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NHS Wakefield CCG NHS North Kirklees CCG Consultation on changes to hospital services in North Kirklees and Wakefield District Wakefield public meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS Wakefield CCG NHS North Kirklees CCG Consultation on changes to hospital services in North Kirklees and Wakefield District Wakefield public meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS Wakefield CCG NHS North Kirklees CCG Consultation on changes to hospital services in North Kirklees and Wakefield District Wakefield public meeting – 14 May 2013

2 Process for tonight’s meeting Short presentation on consultation activity to date and emerging output ‘Question Time’ style session led by independent Chairman – Steve Richards  15 minutes on maternity services  15 minutes on inpatient paediatrics  15 minutes on emergency care  15 minutes on surgery  Remainder of time left on any other issues

3 The basis for consultation We are consulting on specific changes in secondary care provision across North Kirklees and Wakefield District – specifically: Surgery Inpatient children’s services Maternity services Emergency care

4 Progress of consultation to date Four public meetings held – c 200 attendees Consultation summary document delivered to 242,000 homes Easy read and other languages versions completed Attended six area forums/neighbourhood network meetings (Wakefield) Attended Area Committee in North Kirklees

5 Working with local groups including those from the nine protected characteristics (Equality Act) Roadshows - 32 completed – 7 others confirmed Drop-in sessions on 9 April and 13 May - others being planned Social media activity Wide range of internal (staff) engagement exercises 968 emails received – 99% responded to Engagement/presentations with Patient Advisory Group

6 Meetings with smaller groups of stakeholders etc Footfall survey at all three hospitals Nine evidence gathering sessions with the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) – one remaining Webchats – first one held on 7 May

7 Activity planned Eight focus groups Staff events Further stakeholder meetings Closing public meetings (x4) Large scale deliberative event Telephone survey for c 1,000 people Engagement with patients, carers and relatives/visitors in wards and outpatient departments at each hospital

8 Consultation output – results to date Separated into qualitative and quantitative areas Quantitative – summary 1,272 postal questionnaires analysed 330 web questionnaires analysed Telephone survey (to be undertaken imminently) Numbers engaged with and communicated with

9 Qualitative – summary Derived from : transcripts of public meetings Emails letters telephone calls roadshows other meetings and events extensive comments made on the feedback form

10 Emerging themes Low level of confidence that proposals will achieve our aims – mainly due to perceived travel and transport difficulties Access to care – particularly children’s services - eg wanting existing services to remain as they are (particularly Dewsbury area) Dissatisfaction with appointments systems Concerns mainly coming from North Kirklees area Postal survey responses more confident proposals will achieve aims than online respondents Responses from all areas and a wide demographic

11 Next steps Consultation closes 31 May Analysis of consultation output and final report produced by independent experts Report considered at major key stakeholder deliberative event 2 July Report with recommendations from stakeholder deliberative event considered by joint board of North Kirklees and Wakefield CCGs making decision on proposals on 25 July

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