President of the United States Job Description Succession and Vice-President.

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Presentation on theme: "President of the United States Job Description Succession and Vice-President."— Presentation transcript:

1 President of the United States Job Description Succession and Vice-President

2 Presidential Roles 1.Chief of State Ceremonial head of the United States Government Symbol of all the people of the nation President reigns and rules “the personal embodiment and representative of their dignity and majesty”

3 2.Chief Executive Sees that the Nation’s laws are carried out Vested by the Constitution with “the Executive Power” of the United States Broad powers domestically and internationally - foreign affairs Most powerful office in the world

4 3.Chief Administrator Heads the largest government machine: The Federal Bureaucracy Directs an administration that employs 3 million people and spends ~ $1.5 trillion per year

5 4.Chief Diplomat Determines Foreign Policy Main architect of American Foreign Policy The United States chief spokesperson to the rest of the world

6 5.Commander in Chief Commands the United States’ armed forces 2 million men and women are in the US armed forces All of the power of the military and its arsenal are at his disposal

7 6.Chief Legislator Proposes laws to Congress Main architect of public policy - what the people want Sets the shape of the Congressional agenda

8 7.Party Chief The acknowledged leader of his political party His political party controls the Executive Branch - the party in power

9 8.Chief Citizen Expected to be the representative of all of the American people Works for and represents public interest against private interests “place of moral leadership” - FDR

10 Three formal requirements to be President: Natural born citizen 35 years old Lived in the United States for at least 14 years. Three formal requirements to be President: Natural born citizen 35 years old Lived in the United States for at least 14 years.

11 / Presidential Term of Office / 4 years / According to the 22nd Amendment, the president can only serve two term or a total of 10 years / Presidential Term of Office / 4 years / According to the 22nd Amendment, the president can only serve two term or a total of 10 years

12 Table 1. GSA Allowances for Former Presidents -08 Allowance Widows Carter Bush Clinton Pension $0 $191,000 $191,000 $201,000 Staff Salaries 0 96,000 96,000 96,000 Staff Benefits 0 2,000 64,000 65,000 Travel 0 2,000 56,000 50,000 Rental Payments 102,000 175,000 516,000 Telephone 0 10,000 17,000 79,000 Postage 12,000 15,000 13,000 15,000 Other Services 0 83,000 76,000 65,000 Printing 0 5,000 14,000 14,000 Supplies 0 5,000 15,000 26,000 Equipment 0 7,000 69,000 35,000 TOTAL $12,000 $518,000 $786,000 $1,162,000

13 Presidential Benefits / $50,000 expense account / $100,000 travel account / $190,000 entertainment account / Homes: White House Camp David, MD / Transportation: limos, Airforce One, (jet) Airforce Two, (helicopter), USS Sequoia, (yacht) / $50,000 expense account / $100,000 travel account / $190,000 entertainment account / Homes: White House Camp David, MD / Transportation: limos, Airforce One, (jet) Airforce Two, (helicopter), USS Sequoia, (yacht)

14 / Who is the first lady? / President’s wife - Michelle Obama / Who is the President of the US? / Barack Obama / / Who is the first lady? / President’s wife - Michelle Obama / Who is the President of the US? / Barack Obama /

15 Presidential Succession Who comes next?

16 Presidential Succession Who becomes president if Barack Obama can not longer hold the office? John Boehner Joe Biden Daniel Inouye Hillary ClintonTimothy Geithner Who is next? Place the correct names on your worksheet, #’s 1 - 5.

17 1. Vice-President: Joe Biden 2. Speaker of the House: John Boehner 3. President Pro Tempore of the Senate: Daniel Inouye 4. Secretary of State: Hilary Clinton 5. Secretary of Treasury: Timothy Geithner

18 25th Amendment “in case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice-President shall become President” Purpose: orderly change of the head of government Constitution did not address what should be done if something happened to the President.

19 Presidential Succession Act of 1947 Congress adopted the order of succession following the Vice-President Was an Act of Congress, not an amendment to the Constitution Purpose was to fix the order of succession - no debate

20 Presidential Disability The 25th Amendment, sections 3 & 4 discuss what should be done if the President was disabled. VP becomes “acting” Pres. if: –1. President informs Congress, in writing, he is unable to work or –2. VP & a majority of cabinet members inform Congress in writing

21 Vice-Presidential Duties the first vice president, described it as "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived. ” John Adams The Constitution says very little, two formal duties: 1. Presides over the Senate 2. Helps to decide the question of Presidential disability

22 When running for office, the Presidential candidate selects who he would like as Vice Pres. President also selects the new Vice Pres. when there is a vacancy in the office. The President can not fire the Vice President. - Why?

23 Recent Roles of Vice-President More Vice-Presidents recently have had active roles in the administration Advisor to President on specific issues –Jimmy Carter 1st Pres. To give his VP, Walter Mondale, an office in the west wing of the White House –Al Gore was Clinton’s advisor on foreign policy and the environment

24 Electoral College Responsible for electing the President and the Vice President Founding Fathers had two purposes: –Wanted states involved in electing the Pres. –Protect the country from ill-informed populace Each state has same number of electors as representatives to Congress and Washington DC has 3 = 538 total electors

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