Criminal Statistics: the nature and extent of crime

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1 Criminal Statistics: the nature and extent of crime
JS118: Week 2 Criminal Statistics: the nature and extent of crime

2 Lecture Outline Types of Research Types of Crime Data
Survey, cohort, experimental, aggregate record, observational, interview Types of Crime Data Official, self-report, victim focused Advantages & Disadvantages of each

3 Types of Research Survey (+/-) Cohort (+/-) Experimental (+/-)
Aggregate record (+/-) Observational (+/-) Interview (+/-)

4 Types of Crime Data Official – UCR, NIBRS Self-Report – NYS
Submitted by official agencies (police, courts, corrections) Self-Report – NYS Interviews with prisoners or citizens (non-clinical sample) who admit their own criminality Victim – NCVS Interviews with citizens who reveal their own victimization

5 Official Data - UCR Uniform Crime Report (1929)
Initiative of the International Association of the Chiefs of Police (IACP) Large database (17,000 police dept’s) Voluntarily collected by police, compiled by FBI Voluntary Part I and Part II Offenses (recall from last week)

6 UCR – Hierarchy Rule PART I List: Murder Rape Robbery
Aggravated Assault Burglary Larceny Arson (1979) MVT Only the most serious offense (MSO) counts B&E, rape, murder, MVT = only murder counts Property: 10 burglaries in one hotel = 1; 10 burglaries in one apt complex = 10 Personal: 1 guy robs a couple = 1 robbery; 1 man assaults 2 people = 2 assaults

7 UCR – Expressing Data Three methods to express crime data:
Raw figures/aggregate numbers 15,567 murders in US in 2000 Change over time Murder rate declined 9.3% b/w 1993 – 1998 Crime rate per 100,000 – 6/100,000 Clearance Rates How much crime is ‘solved’ (arrests/closed)

8 UCR – Pros and Cons Advantages: Aggregate trends across time and space
Data on clearance rates Info on law enforcement personnel Easy to collect Collected since 1930 Relatively inexpensive Disadvantages: Dark figure of crime Unreported Victimless Dependent upon recording practices of police Jurisdictional variation Subject to direct manipulation Why???!!!

9 Updating the UCR - NIBRS
National Incident Based Reporting System Uses 52 data elements Describes victims, offenders, arrestees, circumstances of the crime Level 1 (22 off) and Level 2 (11off) Compare & Contrast UCR with NIBRS

10 Self-Report Data - NYS National Youth Survey (NYS)
Anonymity and Confidentiality encourages accurate disclosure Focuses on juvenile delinquency (Why???!!!)

11 NYS – Pros and Cons Disadvantages: Advantages: No standardized measure
Focus on minor status offenses Sample bias Inaccurate reporting Honesty, recall Fairly expensive Reliability and validity Advantages: Dark figure of crime Demographic information (horse’s mouth) Easy method Etiology of crime (perceptions, attitudes, behaviors) Theory testing

12 Victim Data - NCVS National Crime Victimization Survey
1960s trial on 10,000 households uncovered more crime than we thought went unreported Since 1973; DOJ; 49,000 households Stratified multi-stage cluster sample Every 6 months for 3 years (7 interviews) Household respondent must be 18yo Completion rate: about 90%

13 NCVS – Pros and Cons Disadvantages: Advantages: Inaccurate reporting
Time in sample bias Response bias Method of interview Interviewer effect Movers and stayers Series victimization Missing populations expensive Advantages: Demographics on victims Dark figure of crime Cost of crime Public conceptions of crime and police Characteristics of victims and offenders V-O Relationship Protective measures taken Distribution of crime in time and space

14 Closing… Practice exam question:
Be able to compare and contrast each method of data collection, each type of research and each source of crime data Which source of crime data is the best? Why? Be sure to justify your answer with examples.

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