest Staats Technology Director MS Information Assurance, CISSP, CEH, CWNA, Security+, MCSE, CNA, I-Net+, Network+, Server+, A+ Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Ernest Staats Technology Director MS Information Assurance, CISSP, CEH, CWNA, Security+, MCSE, CNA, I-Net+, Network+, Server+, A+ Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ernest Staats Technology Director MS Information Assurance, CISSP, CEH, CWNA, Security+, MCSE, CNA, I-Net+, Network+, Server+, A+ Resources available @

2 Social Media is #1

3 Parents feel better informed about teens’ online activity than teens think parents are (29 point Gap) How closely do your parents follow or monitor what you do online or on a cell phone? (45 point Gap ) Social networking sites like Facebook (18 point Gap) Twitter (24 point Gap) Email, Youtube, Instagram (10 point Gap) Two in five teens admit to having posted something online that they later regretted Youth vs Adult Reality

4 Ensure Your Loved Ones Are Protected From Ongoing Threats By: (1) Educating Yourself (2) Setting Guidelines & (3) Installing Parental Control Software

5 Communicate Monitor Report COMMUNICATION

6 Establish rules for online life

7 Golden Rules to Teach 1.Rules from “real” life apply: courtesy, kindness, modesty, dignity, respect for law and others, etc. 2.Don’t talk/txt / MMS strangers 3.Keep personal information private (No cell # on FB) 4.Anything posted on the internet or sent via txt is not private and lasts forever (including photos, videos, etc.) 5.Communicate if you encounter something uncomfortable

8 Anti-virus software Filtering programs e Monitoring software Parental supervision

9 Mobile Technologies

10 Gaming subscriptions/parental-controls/xbox-live-parental-control

11 Text messages, even deleted ones Words in your personal dictionary Facebook contacts Tens of thousands of location pings Every website ever visited What locations you have mapped (SwiftKey - Personalization) Emails going back a month Your photos with geolocation data attached – even if deleted How many times you have checked your email Any application ever installed on your device Just for Fun : Can they get into your VM or fake the caller ID What does Your Phone Know?

12 Teaching safety

13 Vendor Specific options AT&T Smart Limits (English) AT&T Smart Limits (Spanish) Go to AT&T's Site Microsoft Family PACT Go to Microsoft's Xbox Safety Site MySpace Safety Tips Go to MySpace's Safety Center Phone controls 4G/ WIFI NetNanny Parental Controls Go to NetNanny's Software Site SMobile Parental Controls Go to Smobile's Software Site Verizon Parental Controls Go to Verizon's Parental Control Center

14 1.Cell Controls do not work on WIFI 2.TXT control doesn’t work on email I can email a mobile account and chat via email 3.Factory resetting device 4.Use other devices-- iPod touch, Kindle, or other’s device 5. Proxies Bypass Controls

15 1.Use filter on the router and Open DNS 1.Step by step guide on 2.Control internet access time and locations and application install 3.Use an MDM that alerts you when your secure profile is altered is Factory resetting device 4.Knowing about other devices helps--- 5. Set filter to stop bypass proxies both on the router and on Open DNS Counter Bypass

16 Vendor Specific options AT&T Smart Limits (English) Filtering Software

17 Portable Apps to discover passwords and histories Demo portable apps to find history and passwords

18 Go to Jeffrey's Exif Viewer Photo 1 Where was the photo taken of the Police office was the photographer on the sidewalk or somewhere else what kind of device was used to take the photo Second photo Who is in the photo besides the kids? What device was used to take the photo Meta Data Images Hands on

19 Nearly half of teens say they have done each of these things online with someone they don’t know personally: Friended them on a social networking site (49%) Shared movie/TV/game recommendations (49%) Chatted online (44%) Half have shared at least one of the following types of personal information online with someone they don’t know: The city/town where they live (35%) Their first and last names (31%) The school they attend (25%) Their phone number (21%) Teens Report Risky Behaviors

