The Metrics of the Classroom Todd Benzin Classroom Technology Supervisor Buffalo State.

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2 The Metrics of the Classroom Todd Benzin Classroom Technology Supervisor Buffalo State

3 WARNING! Some silos were damaged during the making of this presentation!

4 Why do we need to keep track? To watch trends in what our faculty are using To be proactive about maintenance/troubleshooting To inform new construction/renovations For annual reports So we don’t have to move as much ???

5 What does Buffalo State use? Extron GlobalViewer Enterprise (1.3.1) Crestron Fusion RV (9.3.0016.09) Banner Sassafras K2 R25

6 Extron GlobalViewer Enterprise Originally integrated in 2011 with an existing set of approximately 60 System 5 IP controllers I attended Extron Configurable Control Systems (ECCS) training in Toronto in order to obtain a grant to cover the cost of software and commissioning The system grew to a peak of 86 rooms in 10 different buildings Help from Extron and our Computing Services crew to set up server space on campus Most configuring was done by me

7 The GlobalViewer Help Desk

8 GlobalViewer Reports/Logs

9 GlobalViewer Lamp and Filter Hours

10 GlobalViewer Reports/Logs

11 GlobalViewer Input Source Report

12 Global Viewer Input Source Chart

13 GlobalViewer Reports/Logs

14 Crestron Fusion RoomView (RV) Integrated in 2013 Currently populated with 78 rooms Are not currently set up for e-Control of rooms, and reporting is still buggy Our aggressive construction/renovation schedule has prevented us from doing thorough set up and testing No real support materials or training available unless you take Crestron Level 2 programming

15 Fusion Reporting

16 Fusion Report Choices

17 Fusion System Usage Report

18 What are we seeing? In a sample of 83 classrooms with Extron controllers:

19 What are we seeing? (cont.) 78 displays on for 43206.36 hrs. in 2013-14 84 displays on for 54666.14 hrs. in 2014-15 – Assuming similar skews each year in terms of equipment being left on when not actually in use, the numbers still seem to suggest a significant increase (+17.49%) in equipment usage On newer systems, we will be able to track VHS use

20 What does Buffalo State use? Extron GlobalViewer Enterprise (1.3.1) Crestron Fusion RV (9.3.0016.09) Banner Sassafras K2 R25

21 Banner Banner is the SUNY Buffalo State online student information and registration system. Provides reporting based on: – Instructional Method (Traditional, Hybrid, Online, etc.) – Buildings/Rooms – Departments/Subjects/Classes/Instructors – Class Sizes – Semesters – Times/Days of the Week

22 Room scheduled hours/equipment use

23 Sassafras K2 ( “K2 discovers the software you have, tracks who is using it and how often, and shows you how much you actually need.” – Verify and enforce licensing compliance – Monitor and analyze usage to quickly save $ – Manage Windows, Mac, Linux, and Virtual Computers – Install in 5 minutes – Industry leading support – 25 years of award winning experience and standards creation

24 SMART Board Usage

25 Classroom Instructional Labs Comparison & Use Fall 2014

26 Fall Data Set August 25 – December 11, 2014 8 am - 9 pm Monday – Friday Holidays and snow days removed 897 available hours of use

27 Fall Data Set CAUD 211 now BUCK A108 Did not include TECH 259 19 labs fall 2013 data set 23 labs spring 2014 data set 22 labs in fall 2014 data set

28 Calculations in Hours K2 login report provides total login time in hours:minutes * number student stations in lab = use (hours logged on) 897 available hours * number student stations in lab = hours available for use

29 Example Lab A with 25 student stations x 897 available scheduled hours = 22,425 total available hours K2 login report shows the total login time of 167.08 x 25= 4,177 hours of actual use 19%



32 As a result... No new labs will be built on campus Any requests for more computers in labs must go through technology governance More talk at the Dean level about sharing lab spaces within schools

33 What does Buffalo State use? Extron GlobalViewer Enterprise (1.3.1) Crestron Fusion RV (9.3.0016.09) Banner Sassafras K2 R25

34 Scheduling and Resource Management Software Has already been in use inconsistently for Events Management and Registrar’s Office This month begins a series of meetings of Resource25/Live stakeholders to push forward a Cabinet-approved plan to use R25 for all event and classroom reservations Will allow possible future integration with GlobalViewer and Fusion to allow for remote room control and better statistics

35 Conclusions Silos are comin’ down! We have quicker ways to get more complete statistics on a variety of technologies throughout campus We can fairly easily track over longer time periods In some cases these statistics are actually leading to changes in the way we think about and purchase technology on campus Sometimes the cost is minimal, but sometimes it is exorbitant

36 Questions Is it worth the time to break down statistics by School/Subject, Time/Day of the Week, Type of Equipment? Can tracking the use of certain rooms inform our future renovation decisions? Are higher ups really paying attention to this? Do these tools make us better at our jobs? Can these numbers really help us get more staff? ???

37 Contact Information Todd Benzin Classroom Technology Supervisor, Buffalo State 716-878-4538

38 STC Conference Survey


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