20 Put everything behind password protected walls Protect your password and know who someone is before you friends them Don't post anything your parents, principal or a predator couldn't see What you post online stays online - forever - so, ThinkB4uClick! Don't so or say anything online you wouldn't say offline Get friends okay before posting something about them or their pic online Check what your friends are posting/saying about you Be prepared to attach your Social Profile to your college, job, internship, scholarship or sports team application Social Safety

21 Facebook Security

22 Security Issues Inherent trust “It’s MY PHONE.” Just going to a website one can steal all your info: contacts, text messages, photos, videos, credit card information PIN security – secure or easy to do 1 handed Camera and mic can be turned on Without permission If an APP is free -- WHY?

23 August of 2010, Adam Savage, of “MythBusters,” took a photo of his vehicle using his smartphone. He then posted the photo to his Twitter account including the phrase “off to work.” The image contained metadata reveling the exact geographical location the photo. Savage revealed the exact location of his home, the vehicle he drives and the time he leaves for work. GEO Tagging Read the full story here:

24 Turn off GPS function on phones

25 Text or cell calls can be intercepted easily You never know who is calling you Texting is viral—anything sent in a text can be easily forwarded and shared Never to reveal cell phone numbers or passwords online Sending sexually explicit or provocative images or text messages = You become a registered sex offender for life…. If the cell phone is on it can be triangulated even if the location services are off Any web site or app can get your IP address then it can do a lookup to find where are located and they can also pull a lot of information as well…. Cell Safety Tips

26 Social / Mobile Exposure Demo

27 Facebook Images 275469_100001925656445_30740_n.jpg inurl:100001925656445

28 Software Jpg and PNG metadata striper BatchPurifier LITE Doc Scrubber Website Scrubbing Meta Data

29 Demo U R Being Watched

30 Geolocation tools Great tool for geolocating/tracking Twitter/Foursquare users. Not only pulls coordinates from the posts directly, but can grab them from the EXIF data in pictures they link to.

31 Safe Posting Tips: Use nickname only Change the zip code Use cartoons, drawings, or avatars Make the profile private Ask permission to add a friend

32 22 % girls/18 % boys have electronically sent or posted nude or semi-nude images 1/3 boys ¼ girls have had nude or semi-nude images shared with them 40 percent report posting sexually suggestive messages ½ receive sexually suggestive messages Sexting

33 Do: Understand the Risks Associated with Geotagging Location/GPS data attached to photos Feature in Smartphones and digital cameras Lat/Long Device details “Check-in” feature Facebook Places Google Latitude Foursquare Gowalla “Do’s”

34 Do: Assume the Internet is FOREVER There is no true delete on the internet WWW means World Wide Web Every Picture Every Post Every Detail

35 “Don’ts” Don’t: Grant the Same Access to Everyone Don’t treat all Friends equally Control & customize individual access Do create groups Tractor club Family Set permissions for everything: Your status Photos Postings

36 “Don’ts” Don’t: Depend on SNS’s Security Settings But it’s set to private … right? Hackers Incorrect or incomplete settings They Sell YOU!! Upgrades/site changes “Risks inherent in sharing information” “USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. We do not guarantee that only authorized persons will view your information.”

37 “Don’ts” Don’t: Trust Add-On’s or Applications Plugins, Games, Applications Third Party Software Applications designed to collect data Malicious code Separate terms of use & privacy “We are not responsible for third party circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures.”

38 Tips for Social Networking Safety Evaluate your settings to restrict access. Do not allow social networking sites to scan your email address book. Directly enter the address of your social networking site into your browser. Be careful when using extras on your site. Use strong passwords. Check privacy policies and choose carefully. Stay abreast of the latest tricks, scams, and hoaxes. - The Social Media Guide - debunking email hoaxes and Internet scams - UABs Gary Warner blogs on cyber crime

39 Psalm 101:3 I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar... Set A Standard

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